39 episodes

This is Acquire, the podcast that delves deep into the world of list building and online events, designed to empower entrepreneurs and marketers with the knowledge and strategies to master these essential business growth tactics.

I'm your host, Jennie Wright, a list building and lead generation expert, with over 375 online events under my belt.

Acquire brings you actionable insights, expert interviews, and success stories from entrepreneurs and industry leaders who have achieved remarkable results through their list building efforts and successful online events.

Catch the show each week and discover where the art of list building and the magic of online events come together to unleash your business's true potential.

Acquire Jennie Wright

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 2 Ratings

This is Acquire, the podcast that delves deep into the world of list building and online events, designed to empower entrepreneurs and marketers with the knowledge and strategies to master these essential business growth tactics.

I'm your host, Jennie Wright, a list building and lead generation expert, with over 375 online events under my belt.

Acquire brings you actionable insights, expert interviews, and success stories from entrepreneurs and industry leaders who have achieved remarkable results through their list building efforts and successful online events.

Catch the show each week and discover where the art of list building and the magic of online events come together to unleash your business's true potential.

    Episode 38: How AI is Revolutionizing Content Creation with Deirdre Tshien and Katie Brinkley

    Episode 38: How AI is Revolutionizing Content Creation with Deirdre Tshien and Katie Brinkley

    Curious about how AI is transforming content creation?
    In this episode of Acquire, I sit down with two fantastic guests, Deirdre Tshien and Katie Brinkley, to discuss the impact of AI tools in the digital world. We cover the real influence of AI on content creation and the essential role of human input.
    Get ready for an engaging conversation packed with practical tips, personal experiences, and actionable strategies!
    On This Week’s Episode, We Discuss:Our Experience at the AI for Content Entrepreneurs Event: Deirdre and Katie share insights from the event hosted by Joe Polizzi, revealing the latest trends and challenges in AI for content creation.Human Input in AI Content Creation: We explore why guiding AI with human input is crucial for maintaining quality and authenticity in your content.Using Capsho for Podcasts: Katie discusses how she uses Capsho for her podcast and clients, highlighting the importance of preserving your unique tone and style.Training CAPTCHA Next Gen: Deirdre talks about the time and effort required to train AI tools like CAPTCHA Next Gen for custom tone of voice and soft skills.The Pitfalls of Over-Reliance on AI: Real-world examples of businesses that faced challenges due to improper AI training and over-dependence on technology.AI as a Complementary Tool: We agree that AI should be used in conjunction with human input, showcasing how AI tools can enhance, not replace, content creation efforts.Social Media Impact and Strategy: Katie shares her four-post strategy for Instagram and LinkedIn, emphasizing the need for a thoughtful approach to social media.Finding and Engaging the Right Audience: Deirdre and Katie discuss the importance of engaging with the ideal audience and building effective digital strategies.Marketing Strategies and Podcast Performance: Insights into how intentional content creation and targeted social media marketing can boost your podcast downloads and overall performance.The Power of "The Social Shift": Katie’s book and speaking opportunities, offering a deep dive into her social media strategies and podcast intensives.
    Join us as we explore the world of AI, content creation, and social media strategies with our exceptional guests, Deirdre Tshien and Katie Brinkley. Stay tuned for valuable insights and actionable strategies that can elevate your content creation and social media presence!
    Resources:Capsho: https://www.capsho.com/waitlist
    Katie’s book—The Social Shift: https://katiebrinkley.com/book/
    Connect with Deirdre: Dierdre’s website: https://www.capsho.com/
    Follow Dierdre on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deirdretshien/
    Connect with Katie:Follow Katie on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamkatiebrinkley/
    Connect with Katie on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katiebrinkley/
    Listen to Katie’s podcast - Rocky Mountain Marketing Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/rocky-mountain-marketing/id1506956667
    Connect with JennieConnect with me here
    Want to grow your email list or launch your next product

    • 37 min
    Episode 37: The Psychology Behind Turning Freebies Into Profitable Sales Assets

