47 min

Cultivating Resilience When Life Gets Hard with Lopa van der Mersch Find The Magic

    • Self-Improvement

The last year or two have been rough for many of us. In this episode, we talk with Lopa van der Mersch, founder and CEO of a thriving company called Rasa, about overcoming adversity. 2015 was quite a year for Lopa. Over the course of 365 grueling days, she left a cult, had a huge falling out with her family, endured a health crisis, and lost a beloved family member. Oh, and the cherry on top? Then she had a baby—by emergency C-section. Lopa shares with us how she turned this season of challenges into an opportunity to change the world for the better, and shares her insights for cultivating a resilient posture in the face of trauma.

You can learn more about Lopa and try some of her amazing products at her website, wearerasa.com (Rasa is Taralyn’s favorite caffeine free, super herb and adaptogen filled drink, and she enjoys it daily)


MamaZen: Mindful Parenting App

If you’re experiencing impatience, anger, anxiety, and feel frustrated with your kids, then you need to get this app. MamaZen will teach you how to control your negative emotions so you can deal with your kids’ difficult behavior with more love and patience. You’ll feel calmer, happier, and more connected to your kids. Some of our favorite sessions are Reduce Mom’s Guilt, Patience for Never Ending Bedtime, and Overcome Anxiety and Overwhelm. Sessions are only 2-15 minutes long, and even 1-2 times a week makes a huge difference.

Go to your app store and download MamaZen today. Use PROMO CODE findthemagic to get full, unlimited FREE access for 30 days!

Thank you for the kind reviews! We appreciate them so much. Here is how to leave a review for us  on iTunes:

Open Find the Magic in the podcast app  

Scroll to the bottom of the page

Click on write a review

Tap the stars to rate us and then write us some feedback:)


Review of the week!


When my daughter turned about 8 months I started to notice I was really struggling with all the challenges of motherhood. I was at a breaking point and felt like I couldn’t share my honest thoughts with anyone without the sting of their silent judgement. This podcast was a saving grace; not only have I learned some great tools and coping mechanisms, but I no longer feel like I am ALONE or I’m doing something wrong or I’m a terrible mother if I meet some hardships in parenting. I now realize it is completely normal and I am so much more patient with myself and my daughter. I look forward to listening to this on my way to work every day so much! I feel like I’m having an intelligent, productive conversation with some great people and reflecting on myself and growing after every podcast! I really don’t think I could ever thank these women enough! 3 You are amazing and these conversations are a gift!! Thank you for your commitment and transparency; I know in all seriousness it has honestly changed my life, and probably many others!


Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/findthemagic/support

The last year or two have been rough for many of us. In this episode, we talk with Lopa van der Mersch, founder and CEO of a thriving company called Rasa, about overcoming adversity. 2015 was quite a year for Lopa. Over the course of 365 grueling days, she left a cult, had a huge falling out with her family, endured a health crisis, and lost a beloved family member. Oh, and the cherry on top? Then she had a baby—by emergency C-section. Lopa shares with us how she turned this season of challenges into an opportunity to change the world for the better, and shares her insights for cultivating a resilient posture in the face of trauma.

You can learn more about Lopa and try some of her amazing products at her website, wearerasa.com (Rasa is Taralyn’s favorite caffeine free, super herb and adaptogen filled drink, and she enjoys it daily)


MamaZen: Mindful Parenting App

If you’re experiencing impatience, anger, anxiety, and feel frustrated with your kids, then you need to get this app. MamaZen will teach you how to control your negative emotions so you can deal with your kids’ difficult behavior with more love and patience. You’ll feel calmer, happier, and more connected to your kids. Some of our favorite sessions are Reduce Mom’s Guilt, Patience for Never Ending Bedtime, and Overcome Anxiety and Overwhelm. Sessions are only 2-15 minutes long, and even 1-2 times a week makes a huge difference.

Go to your app store and download MamaZen today. Use PROMO CODE findthemagic to get full, unlimited FREE access for 30 days!

Thank you for the kind reviews! We appreciate them so much. Here is how to leave a review for us  on iTunes:

Open Find the Magic in the podcast app  

Scroll to the bottom of the page

Click on write a review

Tap the stars to rate us and then write us some feedback:)


Review of the week!


When my daughter turned about 8 months I started to notice I was really struggling with all the challenges of motherhood. I was at a breaking point and felt like I couldn’t share my honest thoughts with anyone without the sting of their silent judgement. This podcast was a saving grace; not only have I learned some great tools and coping mechanisms, but I no longer feel like I am ALONE or I’m doing something wrong or I’m a terrible mother if I meet some hardships in parenting. I now realize it is completely normal and I am so much more patient with myself and my daughter. I look forward to listening to this on my way to work every day so much! I feel like I’m having an intelligent, productive conversation with some great people and reflecting on myself and growing after every podcast! I really don’t think I could ever thank these women enough! 3 You are amazing and these conversations are a gift!! Thank you for your commitment and transparency; I know in all seriousness it has honestly changed my life, and probably many others!


Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/findthemagic/support

47 min