44 min

Beyond Buzzwords: Activating Your Company Culture with Diane Dye Hansen, What Works Consultants, Inc Distribution Talk

    • Entrepreneurship

Want to optimize talent, foster innovation, and inspire loyalty amongst your staff? Diane Dye Hansen, chief management consultant at What Works Consultants, Inc., says the secret begins and ends with your company culture. Too often, however, companies settle for buzzwords rather than developing a vision statement with input from all.
Diane joins Jason to discuss cultivating a healthy, productive work environment using research and data-driven assessment tools. She also shares one exercise guaranteed to help organizations define authentic company culture for themselves. 
Companies committed to recalibrating organizational integrity can begin by asking their employees to complete the following statement: The way we work around here is… The answers are often revelatory.
From diagnosing internal struggles to highlighting opportunities for innovation, this simple ask can transform company culture for the better––and the future. Action-oriented, inclusive company culture goes further in securing and keeping quality employees than words emblazoned on a lobby wall.
The Predictive Index
Good To Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don't
CONNECT WITH DIANE What Works Consultants, Inc.
For full show notes and services visit: http://www.distributionteam.com
Distribution Talk is produced by The Distribution Team, a consulting services firm dedicated to helping wholesale distribution clients remove barriers to profitability, generate wealth and achieve personal goals.   
This episode was edited & mixed by The Creative Impostor Studios. 

Want to optimize talent, foster innovation, and inspire loyalty amongst your staff? Diane Dye Hansen, chief management consultant at What Works Consultants, Inc., says the secret begins and ends with your company culture. Too often, however, companies settle for buzzwords rather than developing a vision statement with input from all.
Diane joins Jason to discuss cultivating a healthy, productive work environment using research and data-driven assessment tools. She also shares one exercise guaranteed to help organizations define authentic company culture for themselves. 
Companies committed to recalibrating organizational integrity can begin by asking their employees to complete the following statement: The way we work around here is… The answers are often revelatory.
From diagnosing internal struggles to highlighting opportunities for innovation, this simple ask can transform company culture for the better––and the future. Action-oriented, inclusive company culture goes further in securing and keeping quality employees than words emblazoned on a lobby wall.
The Predictive Index
Good To Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don't
CONNECT WITH DIANE What Works Consultants, Inc.
For full show notes and services visit: http://www.distributionteam.com
Distribution Talk is produced by The Distribution Team, a consulting services firm dedicated to helping wholesale distribution clients remove barriers to profitability, generate wealth and achieve personal goals.   
This episode was edited & mixed by The Creative Impostor Studios. 

44 min