35 min

Becoming a customer fanatic with Nadine Nethery Got Marketing?

    • Marketing

There’s a lot of tone-deaf marketing around with brands jumping on trends and fads that fizzle as quickly as they start. It’s not rocket science - good marketing comes from really good listening. What helps marketers create memorable marketing campaigns is deep insights from genuinely getting to know your audience.

In this episode, Mia chats with Nadine Nethery, founder of CAN DO! Content, a strategic copywriter for women-led brands. Nadine and Mia share their techniques for gathering valuable audience insights to inform your marketing on a shoestring budget.

Got Marketing? is hosted by Mia Fileman, a professional marketing strategist and the founder of Campaign Del Mar.


Connect with Mia Fileman:




Connect with Nadine Nethery:

CAN DO! content is for women-led brands who want to intentionally attract, delight and retain their dream customers. Nadine’s strategic take on copy turns every brand touchpoint into genuine connections that drive sales, celebrate loyalty and grow a cheer squad. 





Free resources:

 Take our quiz to find the campaign that is right for your business.

There’s a lot of tone-deaf marketing around with brands jumping on trends and fads that fizzle as quickly as they start. It’s not rocket science - good marketing comes from really good listening. What helps marketers create memorable marketing campaigns is deep insights from genuinely getting to know your audience.

In this episode, Mia chats with Nadine Nethery, founder of CAN DO! Content, a strategic copywriter for women-led brands. Nadine and Mia share their techniques for gathering valuable audience insights to inform your marketing on a shoestring budget.

Got Marketing? is hosted by Mia Fileman, a professional marketing strategist and the founder of Campaign Del Mar.


Connect with Mia Fileman:




Connect with Nadine Nethery:

CAN DO! content is for women-led brands who want to intentionally attract, delight and retain their dream customers. Nadine’s strategic take on copy turns every brand touchpoint into genuine connections that drive sales, celebrate loyalty and grow a cheer squad. 





Free resources:

 Take our quiz to find the campaign that is right for your business.

35 min