CRUSADE Channel Previews

CRUSADE Channel Previews

Highlights from The CRUSADE Channel's full-length, original talk-radio shows including The Mike Church Show, Parrott Talk, The Early Show with Fiorella Nash the True Money Show and Reconquest with Brother André Marie!

  1. JAN 21

    The Mike Church Show #2068-Trump’s First Act Is To End Birthright Citizenship

    SEGMENT 1 Time 6:06am cst WE ARE LIVE on 990 WGSO, Our Flagship Syndication Station in New Orleans Louisiana all week from 7am-10am!  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE   Did you miss yesterday's LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows on   22m Inauguration Day Yesterday * The Executive Orders were signed and boy there were many! * There are a lot more than what you saw LIVE on TV. * There were 42 Executive Orders/Memoranda/Proclamations  * There were 115 personnel actions. * More than 200 executive actions signed. * 60 minutes of Press Q&A in the Oval Office. * There were 3 historic speeches yesterday. * The man is hitting the ground running.   28m 14th Amendment  Section 1 - All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. HEADLINE: PROTECTING THE MEANING AND VALUE OF AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP via the White House Website  * But the Fourteenth Amendment has never been interpreted to extend citizenship universally to everyone born within the United States.  The Fourteenth Amendment has always excluded from birthright citizenship persons who were born in the United States but not “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.”  Consistent with this understanding, the Congress has further specified through legislation that “a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” is a national and citizen of the United States at birth, 8 U.S.C. 1401, generally mirroring the Fourteenth Amendment’s text.   * Among the categories of individuals born in the United States and not subject to the jurisdiction thereof, the privilege of United States citizenship does not automatically extend to persons born in the United States:  (1) when that person’s mother was unlawfully present in the United States and the father was not a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident at the time of said person’s birth, or (2) when that person’s mother’s presence in the United States at the time of said person’s birth was lawful but temporary (such as, but not limited to, visiting the United States under the auspices of the Visa Waiver Program or visiting on a student, work, or tourist visa) and the father was not a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident at the time of said person’s birth. 6:35am cst SEGMENT 2   Trump Revokes Security Clearance For 51 Intel Agents  * Remember the Hunter Biden Laptop intel agents that said it was Russia Disinformation?  * Well Trump took care of them. * He is just plowing through them one after another.   Endangered Species Act * This was a Democratic platform. * Trump signed an Executive Order we will no longer pay for windmills.

    7 min
  2. 11/13/2024

    The Musings Of Lunatic Farmer On MAGA!

    SPECIAL GUEST Joel Salatin The Lunatic Farmer Regenerative Farmer Joel’s Blog - Polyface Farms - * RFK Jr let’s not underestimate the pull that he has and his inner sanctum.  * I know Thomas Massie and he and I go way back. * I know the Means and they have caused quite a stir.  * This agriculture element hasn’t been a republican issue it is now for the first time. * I think its because we’ve gotten so far away from good farming practices that it is attracting the attention of others. * I don’t know I would have voted for RFK Jr, I was thrilled he was in the race. * He has always sued the government for not doing their jobs and I’d like to just see the agencies abolished.  * He has gone way up in my mind b/c this showed heart and class. * Much of the agriculture economy is dependent on doing things wrong. * From feeding cows corn to all manner of things. * The monetization is often directly tied to the farm policy and economic imperative. * As long as Chick-fil-A and McDonald’s are building new stores we are still on the wrong track. * We have damaged millions of ares of land that we simply can’t use anymore for food. * The fact is we are for all of our platitudes of climate, we are still as a culture going backwards on health and soil health and nutrition and that pendulum has swung so far that it is now coming back to us. * Has Cargil and Purdue have they overplayed their hand? * The fact that SNAP spends $9 billion a year for sugar drinks, it should give you pause as to where we have been going. * 10% of the SNAP budget which has nutrition in its title goes to sugary drinks. * Durable Trades Book - the new value recognition. * The new 401k in my opinion is actually knowing how or knowing people who know how to grow, fix and build things. * I don’t mean computer programing either. * I mean planting a tree, canning vegetables, working on a truck engine things like that. * I don’t want to be stuck in a condominium it the city when stuff hits the fan. * These dirty jobs are part of what we need to start thinking about. * The average American male b/w 25-35 year olds spend 20 hours a week playing video games.  * They could be growing food, taking vocational courses.  * There is so much they could be doing w/ that wasted time. * Was it hard for you to get your products into restaurants in Virginia? * To unpack the food safety service would take almost a day. * For many of your listeners, we can process 20,000 chickens w/o government inspection and sell them to restaurants, delis and homeowners.  * But I can’t sell 1lb of sausage or ground beef w/o a government inspection. * There is an unreasonable labyrinth. * That is why Thomas Massie  - Constitutional Amendment  * Here’s the deal we live in a time where we have choice in the bathroom, bedroom, womb but no choice in our mouth and stomach.  * Our own microbiome so to speak. * Our Founders couldn’t imagine a day where we couldn’t buy or drink milk from our neighbors cows or goats. * Massie and I believe that of all the rights we could bestow on a human is the human right to food choice needs to be a foundational right.  * The Tree Huggers the Earth Muffins -  * Government policy, quit subsidizing Tyson and don’t subsidize the small farms either! * I don’t want government in our food system period.

