81 episodes

Welcome to the Ask Canada Immigration Lawyer Evelyn Ackah podcast. I answer your questions about moving to Canada and the US for work, for family, for life.

Ask Canada Immigration Lawyer Evelyn Ackah Evelyn Ackah

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Welcome to the Ask Canada Immigration Lawyer Evelyn Ackah podcast. I answer your questions about moving to Canada and the US for work, for family, for life.

    CEO Garth Froese's Immigration Journey with Ackah Business Immigration Law

    CEO Garth Froese's Immigration Journey with Ackah Business Immigration Law

    On the Ask Canada Immigration Lawyer Evelyn Ackah podcast, host Evelyn Ackah talks with Garth Froese, the president and CEO of Pacific East Research Corporation, and they discuss what it's like being a corporate client of Ackah Business Immigration Law.
    Pacific East is a data management company that provides contact information for corporations in the U.S. and protects people from fraud. Garth shares his journey of how he got into the business and his experience trying to enter the U.S. as a Canadian without a work visa. He also talks about his experience working with Ackah Business Immigration Law to obtain an e-Visa for his business and the benefits it has provided for his team to do business in the U.S.
    Garth emphasizes the importance of building relationships, treating people with respect, and the impact of positivity and happiness on success. He also shares tips for doing business in the U.S. and retaining a happy and engaged team.Evelyn is grateful for Garth's support and friendship and highlights the importance of taking care of oneself and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
    Garth Froese can be reached through:
    LinkedInPacific East Research Corporation
    Here are the key points from Evelyn Ackah's podcast interview with Garth Froese.
    Business Journey and Visa Challenges:Garth describes his journey in expanding Pacific East Research Corp, including starting a U.S. branch and the challenges faced in obtaining a work visa due to NAFTA regulations. His perseverance in securing the visa underscores the complexities of cross-border business operations.Successful Visa Acquisition and Business Operations:With Evelyn's assistance, Garth successfully obtained an E-Visa, enabling smoother cross-border business activities. The E-Visa has facilitated his and his team's ability to conduct business in the U.S., highlighting the importance of professional legal support in navigating immigration processes.Homeland Security Policy Changes Post-9/11:Homeland security policies in the United States significantly evolved between 2007 and 2009 in response to the events of 9/11. This period saw the implementation of stricter border controls and other security measures, prompting businesses to adapt and reconsider their operations, particularly those involving cross-border data and staffing.Challenges of Business Expansion Across Borders:Expanding a business into different countries involves understanding and adapting to unique regulatory environments and cultural differences. For instance, while Canada offers rich natural resources, the smaller population base compared to the US can pose challenges for businesses expecting similar market dynamics.Importance of Personal Well-being in Leadership:Garth emphasized the importance of maintaining personal well-being as a leader, including physical exercise and mental health. He highlighted how taking care of oneself can lead to better leadership effectiveness and overall quality of life, essential for sustained success in business and personal life.

    • 38 min
    Jeremy Bollington Discusses How Buying a Franchise Can Help You Move to The US on an E-2 Visa

    Jeremy Bollington Discusses How Buying a Franchise Can Help You Move to The US on an E-2 Visa

    On the Ask Canada Immigration Lawyer Evelyn Ackah podcast, host Evelyn Ackah talks with Jeremy Bollington, the president of Your Franchise Is Waiting about his business and how he helps entrepreneurs and business owners looking to move to the US with a franchise business entity.
    Bollington shares his background, which includes working in the banking world in London and New York before moving to Charleston, South Carolina and investing in franchise businesses. He explains that he got into franchise business consulting after getting laid off and partnering with an existing consultant. Bollington focuses on helping people find the right franchise to support their E-2 visa application, and he discusses the investment requirements and the process of applying for the E-2 visa.
    He also talks about the types of businesses that don't require a physical storefront and the trends he has observed in the franchise industry.
    Jeremy Bollington can be reached through LinkedIn or his website:
    LinkedInYour Franchise Is Waiting
    Here are the key takeaways from Evelyn Ackah's podcast interview with Jeremy Bollington.
    Jeremy assists entrepreneurs and business owners moving to the US with franchise business entities.

