39 min

Building A Business & Being A Mom With Katie Kastner Captivate + Convert with Christy Cegelski

    • Entrepreneurship

“It’s almost unavoidable now, to see ‘success’ being a certain dollar amount, and that should be the metric for everybody… I never started thinking that I was going to have a 6-figure anything in my first year. I went into it wanting to work for myself.”— Katie KastnerThis episode is for all of the mom entrepreneurs out there. Being a business owner is hard work, but navigating the path of entrepreneurship while ALSO raising young kids turns the dial up to 11 — and I think it’s imp...

“It’s almost unavoidable now, to see ‘success’ being a certain dollar amount, and that should be the metric for everybody… I never started thinking that I was going to have a 6-figure anything in my first year. I went into it wanting to work for myself.”— Katie KastnerThis episode is for all of the mom entrepreneurs out there. Being a business owner is hard work, but navigating the path of entrepreneurship while ALSO raising young kids turns the dial up to 11 — and I think it’s imp...

39 min