    47 min
  3. 09/25/2024

    Kamala Harris Is The MOST Ant-Catholic Bigot In The American Government

    SPECIAL GUEST  JOE DOYLE President of the Catholic Action League * Walter Mondale in 1984 and the subsequent election did not go well for him. * Established in 1945. * The dinner benefitting Catholic Charities traditionally has been used to promote collegiality and good humor, with presidential candidates from both parties appearing on the same night and trading barbs. * ‘We’re not used to this. We don’t know how to handle it. This hasn’t happened in 40 years, since Walter Mondale turned down the invitation. And remember, he lost 49 out of 50 states. I don't want to say there's a direct connection there, but … we're not giving up,' Dolan said.  * It raises millions of dollars for Catholic charities and has traditionally shown that those vying to lead the nation can get along, or pretend to, for one night. HEADLINE: Archbishop of New York City Cardinal Timothy Dolan slams Kamala Harris' shock move and warns the last presidential candidate who did it 'lost 49 out of 50 states’ by Stephen M Lepore  * First decline in 40 years by Kamala Harris. * She would have to appear w/ Donald Trump where he would be humanized and not demonized. * We have had bigots in our history before but she is right up there. * 2019 she questioned 3 Trump Judicial nominees, she has no love for Catholics.  * She also implied Judge Kavanaugh was a gang rapist in front of his family. * In Trumps Truth Social post, Trump said Harris 'certainly hasn't been very nice' to Catholics, saying that Catholic voters who support her 'should have their head examined.'  * Proposition 4 in Florida -  * Pressure works w/ politicians.  * In 2024 Trump has been galloping away from us and we need to correct his course. * We need to pushback and he will make the right choices. * He knows we are his base. * According to polls 3% of Republicans find abortion to be the most important issue. * Pressure him into not walking away from his pro-life base. * Catholics, pro-lifers and social conservatives are helping him by pushing back on him. * My advise is to put pressure on him and all the establishment pro-life groups.

    20 min
  4. 09/13/2024

    Trump Is Working His Way To Eliminating The Income Tax

    SPECIAL GUEST DON FROM THE BRONX Cultural Affairs Correspondent  * Men cut that gap to under 10 million. * If they can get that down to 9.5 or 9 million Trump will win the election. * You can’t have the unions out there denouncing this man now. * The tax rate that kicks in for overtime is the highest possible so you really don’t make much of anything when you work overtime. * This solves that. * If you want to appeal to Independent/Moderate voters, I would wipe out all the taxes on bonuses.  AUDIO/VIDEO: JD Vance on CNBC - Economics and Tariffs - If you want access to American markets, you can’t use shiny slave labor. Let’s talk about big tech, I think Apple benefits from Chinese slave labor and I think that is sick. * Americans are addicted to cheap Chinese crap. * It would be painful initially but you’d end up getting better products that are better sourced. * It is time to return jobs to our country.  AUDIO/VIDEO: JD Vance on ABC News - Kamala Harris Plans - The American people are smart and Kamala Harris talks to them like they are children. She talks a lot about her plans but more importantly the American people don’t get fed on plans.  * I think it comes through in his commentary but I’d like to see a little more of his Catholicism shine through but he is hopeful. * There is no hope in the Harris/Walz ticket. * BACK with SPECIAL GUEST DON FROM THE BRONX * Is anyone surprised at this point? * I hate to say that but we have heard a lot of stuff from this current Pope. * It is hard for us laity out here. * He is also making it hard for those that want to convert when they hear things like this. * Why do the hard Catholic stuff when I can be on my own path and arrive at the same destination?  * Like Marjorie Taylor Greene, she was a cradle Catholic, she said I didn’t leave the Catholic Church the Catholic Church left me. * Tremendous damage to the Church. * We have seen movement to the traditional aspect so God is in charge and He knows what He is doing. * There is still much work to be done. * Europe has basically lost the Catholic faith. * Council of Florence -  * France is the oldest daughter of the Church and that is not by accident. * Innocent II, Gregory XVI, Pius IX and Pius X all condemned indifferentism.  * The Catholic faith if you are practicing it requires you to say these things. * You don’t have to go find people and yell at them. * I’m not afraid of any of this. * Men need to get out of their man caves and get into Church and on your knees. * THAT will change this culture. * President Trump did something on Sunday that warmed my heart and made me smile from ear to ear. * Most Catholic politicians wouldn’t even think to wish Mother Mary Happy Birthday on social media. * Our Catholic president Joe Biden sure didn’t!  * Melania’s newest book - it was just going to be a beautiful coffee table book but she added information about the attempted assassination attempt on her husband. * She is graceful, she dresses modestly, she dresses humbly and I think she is a great influence on Donald Trump though her.