    Jeremy's Background:
    Jeremy is originally from the UK and moved to New York in 1997 with a banking career.He transitioned into franchise business consulting after being laid off in 2015.Invested in beauty brands and transitioned into helping others with franchise sales and support.
    Franchise Business Consulting:
    Jeremy helps clients, particularly those without business formation experience, find suitable franchises.Focuses on E-2 visa candidates, helping them navigate investment requirements and business operations in the US.
    Challenges and Considerations:
    Discusses the importance of having sufficient funds not just for the franchise but also for personal living expenses.Highlights the significance of understanding credit history challenges when moving to a new country.
    E-2 Visa Process:
    Explains the timing and process for E-2 visa applications in relation to franchise investments.Advises clients on making necessary investments and preparing for visa interviews while undergoing franchise training.
    Types of Franchises:
    Mentions various service-oriented franchises that do not require a storefront, such as in-home senior care, irrigation, window treatments, and estate sale businesses.These options often have lower initial investments compared to storefront franchises.
    Market Trends and Client Origins:
    Noted a trend of clients from Germany and other parts of Europe, in addition to Canada, seeking opportunities in the US.Motivations include economic frustrations in home countries and the appeal of US market opportunities.
    Support for Existing Franchisees:
    Jeremy primarily works with new franchise arrangements but also supports existing franchisees in some cases.

    • 40 min
    Canada Immigrant Entrepreneur Nikhil Dwivedi

    Canada Immigrant Entrepreneur Nikhil Dwivedi

    On the Ask Canada Immigration Lawyer Evelyn Ackah podcast, host Evelyn Ackah interviews her client and fellow entrepreneur, Nikhil Dwivedi. Nikhil shares his background and motivation for immigrating to Canada. He founded EYP Creations in India and wanted to expand his business in Canada. Nikhil discusses the success of his company, which manages artists and YouTube channels in the music industry. He also highlights the growth of Punjabi music internationally and the opportunities he sees in Canada. Nikhil praises Evelyn and her team for their support and guidance throughout the immigration process. He emphasizes the importance of choosing the right immigration lawyer and having a good team. Nikhil also shares his positive experience in Canada including the weather, the people, and the opportunities available. He advises future immigrants to be prepared for hard work and to learn the language before coming to Canada.
    Connect with Nikhil Dwivedi:LinkedIn | Instagram
    Here are the key takeaways from Evelyn Ackah's podcast interview with Canadian immigrant entrepreneur Nikhil Dwivedi.Nikhil’s journey reflects the opportunities and challenges of immigrating to Canada, emphasizing the importance of preparation, support, and a proactive approach to integrating into a new country.
    Nikhil Dwivedi’s Background:
    Founder of EYP Creations in India, established in 2014.Over nine years of entrepreneurial experience in the music and entertainment industry.Holds a BBA and MBA from the Indian Institute of Planning and Management.EYP Creations manages 32 artists and over 150 YouTube channels, collaborating with major companies like Meta, Spotify, and Apple Music.
    Motivation for Moving to Canada:
    Expansion of Punjabi music internationally prompted the move.Desire to explore opportunities in the Canadian music and entertainment industry.Evelyn Ackah’s legal expertise facilitated the incorporation of the business and immigration process.
    Immigration Experience:
    Positive experience with Canada’s welcoming environment, weather, and opportunities.Importance of hard work and being prepared for the challenges of a new country.Acknowledges the significant Punjabi community in British Columbia as a support system.
    Advice for Prospective Immigrants:
    Importance of learning English for daily communication and integration.Need for thorough preparation and understanding the effort required to succeed.Emphasis on choosing the right immigration professionals to avoid pitfalls.
    Support and Guidance from Evelyn Ackah:
    Evelyn’s legal support was crucial in navigating the immigration process.Highlighting the value of a good team and professional guidance in achieving successful immigration outcomes.
    Future Plans and Recommendations:
    Suggestion for Evelyn to set up educational initiatives in India to guide potential immigrants.Continued collaboration and...

