37 min

A Time of Transition: Episode 30 - Astrological Events of Mar 15 - 22 2021 Venus Rises

    • Spirituality






A Time of Transition: Episode 30 - Astrological Events of Mar 15 - 22 2021

This week holds the magic of a bardo period as we navigate the last degrees of Pisces and the astrological year dissolves and renews. We are in the last bits of the balsamic period for the entire year.

Before we move into the invigorating energy of rebirth and springtime, take a final swim in the watery depths of Pisces. This is an opportunity to shed calcified and imposed identities we have been carrying. This week we can release the weight of the past and the parts of ourselves we don’t wish to carry forward with forgiveness and compassion. The renewed authenticity you find in the space of letting go is the seed you will plant and nurture throughout the coming year. This is a chance to reinvent and reinvest in ourselves. It’s a time of extraordinary sensitivity and raw potential as we sit poised between form and formlessness. We are bridging the past and the future. Transitions are never easy, so be gentle with yourself and everyone around you. Next week we hit the ground running - be sure you are rested and ready.

The Wallpaper:

Mercury enters Pisces

Sun into Aries

Venus into Aries

The Week:

Monday March 15: A Feeling Kind of Thinking

Mercury enters Pisces

Tuesday March 16: Hope for the Future

Moon into Taurus

Sun in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn

Wednesday March 17: A Felt Pattern Recognition

Mercury Conjunct Pallas in Pisces

Thursday March 18: Graceful Changes

Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn

Moon into Gemini

Friday March 19: Flexible Yet Excited

Moon conjunct Mars

Venus at the degree of her exaltation in Pisces

Saturday March 20: Posed Between Form and Formlessness

Sun enters Aries

Spring Equinox

Sunday March 21: Bold and Passionate Surrender

Moon enters Cancer

Venus enters Aries

Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus

Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius

The Supports:

Working with the Planets:

Flower Essence: Walnut, the remedy of transition and rites of passage

Stone: Amethyst, known as “the soul stone”, helps us bring the emotional body back to center, aids in releasing grief and finding flow with wisdom greater than the self






A Time of Transition: Episode 30 - Astrological Events of Mar 15 - 22 2021

This week holds the magic of a bardo period as we navigate the last degrees of Pisces and the astrological year dissolves and renews. We are in the last bits of the balsamic period for the entire year.

Before we move into the invigorating energy of rebirth and springtime, take a final swim in the watery depths of Pisces. This is an opportunity to shed calcified and imposed identities we have been carrying. This week we can release the weight of the past and the parts of ourselves we don’t wish to carry forward with forgiveness and compassion. The renewed authenticity you find in the space of letting go is the seed you will plant and nurture throughout the coming year. This is a chance to reinvent and reinvest in ourselves. It’s a time of extraordinary sensitivity and raw potential as we sit poised between form and formlessness. We are bridging the past and the future. Transitions are never easy, so be gentle with yourself and everyone around you. Next week we hit the ground running - be sure you are rested and ready.

The Wallpaper:

Mercury enters Pisces

Sun into Aries

Venus into Aries

The Week:

Monday March 15: A Feeling Kind of Thinking

Mercury enters Pisces

Tuesday March 16: Hope for the Future

Moon into Taurus

Sun in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn

Wednesday March 17: A Felt Pattern Recognition

Mercury Conjunct Pallas in Pisces

Thursday March 18: Graceful Changes

Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn

Moon into Gemini

Friday March 19: Flexible Yet Excited

Moon conjunct Mars

Venus at the degree of her exaltation in Pisces

Saturday March 20: Posed Between Form and Formlessness

Sun enters Aries

Spring Equinox

Sunday March 21: Bold and Passionate Surrender

Moon enters Cancer

Venus enters Aries

Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus

Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius

The Supports:

Working with the Planets:

Flower Essence: Walnut, the remedy of transition and rites of passage

Stone: Amethyst, known as “the soul stone”, helps us bring the emotional body back to center, aids in releasing grief and finding flow with wisdom greater than the self

37 min