11 min

Can Thyroid Hormone Imbalances Result in a Loss of Memory‪?‬ Save My Thyroid

    • Alternative Health

In my opinion, there’s no question that a thyroid hormone imbalance can be a factor in memory loss.I’ve had many patients - both hyperthyroid and hypothyroid - come to my practice complaining of difficulty concentrating and memory loss. This type of dysfunction goes beyond the simple forgetfulness that comes as we get older, but the good news is that, in most cases, it’s temporary. Today I’m sharing some research into the connection between thyroid imbalance and cognitive impairment, esp...

In my opinion, there’s no question that a thyroid hormone imbalance can be a factor in memory loss.I’ve had many patients - both hyperthyroid and hypothyroid - come to my practice complaining of difficulty concentrating and memory loss. This type of dysfunction goes beyond the simple forgetfulness that comes as we get older, but the good news is that, in most cases, it’s temporary. Today I’m sharing some research into the connection between thyroid imbalance and cognitive impairment, esp...

11 min