    • 21 min
    Law Firm Success and Growth with Alay Yajnik

    Law Firm Success and Growth with Alay Yajnik

    On the Ask Canada Immigration Lawyer Evelyn Ackah podcast, host Evelyn Ackah interviews Alay Yajnik, a law firm success growth expert and business coach. Alay shares his background in corporate business and training, and how he transitioned into coaching law firm owners. He discusses the common issues that keep his clients up at night, such as lack of income and overwhelming workloads. Alay emphasizes the importance of hiring the right employees and investing in their development to improve employee retention. He also touches on the benefits of niching down and the challenges of working with partnerships. Alay provides insights into his coaching process and encourages lawyers to seek external support to grow their firms. Alay Yajnik is host of Lawyer Business Advantage Podcast, and author of Staffing Up: The Attorney's Guide to Hiring Top Talent.
    Evelyn was a guest on the Lawyer Business Advantage Podcast with Alay Yajnik on Episode 140: Law Firm Growth, where they talked about:
    The roller coaster of entrepreneurshipBuilding a remote, global teamDelegating to better serve your clientsAdversity creating business excellence
    Connect with Alay Yajnik:
    Email: alay@yajnikgroup.com
    Company: https://www.lawfirmsuccessgroup.com
    LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/alayyajnik
    Podcast: http://lawyerbusinessadvantage.com
    The conversation highlights Alay Yajnik's expertise in guiding law firms toward sustainable growth, emphasizing the importance of implementing proven systems while maintaining work-life balance and quality of life. Here are the key takeaways from Evelyn Ackah's podcast interview with Alay Yajnik:
    Alay's Background: Alay specializes in teaching law firm owners in the US (and potentially Canada) how to grow their firms using proven systems. He aims to help lawyers achieve growth without sacrificing work-life balance, enabling them to avoid working evenings and weekends.Focus on Growth and Quality of Life: Alay's approach emphasizes maximizing growth potential while maintaining a high quality of life. He assists law firms, particularly solo and one-to-two partner firms, in making more money, taking more time off and enjoying their work by implementing effective growth systems.Empowerment through Systems: Alay's Law Firm Success Group empowers law firms by implementing proven growth systems. These systems aim to streamline operations, increase efficiency, and ultimately lead to greater financial success and personal fulfillment for lawyers.Award-Winning Business Coach: Alay is recognized as an award-winning business coach, author, and speaker, further validating his expertise in helping law firms achieve their growth and success goals.Resources Available: Alay's book "Staffing Up" provides valuable insights into hiring top talent for law firms and is available on Amazon. Additionally, his podcast serves as a...

