39 min

Building instant rapport and opening phrases with Bernie DeSouza The Networker Zone

    • Entrepreneurship

Previous episodes Networking successfully to create an ongoing prospecting list with Bernie DeSouza6 Golden Secrets to structure powerful speeches and presentations with Bernie DeSouza 21 Magnetic opening sentences and tips to connect with Bernie DeSouzaStart by smilingMicro facial expressionsFact and a smileBuild rapport firstWell you know howYou might not be aware of thisI am just curiousAdd valuePosition to ask a questionStatement followed by a questionThey won’t question the sta...

Previous episodes Networking successfully to create an ongoing prospecting list with Bernie DeSouza6 Golden Secrets to structure powerful speeches and presentations with Bernie DeSouza 21 Magnetic opening sentences and tips to connect with Bernie DeSouzaStart by smilingMicro facial expressionsFact and a smileBuild rapport firstWell you know howYou might not be aware of thisI am just curiousAdd valuePosition to ask a questionStatement followed by a questionThey won’t question the sta...

39 min