33 min

Asking questions can create millions in Network Marketing with Dr Bob Rakowski The Networker Zone

    • Entrepreneurship

Thought the business was a pyramid schemeFirst started at 18, then talked out of it by his brother in law30 years later prospected by amateursStarted as a customer and gave out samplesWho do you want to listen to1 Someone who has never done something2 Someone who has tried and failed3 Someone who has tried and succeeded$40 Million in sales from changing his mindQuestion approachUsing leverageReport via fax to created a life changing fearHow will you take care of your familyOne thing you could...

Thought the business was a pyramid schemeFirst started at 18, then talked out of it by his brother in law30 years later prospected by amateursStarted as a customer and gave out samplesWho do you want to listen to1 Someone who has never done something2 Someone who has tried and failed3 Someone who has tried and succeeded$40 Million in sales from changing his mindQuestion approachUsing leverageReport via fax to created a life changing fearHow will you take care of your familyOne thing you could...

33 min