424 episodes

Our Podcast aimed for everyone. A Voice In The Desert motto is “Everyone’s welcome because nobody’s perfect, but we believe that anything’s possible.” A Voice in The Desert aims to be culturally relevant when talking about God’s Word in Our Time. Plus a lot of other very important topics to our times.

A Voice in The Desert Podcast Cesar Castro

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 5.0 • 1 Rating

Our Podcast aimed for everyone. A Voice In The Desert motto is “Everyone’s welcome because nobody’s perfect, but we believe that anything’s possible.” A Voice in The Desert aims to be culturally relevant when talking about God’s Word in Our Time. Plus a lot of other very important topics to our times.

    The Holy Spirit as My Comforter in Times of Trials

    The Holy Spirit as My Comforter in Times of Trials

    The Holy Spirit as My Comforter in Times of Trials
    In the journey of life, we often encounter trials that test our faith, resilience, and emotional fortitude. During these challenging moments, many believers find solace and strength in the presence of the Holy Spirit, often referred to as the Comforter. This article explores the role of the Holy Spirit in providing comfort, guidance, and strength during difficult times, drawing upon biblical references and personal testimonies to illustrate this profound relationship.
    Understanding the Holy Spirit
    The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, co-equal and co-eternal with God the Father and God the Son. Throughout Scripture, the Holy Spirit is depicted as a counselor, helper, and guide. In John 14:16-17, Jesus promises His disciples that He will ask the Father to send them another Comforter, who will be with them forever. This Comforter is crucial for believers, acting as an ever-present source of strength and comfort.

    • 12 min
    La Gloria De Dios

    La Gloria De Dios

    La esperanza escatológica con respecto al hombre significa: hombre en tensión esperanzada hacia el último fin de la visión beatífica. Para nosotros, escatológicamente, significa nuestra verdad: Dios con nosotros en gloria.

    • 20 min
    La palabra de fe

    La palabra de fe

    Algunas de nuestras supuestas oraciones no son las oraciones normales que solemos dar. Son lo que la Biblia llama una “palabra de fe”. La palabra de fe es cuando hablamos directamente de la situación, como Jesús enseñó en Mateo capítulo diecisiete. Una oración es cuando hacemos una petición a Dios. Esta breve “oración o palabra de fe no es hablarle a Dios sino hablarle a la enfermedad, al espíritu maligno o a la montaña en tu vida. Aunque no estés hablando directamente con Dios, aun así entra en la definición de oración porque Dios es quien responde. Hacer esto sin Dios sería una pérdida de tiempo. La palabra de fe es, a veces, espontánea. La persona que habla una palabra de fe comprende su autoridad en Cristo. Muchas veces, cuando oramos, le pedimos a Dios que haga exactamente lo que nos dijo que hiciéramos. Aquí es cuando debemos dar la “palabra de fe”. En el libro de Mateo, Jesús dijo: "Di a este monte". Repasemos este pasaje tan importante.
    Mateo 21:19-22
    Y cuando vio una higuera en el camino, se acercó a ella, y no encontró nada en ella, sino sólo hojas, y le dijo: Nunca más crezca de ti fruto. Y al poco tiempo la higuera se secó.
    20 Y cuando los discípulos vieron esto, se maravillaron, diciendo: ¡Cuán pronto se seca la higuera!
    21 Respondió Jesús y les dijo: De cierto os digo, que si tenéis
    fe, y no dudéis, no sólo haréis esto que se le hace a la higuera, sino también si diréis a este monte: Quítate y échate en el mar; debe ser hecho.
    22 Y todo lo que pidáis en oración, creyendo, lo recibiréis.
    Miremos de cerca los ejemplos de Jesús y cómo enseña este principio de la palabra de fe. En el versículo once, le habla a un objeto inanimado. ¿Tiene un árbol oídos para oír? En el reino espiritual, sí. ¿Como sabemos? Jesús le dijo al árbol: “Nunca más jamás crezca en ti fruto”. ¿Respondió el árbol? Sí lo hizo. Se marchitó y murió en el acto. Jesús ejemplificó audazmente lo que estaba enseñando. Entonces, les dijo (a nosotros) que habláramos con la montaña y la quitarían.

    • 14 min
    Strategies for Christian Maturity: Proclamation, Warning, and Teaching in the Context of Christ-Centered Growth

    Strategies for Christian Maturity: Proclamation, Warning, and Teaching in the Context of Christ-Centered Growth

    Strategies for Christian Maturity: Proclamation, Warning, and Teaching in the Context of Christ-Centered Growth
    Introduction to Christian Maturity
    Therefore, this section within a section deals with the goal of the life that God gives in Jesus Christ. It is a message given in the context of the need of the church, that it might not only be saved itself, but also might participate in the saving of others. This is the essence of both maturity and discipleship.
    An integral part of the message we proclaim is the grand goal of all life, whether mothers work in homes, students go to school, workers occupy jobs, or leaders make decisions. All these activities, and a thousand more, exist to help the people of God grow in their understanding and realization of the glory of God. In fact, in many ways the total message of the Bible can be brought down to the single point of calling people to grow as mature Christians. It is certainly a good and valid approach to see the Scriptures focused upon mankind's sin and God's salvation. It is also right to concentrate upon the grand and glorious theme of divine love and its extension through Jesus Christ to everyone that believes. But beyond salvation, there must be life, for the whole purpose of salvation is life.

    • 13 min
    The Impact of Censorship on Religious Expression in Modern Society

    The Impact of Censorship on Religious Expression in Modern Society

    Do not forget that modern censorship is enacted now through a prism of secular life. And do not doubt for a single moment that secular and scientific living produces new systems of censorial control over religious expression. The message begins with a discussion of the influence of tacit human belief in the recent acts of scientific censorship via digital platforms. This, in turn, invites reflections on what modern, mostly Western media censorship now looks like and how that affects thought and lives. A short methodological overview and some historical perspective will follow. The meat of the essay will be spent exploring all these described connections and relational axes, and subsequently offer a case study in the form of the recent Austrian COVID laws. Finally, some concluding notes discuss future considerations for media censorship in times of religious revival.

    • 15 min
    Nocturnal Terror Dreams: Finding Peace Through Faith

    Nocturnal Terror Dreams: Finding Peace Through Faith

    Hi all, welcome to A Voice in the Desert. It’s a pleasure to have you join us today in sharing God’s word with you. It's our sincerest desire that today’s message will uplift you, strengthen your faith, and guide you in your walk with Jesus Christ. And now we leave you with our host in today’s message: relax and enjoy.
    Hi, welcome to A Voice in the Desert. Great to be with you, as always. Today, we’re going to be speaking about the word of God, like we always do when we gather together. The topic of today’s message is nocturnal terror dreams. As a Christian minister, it’s my duty to address this issue with wisdom and guidance rooted in the word of God. Let us delve into this profound subject and seek solace and understanding in the scriptures.

    • 7 min

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