    • 29 min
    Wayne Baxter On Cross-Border Wealth Management

    Wayne Baxter On Cross-Border Wealth Management

    On the Ask Canada Immigration Lawyer Evelyn Ackah podcast, Evelyn talks with Wayne Baxter, a cross-border wealth management expert. Wayne shares his personal immigration story, moving from Canada to the US, and discusses the unique challenges and opportunities that Canadians face when moving to the US with investment assets.
    He also talks about the importance of working with tax advisors and the strategies he uses to minimize tax burdens for his clients. Wayne also discusses his podcast, the 3 Questions Webcast series, where he covers various topics related to cross-border wealth management, including estate planning, tax planning, risk management and investing. He emphasizes the importance of education and collaboration with professionals in order to create personalized wealth management plans for his clients.
    Connect with Wayne Baxter at One Capital Management.
    Here are the key takeaways from Evelyn Ackah's podcast interview with Wayne Baxter
    Wayne's Expertise: Wayne Baxter works with families in the U.S. and Canadian residents with U.S. investments, specializing in wealth management, including capital markets returns, risk management, tax and liquidity management.Personal Immigration Story: Wayne shares his journey from being born in Toronto, raised in Nova Scotia, working in Banff, Alberta, to ultimately relocating to California in 2012.Immigration Path: Wayne's immigration journey involved initially obtaining an E-2 investor visa and later qualifying for a green card under the Exceptional Abilities Program, eventually becoming a U.S. citizen with his family.Insights on Relocation: Wayne emphasizes the importance of consulting immigration lawyers early in the relocation process and highlights the complexity of immigration decisions, suggesting tax advisors as the next point of contact.Integrated Approach: Evelyn acknowledges the significance of considering tax and wealth management alongside immigration decisions, suggesting a collaborative approach among immigration attorneys, tax advisors and wealth managers.Collaborative Decision-Making: Wayne supports the idea of prioritizing consultations with immigration attorneys and tax advisors before delving into long-term wealth management considerations, highlighting the interconnectedness of immigration, tax and wealth management issues.Education and Awareness: Wayne emphasizes the importance of education in financial services, noting the surprising lack of knowledge among many individuals regarding wealth management.Fiduciary Role: As a fiduciary at One Capital, Wayne's primary role is to educate and inform clients, offering fee-only services without earning commissions on investment trades.Customized Solutions: Wayne highlights the need for personalized wealth management plans tailored to each client's unique circumstances and goals, covering areas such as estate planning, tax planning, risk management, investing, credit, real estate and immigration.Focus on Cash Flow: Understanding a family's monthly cash flow is often the starting point for discussions, allowing for a deeper understanding of their financial situation and goals.Collaboration with Tax Advisors: Wayne stresses the importance of working closely with tax advisors, especially in cross-border situations, to ensure comprehensive tax planning and compliance.Cross-Border Expertise: Wayne shares insights into cross-border wealth management

    • 43 min
    California Employment Lawyer and Entrepreneur Wilder Clements

    California Employment Lawyer and Entrepreneur Wilder Clements

    In this podcast episode of Ask Canada Immigration Lawyer Evelyn Ackah, Evelyn interviews Wilder Clements, the owner and managing lawyer of Clements Employment Law in California.
    They discuss various topics related to employment law, including the importance of a people-first approach in the workplace, the unique challenges and obligations faced by employers in California, the legal implications of trends such as AI, automation, remote work, the gig economy and the significance of building a strong employer brand.
    Wilder also shares insights and advice based on her experience as an employment lawyer and entrepreneur.
    Connect with Wilder Clements on LinkedIn.
    Here are the key takeaways from Evelyn Ackah's podcast interview with Wilder Clements, a California employment lawyer:California Employment Law
    More complex than federal law and many other states.Employers have stricter obligations regarding meal and rest breaks, pay stub accuracy, and misclassification of employees.EPLI insurance is highly recommended due to the prevalence of lawsuits and high potential penalties.
    The Future of Work
    Remote work is here to stay, but employers need to find a balance between flexibility and team building/training.Clear communication, established values, and employee surveys are crucial for remote work success.Legal compliance and data protection are essential for remote work setups.Monitoring can be done ethically to ensure productivity, but shouldn't be excessive surveillance.
    Employer Best Practices
    Develop a strong employer brand to attract and retain talent.Encourage open communication and feedback from employees.Invest in HRIS systems and consider HR consultants for record-keeping and conflict resolution.Focus on preventing discrimination through training and diverse recruiting practices, avoiding quotas.
    Entrepreneurial Journey
    Lawyers can find success with their own firms by offering alternative fee structures and prioritizing client alignment.Preventative law services can be valuable for both employers and employees compared to litigation.Business skills are crucial for lawyer-entrepreneurs, and some may wish they had learned more about accounting and bookkeeping.

    • 38 min

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