    Episode 37: The Psychology Behind Turning Freebies Into Profitable Sales Assets

    Curious about the secret psychological triggers that make lead magnets irresistible and highly effective?
    Today I’m excited to share some powerful strategies on how to transform your freebies into sales machines. We'll be exploring the fascinating psychology behind lead magnets and how you can leverage these principles to drive your business growth.
    On This Week’s Episode, We Discuss:The Psychology Behind Freebies: First, we’ll explore the psychology behind freebies, starting with the reciprocity principle. You’ll learn why people feel compelled to reciprocate when they receive something for free and how this can boost your sales. We’ll also discuss the low risk, high reward principle, showing you how lead magnets reduce perceived risk for potential customers, allowing them to try out your offerings without any financial commitment. Additionally, we’ll delve into the foot-in-the-door technique, explaining how small initial commitments can pave the way for larger, more significant purchases in the future. Enhancing the perceived value of your brand through well-crafted free offers that leave a lasting impression is another key point we’ll cover.Lead Generation Techniques: Next, we’ll dive into lead generation techniques. You’ll discover how to utilize effective freebies such as checklists, templates, and how-to guides to generate leads and build your email list. We’ll also explore leveraging social proof and virality to encourage sharing and expand your reach, ensuring your free offers gain maximum visibility and impact.Trial and Trust Strategies: We’ll then discuss trial and trust strategies. Offering free samples or trial periods allows potential customers to experience your product firsthand before making a purchase, building trust and increasing the likelihood of conversions.Scarcity and Urgency in Marketing: Creating a sense of urgency through scarcity and urgency in marketing is our next focus. We’ll examine how limited-time offers and exclusive freebies can prompt immediate action, driving higher conversion rates and making your marketing efforts more effective.Creating a Sales Machine: Finally, we’ll cover creating a sales machine. This involves understanding your audience’s goals and pain points to create a value ladder that meets their needs. We’ll discuss structuring your offers in a logical sequence from low-cost to core products to high-end offers, enhancing the buying journey. Maintaining consistent messaging and optimizing landing pages for higher conversion rates are crucial elements we’ll explore. Additionally, we’ll look at how to implement email marketing automation, track analytics, and continuously refine your strategy to improve results.
    In this episode, we’ve uncovered the secrets to turning freebies into profitable sales assets. By understanding and implementing these psychological principles and strategies, you can enhance your lead generation efforts, boost sales, and build a successful sales machine.
    Remember, optimizing your freebies is a key part of a revenue-generating life cycle. And if you’re looking for personalized guidance, I’m offering audits to help you refine your lead magnet strategies and drive your business forward.
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    • 25 min
    Episode 36: Crafting Impactful Events: Strategies for Success from Event Planning Expert Karrington Warfield

    Episode 36: Crafting Impactful Events: Strategies for Success from Event Planning Expert Karrington Warfield

