1 hr 30 min

Building Relationships in Negotiations: Expert Insights with Nicolas Passaquin and Max Bevilacqua Master Negotiators

    • Management

In this episode of "Master Negotiators Live," host Jean-Nicolas Reyt is joined by negotiation experts Nicolas Passequin, a Chief Procurement Officer, and Max Bevilacqua, founder of Mindful Negotiating. They delve into practical negotiation strategies across various contexts, from procurement to personal interactions. The discussion emphasizes the importance of preparation, understanding the other party's perspective, and separating substance from relationship in negotiations.

1. "Negotiation is not about getting a better price; it’s about crafting a strategy that extends beyond financial value." - Nicolas Passequin
2. "The essence of negotiation is double loop learning, which is understanding how our thinking affects our choices and options." - Max Bevilacqua
3. "Being assertive is not about being aggressive; it’s about separating the personal relationship from the negotiation goals." - Nicolas Passequin
4. "A good negotiator is someone who can shift from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance, seeing potential gain for all parties involved." - Max Bevilacqua
5. "Preparation is the most critical part of negotiation, allowing you to understand and articulate what you truly want from the process." - Nicolas Passequin

▷ https://www.linkedin.com/in/passaquin/
▷ https://www.linkedin.com/in/maxwellbevilacqua/

"Master Negotiators Live" is a video podcast hosted by JN Reyt, where top negotiation experts from various industries come together to discuss and dissect the mechanics of effective negotiating. Each episode features live roleplay scenarios, expert insights, and answers to audience questions, providing listeners with practical tips and strategies to improve their negotiation skills in both professional and personal settings.

Web: https://masternegotiators.live
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jnreyt
Youtube: https://youtube.com/@jnreyt
Podcast: https://pod.link/1699906279
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jnreyt
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jnreyt

In this episode of "Master Negotiators Live," host Jean-Nicolas Reyt is joined by negotiation experts Nicolas Passequin, a Chief Procurement Officer, and Max Bevilacqua, founder of Mindful Negotiating. They delve into practical negotiation strategies across various contexts, from procurement to personal interactions. The discussion emphasizes the importance of preparation, understanding the other party's perspective, and separating substance from relationship in negotiations.

1. "Negotiation is not about getting a better price; it’s about crafting a strategy that extends beyond financial value." - Nicolas Passequin
2. "The essence of negotiation is double loop learning, which is understanding how our thinking affects our choices and options." - Max Bevilacqua
3. "Being assertive is not about being aggressive; it’s about separating the personal relationship from the negotiation goals." - Nicolas Passequin
4. "A good negotiator is someone who can shift from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance, seeing potential gain for all parties involved." - Max Bevilacqua
5. "Preparation is the most critical part of negotiation, allowing you to understand and articulate what you truly want from the process." - Nicolas Passequin

▷ https://www.linkedin.com/in/passaquin/
▷ https://www.linkedin.com/in/maxwellbevilacqua/

"Master Negotiators Live" is a video podcast hosted by JN Reyt, where top negotiation experts from various industries come together to discuss and dissect the mechanics of effective negotiating. Each episode features live roleplay scenarios, expert insights, and answers to audience questions, providing listeners with practical tips and strategies to improve their negotiation skills in both professional and personal settings.

Web: https://masternegotiators.live
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jnreyt
Youtube: https://youtube.com/@jnreyt
Podcast: https://pod.link/1699906279
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jnreyt
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jnreyt

1 hr 30 min