117 episodes

Sermons and teaching in Chichewa and English from the ministry of Gospel Life Baptist Mission.

Chiphunzitso Choona | Sound Doctrine from Gospel Life Gospel Life

    • Religion & Spirituality

Sermons and teaching in Chichewa and English from the ministry of Gospel Life Baptist Mission.

    Cholinga cha lamuloli ndi chikondi/The aim of the charge is love

    Cholinga cha lamuloli ndi chikondi/The aim of the charge is love

    1 Timoteyo 1:5-7 m’mavesi amenewa, Paulo mtumwi akuonetsera kufunika kolalikira mawu a mulungu kwa anthu. Iye akunena kuti ndi lamulo lochokera kwa olamulira wamkulu limene limaperekedwa kwa abusa onse omwe ali mchoonadi. Yesu monga iye mwini ulamuliro, akulamulira abusa onse kuti alalikire mawu a mulungu mpaka kumalekezero adziko lapansi kenako mathero azafika. M’busa kuti alalikire, akuyenera kukhala ndi chikondi pa anthu omwe akuwalalikira komanso amve kusoweka komwe anthu alinako kofunikira chipulumutso. Nchifukwa chake tinganene kuti cholinga cha lamuloli ndi chikondi monga momwe Paulo mtumwi akuyankhulira.


    1 Timothy 1:5-7 in these verses, the apostle Paul puts emphasis on the need to preach the word of God to people. He says that it is a charge that all true pastors receive from higher authority. Jesus as the one with authority, he charges all pastors to preach the word of God to the ends of the earth and then the end will come. But for a true pastor to preach, he must have deep love for God’s people and feel the need to rescue them all through the preaching of the gospel. Therefore, we can conclude to say that the aim of the charge is love as the apostle Paul puts it.

    • 30 min
    Kusiyana pakati pa mpingo wa chikhalidwe ndi mpingo wa akhristu/The differences between traditional churches and Christian churches

    Kusiyana pakati pa mpingo wa chikhalidwe ndi mpingo wa akhristu/The differences between traditional churches and Christian churches

    Mateyu 5:38-42 ikutionetsera kusiyana kwa pakati pa maweruzidwe a dziko lapansi ndi a nkhristu yemwe walakwiridwa. Dziko limalimbikitsa kubwenzera pamene ena atilakwira ife. Mwachitsanzo, pamene wina amenya tsaya lako, nawenso umenye lake. Dziko limanena kuti mupatse anthu zomwe zikuwayenereza pomwe achita choyipa. Koma umu sim’mowe okhulupirira akuyenera kukhalamo. Timakhala munjira yosiyana ndi dziko lapansi. Yesu akutiuza kuti tipatse anthu zomwe sakuyenera panthawi yomwe atichitira zoyipa. Pamene wina sanachite bwino, m’malo momubwenzera, tiyenera kumukonda. Nchifukwa chiyani tiwakonde? Chifukwa talandira chinthu china chabwino. Talandira chifundo cha mulungu ndi chifukwa timaonetsera chifundo. Pamapeto pa zonse, mulungu ndi mwini kuweruza ndipo azaweruza. Tikungoyenera kumudalira.

    Mathew 5:34-42 is showing us the differences between the worldly ways of judging and the way a Christian reacts when mistreated. The world would tell you to fight back when someone has done something wrong to you. For example, slapping you on the chick, you also slap back. The world would tell you to give people what they deserve when in the wrong. But, that’s not how a true believer should live. We live in such a way that is different from this world. Jesus tells us to give people what they do not deserve when they are in the wrong. If someone has done you injustice, instead of revenging, he tells us to show them love. Why should we love them? because we have we received something better. We have received the mercy of God and that’s why we show mercy. At the end of the day, God is the judge of everything and surely, he will deliver justice and we just need to trust him.

    • 38 min
    Zoyenera kudziwa potsuzula mkazi/what to know about divorcing your wife