    39 min
  5. 09/12/2024

    The Trump Assassination: Melania Strikes Back

    GEORGE WEBB Investigative Journalist Follow George Webb on X -  Read all about his investigations at Donald Trump Assassination Attempt  * Crooks had overseas bank accounts and phone storage so who was he talking to? * Who was using that bank account? * How much money was in that account? * Melania Trump -  * When her fingernails are out she is a fierce person. HEADLINE: American Slaughter Pen - Part Two by George Webb * We have these folks out there saying they are trying to kill the president. * They put their agents in and call it an insurrection, then bring in the snipers to shoot you in a fishbowl situation. * The guys that started the fight slip away but you are still there and you will be slaughtered.  * Melania Trump is now striking back at the press for their laggard approach to getting to the bottom of the Trump Assassination attempt. * The Former First Lady went so far as changing the focus of her upcoming book, due out on October 1st, to be substantially dedicated to the Trump Assassination attempt in Butler, PA, on July 13th, 2024. * We do not know how much Melania’s new book will pivot to the recent Trump Assassination attempt at the time of this writing, but the Former First Lady’s claws are definitely out on this topic. We have yet to see a strong response in the US Congress to her criticisms of slow-footedness in terms of the Congressional Task Force looking into the Trump Assassination. * I  toured, in 2022 - Melania’s hometown and school in Slovenia and even sat in with a Slovenian band that had recorded a tribute song to Melania. Melania's command of five languages and her uncanny ability to move through the top celebrity circles in Europe before coming to the US suggest she is no shrinking violet when the chips are down. * With Melania’s forceful upbraiding of the press and the investigative agencies, is that our international group of researchers’ tireless efforts are paying off. We will have a massive amount of information ready for an inquiry if the Former First Lady decides to lead an independent investigation. If the House Trump Assassination Task Force continues to drag its feet, this is a likely possibility. * My conclusion is that the Sheriff is still responsible for their SWAT Team, not a Federal Agency. My conclusion is Sheriff Tony Guy abdicated responsibility if his SWAT Team for the Trump Assassination Roof. * Alexander Vindman - I knew exactly who leaked that call and I believe history will ultimately show it was he that called Adam Schiff. * We followed his brother, there is a very deep string of corruption w/ Vindman. * He is making the movie where he is the hero of January 6th. * This is part of the American Slaughter Pin. * The news came out that Julian Assange would be released, Joe Biden agreement to get the rest of the Seth Rich email dump of 2016. * The Russian prisoner exchange with the journalist Evan Gershovich. * There is a calmness and soothes of Melania’s voice, she is Arnold w/ beauty and class. * Harris said she hasn’t been to Europe and here is Melania that has been to all the capitals.  * She is one w/ teeth and claws and I love to report on her.

    23 min
  6. 08/27/2024

    The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt

    SEGMENT 1 Time 6:03am cst WE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE   Did you miss yesterday's LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows on 15m Gay Frogs & Robert F Kennedy Jr * Birth control pills when put into the water system it does actually change the sex of frogs. * The science is in and Alex Jones was right! * Colorado State is where this was noted. * If it does this to the frogs, what does it do to the female body? * We should all be asking ourselves why we are allowing this type of ‘medicine’ into our daughters and women. * Robert F Kennedy Jr sat down w/ Tucker Carlson and discussed regenerative farming, hormones, soil health and much more. 20m Shadow Banning On Social Media  * Had this little station that could not have to battle shadow banning, more people would know about all of this.  * We discuss this all the time on the Crusade Channel. * We started way back when we introduced Free Farm Friday. * When people actually hear this information, it resonates w/ the American people.  * I think we agree w/ about 40% of what RFK Jr talks about. * The other percentage deals w/ social and moral issues. * Robert F Kennedy Jr - almost all of Christs parables involve farming or the marriage of the land, the home and at that time the home almost always involved the farm. 23m Butler, PA Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump * They didn’t have communications. * They relied on cellphones. * What happens to cellphone service when you get thousands in one location all w/ private cellphones? * The local police department offered the Secret Service members hand held radios. * They had extra radios charged up and ready to go that morning. * We now know the SS turned them down. * Why would the SS not understand the overload that would have happened on the cellphone tower load? * Why would they solely rely on their private cellphones for communications that day? * Why didn’t they gather everyone that day that was on duty, put all their body cams into a video multi view monitor, sync them all together w/ the times codes and watch them all. * Then you can be a director of a live sporting event. * You can look at camera 63 or camera 2 and back them up and review each one all synced up? 6:35am cst SEGMENT 2    Dan Bongino on Trump Attempted Assassination  Susan Crabtree on X: Asked if the security failures of J13 were just incompetence or a result of something more nefarious: @realerikprince says, "If it tips toward malice, then it's a very different can of worms. It's hard to be part of a republic" if the other side is trying to kill you. Counter Sniper Ben Shaffer, who was on the job that day at the Butler rally during the assassination attempt against Trump, is testifying to a panel of House GOP members of Congress at Heritage. He says the local law enforcement offered encrypted radios to the Secret Service, but they were not taken.  Shaffer also said Crooks' use of a rangefinder would have elevated him from a "pe...

    10 min
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42 Ratings


Highlights from The CRUSADE Channel's full-length, original talk-radio shows including The Mike Church Show, Parrott Talk, The Early Show with Fiorella Nash the True Money Show and Reconquest with Brother André Marie!

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