52 min

Building Uncompromising Relationships with Alexandra Stockwell, MD That Sex Chick

    • Sexuality

Intimacy Doctor” Alexandra Stockwell joins Alexa for a juicy conversation on being fully self-expressed in your relationship and uncompromising in your intimacy. Alexandra unpacks ways we compromise in our intimacy and how it can lead to a bland and unfulfilling relationship, while also sharing insights on how to practice awareness to begin speaking up about your needs. Tune in as they explore how to cultivate curiosity and create more connection in your communication with your partner, and unlock your deepest desires to build a beautiful and long-lasting relationship.

Intimacy Doctor” Alexandra Stockwell joins Alexa for a juicy conversation on being fully self-expressed in your relationship and uncompromising in your intimacy. Alexandra unpacks ways we compromise in our intimacy and how it can lead to a bland and unfulfilling relationship, while also sharing insights on how to practice awareness to begin speaking up about your needs. Tune in as they explore how to cultivate curiosity and create more connection in your communication with your partner, and unlock your deepest desires to build a beautiful and long-lasting relationship.

52 min

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