3 min

Choose To Love Well Today Strong Men Strong Marriages

    • Self-Improvement

The day after Valentine’s can be pretty disappointing.But, at the end of the day, we get to choose how we live.And, according to Jesus, the best way to live is to love God, love our neighbors, and love ourselves.So, choose to love well today.Love God by thanking Him. Feel God’s love by remembering what He’s done for you.Love your wife by doing something kind for her.Love your kids by encouraging them.Love yourself by doing something fun today.Love is the secret to life.Learn how to do it well...

The day after Valentine’s can be pretty disappointing.But, at the end of the day, we get to choose how we live.And, according to Jesus, the best way to live is to love God, love our neighbors, and love ourselves.So, choose to love well today.Love God by thanking Him. Feel God’s love by remembering what He’s done for you.Love your wife by doing something kind for her.Love your kids by encouraging them.Love yourself by doing something fun today.Love is the secret to life.Learn how to do it well...

3 min