6 min

Can people with thyroid conditions eat eggs‪?‬ Save My Thyroid

    • Alternative Health

Eggs are a great source of nutrients. Despite that, they are not part of an autoimmune paleo diet. Some sources even recommend that people with autoimmune thyroid conditions such as Graves’ Disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis avoid eggs entirely.While there are some situations where you might want to avoid eggs, I disagree that all people with thyroid conditions must avoid them.Today I’m sharing the benefits of eggs, why they are problematic for some people, and the factors you should conside...

Eggs are a great source of nutrients. Despite that, they are not part of an autoimmune paleo diet. Some sources even recommend that people with autoimmune thyroid conditions such as Graves’ Disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis avoid eggs entirely.While there are some situations where you might want to avoid eggs, I disagree that all people with thyroid conditions must avoid them.Today I’m sharing the benefits of eggs, why they are problematic for some people, and the factors you should conside...

6 min