    Zoyenera kudziwa potsuzula mkazi/what to know about divorcing your wife

    Mateyu 5:31, 32 ndizomvetsa chisoni kuona mawanja ambiri akutha chifukwa cha zifukwa zosaziwika bwino. Mabanja ambiri tsiku lalero akumangidwa pa madziko opanda pake. Nthawi zina, ena akumanga mabanja chifukwa mwina mtsikana wapatsidwa mimba, ena akuyamba banja chifukwa chofuna kukwanilitsa zakuthupi, akufuna kukwanilitsa zokhumba zogonana. Ngati zotsatira za izi, mabanja ambiri akutha. Mabanja ambiri akusuzurana. Mu ndime yamalemba iyi, tikuona chifukwa chomveka bwino chimene munthu ali ndikuthekera komutsuzula mkazi kapena m’bambo m’banja. Tikuuzidwa kuti ngati mkazi wagwidwa ndi chigololo akhoza kutsuzulidwa. Ngati izi zichitika mosemphana ndi lamuloli, mkaziyo amasandutzidwa pochitira chigololo. Ngakhale pali zina zovutitsitsa kwambiri m’banja monga ngati nkhondo m’banja, kunena kuti ngati chitsudzulo sichiperekedwa mwina moyo ukhoza kutayidwa pamenepo chitsudzulo chitha kuperekedwa.



    Mathew 5:31, 32 it is very sad to see many marriages falling apart because of selfish reasons. Many marriages today are based on foolish foundations. Sometimes, others are starting a marriage because the girl is pregnant, others are starting a marriage on the basis of pleasures, they want to satisfy their sexual desires in marriage. Due to these foolish reasons, many marriages are falling apart. Many are divorcing today. But, in this passage we see the only reason a man or woman is legible enough to divorce his wife or her husband. The passage tells us that the only grounds for divorce in marriage is sexual immorality. Jesus says that “whoever divorces his wife except on the grounds of sexual immorality, commits adultery. And whoever marries a divorced wife commits adultery.” This is the only reason that is given on the grounds
    for divorce. But there are other reasons for divorcing, and are legal. For example, on circumstances of physical assault in a marriage, that if divorce is not given then a life may be lost, then divorce may be permissible.

    • 37 min
    Pewani kusilira/Abstain from Lusting

    Pewani kusilira/Abstain from Lusting

    Mateyu 5:27-30 kuzitukumula, ulesi, kukonda ndalama ndi mayesero opezeka paliponse pakati abusa omwe akusamalira nkhosa za mulungu. Kusilira ndi yesero lomwe ndi loopsa pa onse. Chifukwa chiyani zili choncho? Ndikovuta kubwerera kuvutoli ndi kukhalabe m’busa oyang’anira nkhosa za mulungu. M’busa akalephera mbali imeneyi amakhala osayenera kukhalanso m’busa wa nkhosa za mulungu kwa moyo wake wonse. Yesu ananena kuti, munamva kuti “usachite chigololo koma ndikuuza kuti yense amene ayang’ana mzimayi ndi kumusilira wachita naye kale chigololo.” Yesu akukhwimitsa malamulo a mulungu poyankhula zimenezi. Iye achita izi chifukwa amalabadira zomwe zili mumtima mwathu. Ngati uyang’ana mzimayi ndi kumusilira wachita naye kale chigololo. Yesu akufuna ife kuti timvetse bwino komwe kuli vuto, ndipo vuto ndi mtima wathu. Ntchito iliyonse imene imachitika imayamba ndi khumbo lochokera mumtima. Tiyenera kukhala atcheru ndi osamalisa ndi zokhumba za mtima wathu pamene tikuyang’anira nkhosa za mulungu.   


    Mathew 5:27-30 Pride, laziness, love of money are common temptations that pastors who are shepherding God’s flock have. But lusting is the most dangerous temptation of them all. Why is that? It is almost impossible to recover from it and remain a pastor of God’s flock. You fail in this part of your life, you will be disqualified for the rest of your life from the ministry of pastoring God’s people. Jesus says, you heard it say “do not commit adultery, but I tell you that whoever looks at a woman so as to have sexual passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Jesus raises the bar here. He does so because he cares about inward standards of our hearts. If you look at a woman lustfully you commit adultery with her. Jesus wants us to understand where the problem is and the problem is the desires of our hearts. Every action that is committed begins with the desire in the heart. So, it is important that we safe guard our hearts as we are looking after God’s people.

    • 51 min
    Kodi mpingo wabwino ndi wotani? What is the best Church?

    Kodi mpingo wabwino ndi wotani? What is the best Church?

