18 min

#22 How to quickly find a job after graduation in China China Flexpat

    • Careers

Marlene is from Austria and studied full-time in Beijing. Her program was entirely taught in Chinese and right after graduation she has quickly found her first job in a German-Chinese joint venture. This was only possible because she has mastered the art of networking and speaks excellent Chinese. In this 18 minute episode she shares practical advice about how you can achieve the same:

Specific actions to boost your networking skills
How to make yourself feel at home in China
Do’s and Don’ts for newcomers
Busting myths about opportunities for foreigners
Why foreign students need to step up their game

Connect with Marlene on LinkedIn:


Marlene is from Austria and studied full-time in Beijing. Her program was entirely taught in Chinese and right after graduation she has quickly found her first job in a German-Chinese joint venture. This was only possible because she has mastered the art of networking and speaks excellent Chinese. In this 18 minute episode she shares practical advice about how you can achieve the same:

Specific actions to boost your networking skills
How to make yourself feel at home in China
Do’s and Don’ts for newcomers
Busting myths about opportunities for foreigners
Why foreign students need to step up their game

Connect with Marlene on LinkedIn:


18 min