34 min

The true cost of high quality food vs cheap processed food A Joy To Be Me

    • Nutrition

* SUPPORT THE SHOW * Donations appreciated (PayPal Me) In this episode, I unpack a common mindset many people have around switching over to real food from a processed food diet. As well as from sourcing the BEST quality food in general from local farms doing it right. We are seeing a price increase across the board in our food purchases, so I thought now was a good to share some thoughts on how to invest well in our food with health in mind. I share my thoughts and tips on ways to strategical...

* SUPPORT THE SHOW * Donations appreciated (PayPal Me) In this episode, I unpack a common mindset many people have around switching over to real food from a processed food diet. As well as from sourcing the BEST quality food in general from local farms doing it right. We are seeing a price increase across the board in our food purchases, so I thought now was a good to share some thoughts on how to invest well in our food with health in mind. I share my thoughts and tips on ways to strategical...

34 min