    Akolose 1:3-8 chaputa ichi chikuwonetsa makhalidwe asanu ndi chimodzi a mpingo wabwino. Choyamba ndi mbiri yabwino. Mutakhala kuti mwafunsidwa funso kuti mufotokoze mbiri ya mpingo wanu, inu munganene kuti chiyani? Kodi munganene kuti mulungu akugwira ntchito mu mpingo mwanu? Chinthu china ndi chidwi cha mpingo pa Yesu. Kodi mpingo wanu uli ndi chidwi chonse pa Yesu mu zonse? Ndipo chidwi chake ndi choposa? Nankha kodi mpingo wanu umakonda munjira yomwe ndi mulungu yekha angafotokoze? Makhalidwe anu kodi akuonetsa kuti muli okonzeka kukhala kumwamba? Kodi uthenga wabwino ukubereka zipatso mwa inu? Kodi mpingo ukutengera anthu kwa Yesu? Zinthu zonena zilipo zmbiri koma chinthu chofunika kumvetsa ndi chakuti mpingo si nyumba yokongolayo, kapena zovala zokongola zomwe akhristu amavalazo kapena chilichonse chokhuzana ndi dziko lapansi. Mpingo ndi zinthu za mulungu zomwe zakambidwa mwambamu, zimenezo ndi zomwe zimapanga mpingo weniweni.


    Colossians 1:3-8 this chapter displays six characters of a good church. The first is reputation. If you were to be asked about the reputation of your church, what would you say? Would you say that God is at work in the church? Another character is church focus on Jesus. Is your church fully engaged and focused on Jesus? Can we say it is Laser focused on Jesus alone? Does the church love in such a way that only God can explain it? And what about the life style, does it show that you live for heaven? Is the gospel bearing fruits in you? Is the church doing all it can to bring people to Jesus? The list goes on and on but what is important is that we understand that church is not about the nice building, nice clothes you wear when going to church or anything worldly but the things of God. And that makes a real church.

    • 28 min
    Yesu Khristu mwini Chilamulo komanso mpulumutsi wa anthu onse/Jesus Christ the fulfilment of the law and savior of all people

    Yesu Khristu mwini Chilamulo komanso mpulumutsi wa anthu onse/Jesus Christ the fulfilment of the law and savior of all people

    Luka 2:21-35 ndime ya malembayi ikukamba zinthu zingapo zomwe ndizofunika kuzikamba. Ndimeyi ikukamba zokhuza Yesu kukhala okwanilitsa chilamulo. Izi zikutheka bwanji? Patapita masiku asanu ndi atatu Yesu atabadwa, makolo ake anapita naye ku Yelusalemu komwe anamuchita mdulidwe monga mwachilamulo cha Mose ndipo anamutcha dzina loti Yesu momwe analonjezera ngelo uja. Izi zinachitika kukwaniritsa malemba. Mavesi omwewa akuwonetsera kuti kubadwa kwa Yesu kunali kukwanilitsidwa kwa malonjezo a mulungu. Ngelo wa mulungu ataonekera kwa Maria anamulonjeza kuti azakhala ndi mwana ndipo mwanayo azamutcha dzina lake Yesu. Mavesi awa akuonetsera kuti zinachitikadi malingana ndi lonjezolo ndipo mwanayo anamutchadi Yesu. Chinthu china chofunikira kudziwa chomwe mavesi awa akukamba ndi ichi, Yesu ndi nkhoswe ya anthu onse okhala pa dziko. Ndime za malembazi zikukamba momveka bwino kuti “mwanayo azakhala kugwa ndi kuzuka  kwa ambiri mu Israeli.” Izi zikuonetsera kuti Yesu ndi nkhoswe ya anthu padziko. Iye ndi njira yokhululukira machimo athu. Nthawi zonse ndime za malemba ngati izi zimatilimbikitsa ife kutsendera chifupi ndi mulungu podzindikira kuti tili ndi nkhoswe yokhululuka machimo athu.


    Luke 2:21-35 this passage exposes three important things which are worthy discussing. This passage talks about Jesus being the fulfillment of the law. How so? Eight days after Jesus’ birth, his parents took him to Jerusalem where he was circumcised per the law of Moses. And they named him Jesus according to what the angel said they were to name him. This happened in fulfillment of the scriptures. These verses also show that the birth of Jesus happened in fulfillment of promises made by God. After the angel appeared to Mary he promised her that she would give birth to a son and she is to name him Jesus. And these verses show that it happened exactly as the angel promised and Mary and Joseph named the child Jesus. One more thing to take note of from these verses is that Jesus is the propitiatory sacrifice for all people on earth. The verses say that “the child will be the down fall and the rising of the many in Israel.” This clearly paints the picture of the one who atones the sins of the many on earth. He is the way that many sins are forgiven. Every time we learn something like this from the scriptures we are encouraged. It draws us ever closer to God knowing that we have someone who atones for our sins and we can therefore approach the throne of Grace.

    • 40 min

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