    Do you want to know the secrets behind successful event planning, from choosing the right speakers to generating significant revenue through strategic offers and partnerships?
    Today we’re focusing on the ever-evolving landscape of online events. We’ll explore strategies for planning, executing, and maximizing the potential of these events to ensure they’re impactful and successful.
    I’m thrilled to have a special guest with me today, Karrington Warfield. Karrington is an event strategy coach, author, and speaker with a wealth of experience in corporate event planning and executive-level leadership retreats. Together, we’re going to unpack the challenges and opportunities in event planning and discuss the crucial elements that contribute to successful events in today’s context.
    On This Week’s Episode, We Discuss:The Evolving Landscape of Events in 2024: How event planning has changed post-pandemic and what strategies are now essential for planning and executing successful events.Karrington’s Passion for Event Planning: Karrington shares her love for planning conferences, with a focus on engaging elements like keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and networking opportunities that make events unforgettable.The Rise of Hybrid Events: The growing trend of hybrid events and the need to create innovative experiences that cater to diverse attendee needs and budgets.Challenges in Event Planning: The importance of public speaking, selling products, and effective event management for entrepreneurs, and how to overcome these common challenges.Impact of Speakers and Event Durations: Insights into how the choice of speakers and event durations can influence attendee experience and engagement.Managing Event Fatigue: Strategies to combat event fatigue, including planning during off-peak seasons to save on venue costs and keeping energy levels high.Event Planners vs. Strategists: The distinction between event planners and strategists, focusing on creativity and experience-driven planning to elevate events.Using Technology to Enhance Events: How drones and other technologies can enhance online experiences and why smaller to mid-sized conferences are often more manageable and impactful.Revenue Generation at Events: The importance of bringing in experts to close deals, financial planning for hosting, and generating revenue through tailored offers and financing options.Key Factors for Event Success: Essential elements like goal setting, understanding your audience, adding value, and aligning speakers, with a focus on the financial benefits of hiring influential speakers.
    This week's episode is packed with valuable insights and practical tips for entrepreneurs, marketers, and event organizers. Whether you're looking to elevate your events or maximize their impact, there’s something here for everyone. Tune in and let's take your event planning to the next level!
    Connect with KarringtonFollow Karrington on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karringtonwar/
    Follow Karrington on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karrington.warfield
    Connect with Karrington on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karrington-warfield-38886635/
    Connect with JennieConnect with me here
    Want to grow your email list or launch your next product to a ready list of leads? Let’s talk...

    • 49 min
    Episode 35: Craft Irresistible Lead Magnets: Insider Tips for Building Trust

    Episode 35: Craft Irresistible Lead Magnets: Insider Tips for Building Trust

    Are you struggling to create lead magnets that truly connect with your audience and convert like clockwork?
    Today we're diving deep into the world of lead magnets. Join me as I share insights gleaned from over a decade in the business trenches. From the frustrations of crafting lackluster lead magnets to the exhilaration of unleashing high-converting ones, I'll be spilling all the secrets on how to create offers that truly resonate with your audience's pain points.
    Get ready to discover the importance of delivering high-value content, designing user-friendly landing pages, and implementing savvy promotion tactics that will take your lead generation game to the next level.
    On This Week’s Episode, We Discuss:
    Understanding Lead Magnets: Ever wondered why lead magnets are the holy grail of list building? I'm breaking it down for you. Learn how these little gems attract your ideal clients and lay the groundwork for long-term connections.Identifying Pain Points: Picture this: you've got an amazing lead magnet, but it's falling flat. Why? Because you missed the mark on addressing your audience's pain points. I'll share my own missteps and show you how to hit the bullseye every time.Creating High-Value Content: When it comes to lead magnets, content is king. But not just any content – it has to be high-value, actionable, and irresistible. Tune in as I spill the beans on crafting guides, tutorials, and resources that your audience will devour.Designing Compelling Opt-in Forms and Landing Pages: Your lead magnet is only as good as its delivery system. I'll walk you through the key elements of killer opt-in forms and landing pages that turn curious visitors into loyal subscribers.Effective Promotion Strategies: You've got your lead magnet – now what? It's time to spread the word! I'll share my top-notch promotion strategies to get your lead magnet in front of the right eyes, from social media to email campaigns and beyond.
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    • 25 min
    Episode 34: Learning from Launch Setbacks: Julia Block Pearson's Path to DIY Social Club Success

    Episode 34: Learning from Launch Setbacks: Julia Block Pearson's Path to DIY Social Club Success

    Are you ready to uncover the secrets to success even in the face of setbacks?
    Join me on this episode of Acquire, as we delve into the inspiring journey of Julia Block Pearson, CEO of Stratos Creative Marketing. Together, we'll explore how Julia turned her launch setbacks into triumphs, paving the way for the remarkable success of the DIY Social Club.
    Get ready for an episode packed with insights, strategies, and invaluable lessons to fuel your entrepreneurial journey.
    On This Week’s Episode, We Discuss:
    The Power of Resilience: Join us as we uncover how Julia overcame adversity and corporate challenges, emerging stronger and more resilient than ever before. Hear firsthand accounts of triumph over adversity and the invaluable lessons learned along the way.Navigating Business Expansion: Explore Julia's journey of business expansion and decision-making, including the challenges of saying no and the importance of focusing on perfecting current business operations before venturing into new territories.Harnessing the Art of Storytelling: Uncover the transformative power of personal storytelling in business as Julia and I discuss its profound impact on connecting with audiences, fostering trust, and attracting ideal clients who resonate with your narrative.Innovating with the DIY Social Club: Get an insider's look into Julia's innovative DIY social media process, the DIY Social Club, designed to empower budget-conscious entrepreneurs to amplify their online presence. Learn from the challenges and successes of its launch and evolution.Lead Generation Strategies: Dive into effective lead generation tactics and debunk common misconceptions surrounding marketing innovation. Discover tried-and-tested methods for cultivating strong leads and maximizing your online presence.Collaborative Mindset and Community Building: Embrace the power of collaboration over competition as Julia and I discuss the significance of fostering a supportive community within the industry. Learn how collaboration can fuel growth, creativity, and collective success.
    Whether you're facing setbacks or striving for greater heights, this episode of Acquire is packed with actionable strategies and inspiration to propel you forward. Tune in and learn from the remarkable journey of Julia Block Pearson on her path to DIY Social Club success!
    Don't Forget to Follow and Review:
    Loving Acquire? Make sure to follow and leave a review on Apple Podcasts! Your reviews help me reach and help more entrepreneurs like you. Head over to Apple Podcasts, rate us with five stars, and share your favorite moment from today’s episode!
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    • 43 min
    Episode 33: 6 Tiny Email Marketing Tweaks For Big Results

    Episode 33: 6 Tiny Email Marketing Tweaks For Big Results

    Are you tired of the spray-and-pray approach to email marketing? In this episode, we're peeling back the curtain on the magic of email campaigns, revealing tips and tricks that will leave your subscribers hungry for more.
    On This Week’s Episode, We Discuss:
    Overlooked Opportunities in Affiliate Marketing: Discover how a simple oversight in affiliate marketing can lead to missed opportunities. I share a real-life example where a client failed to integrate affiliates into their email campaigns, resulting in a disconnect between promotion and engagement.Importance of Segmentation: I emphasize the critical role of segmentation in delivering tailored content to your audience. Learn how to avoid overwhelming subscribers with irrelevant information and harness the power of niche-adjacent content to drive engagement.Effective Personalization Techniques: Go beyond basic personalization tactics and learn how to leverage personalization tokens to create more meaningful interactions with your subscribers. I'll show you how to reference customers' previous interactions to enhance engagement.Reengagement Surveys and Self-Selection: Unlock the potential of reengagement surveys to gather direct feedback from your audience and tailor your content accordingly. Discover the power of self-selection in refining your email marketing strategies and maximizing subscriber engagement.Cultivating Two-Way Conversations: Explore strategies for fostering meaningful interactions with your audience and creating an open dialogue within your email communications. I'll share actionable advice on how to nurture engagement and encourage feedback.Elevating Email Marketing Beyond Subject Lines: While subject lines are crucial, there's more to optimizing your email campaigns than meets the eye. Learn how to leverage tailored content, segmentation, and self-selection to maintain subscriber engagement and reduce attrition rates.
    Discover the power of segmentation and learn how to tailor your content to specific audiences, skyrocketing your engagement rates to new heights. Tune in now!
    Don't Forget to Follow and Review:
    Loving Acquire? Make sure to follow and leave a review on Apple Podcasts! Your reviews help me reach and help more entrepreneurs like you. Head over to Apple Podcasts, rate us with five stars, and share your favorite moment from today’s episode!
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    • 13 min

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Bona and Team Capsho ,

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This podcast comes across as a candid, insightful guide, peppered with actionable advice for those navigating the entrepreneurial seas. It's less about theoretical knowledge, more about real-world, actionable steps, making it a grounded listen for anyone looking to tactically advance their business journey.

Bona and Team Capsho!

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