9 min

Day 16: Slaying Dragons Enchanted Empath

    • Spirituality

Welcome back to day 16 of the 22-Day Psychic Cleanse! As we venture deeper into the Hero's Journey, today we’re delving into the realm of dependencies and addictions, shining a light on these often shadowy corners of our lives before they cast a long shadow over our spiritual growth.

Picture this: you're navigating life's winding roads, and suddenly you find yourself at a crossroads. You notice that little voice inside your head urging you to indulge in that one habit, that one substance, or perhaps even that one person who seems to offer solace from life's challenges. But wait, before you take that detour, let’s hit the brakes and take a closer look at what’s really going on.

The Devil

Enter the Devil card in the Tarot. Now, before you panic, let’s demystify this infamous card. In Tarot, the Devil doesn’t represent some external evil force out to get you. Instead, it symbolizes the chains we willingly bind ourselves with – those habits, dependencies, materialism, and addictions that keep us shackled, preventing us from reaching our fullest potential.

One common manifestation of these chains is found in codependent relationships. You know the type – where you lose yourself in trying to fix, rescue, or please someone else, often at the expense of your own well-being. It’s like being tangled in a web of toxic energy, where boundaries blur, and self-care takes a backseat.

But here’s the thing: awareness is our greatest ally in breaking free from these chains. By shining a light on our dependencies and addictions, we reclaim our power to choose differently. It’s about acknowledging that while these habits may offer temporary relief, they ultimately hinder our spiritual growth and block our path to true fulfillment.

Observing The Devil card, the couple in chains can simply (maybe not easily) remove the loose chains that are around their necks and start to reverse their animalistic tendencies and raw instincts before completely crossing over to the dark side. Notice their budding horns and beastly tails. They can continue feeding their shadow selves by over-indulging in worldly pleasures, or they can break free.

When The Devil shows up in a reading for a client, my first question is, "How is your spiritual life?" Because I know that it's out of balance and can use some attention.

"Addiction begins with the hope that something 'out there' can instantly fill up the emptiness inside."

Eckhart tolle

Think about it like this: every time we succumb to our addictions, we’re feeding the beast within. We’re perpetuating a cycle of spiritual erosion, where our inner light dims a little more with each indulgence. But fear not, for every chain that binds us also holds the key to our liberation.

Slaying Dragons

So, how do we break free? It starts with a willingness to face our shadows head-on, to confront the underlying fears and insecurities that drive our addictive behaviors. It’s about seeking support, whether through therapy, support groups, or trusted friends who can walk alongside us on this journey of self-discovery.

And as we gradually loosen the grip of our dependencies, we create space for something greater to emerge – a newfound sense of inner strength, resilience, and self-love. We reclaim our sovereignty, standing tall as the architects of our own destiny.

So, as we continue our journey through the 22-Day Psychic Cleanse, let’s embrace the wisdom of The Devil card. Let’s honor the shadows as integral parts of ourselves, knowing that it’s through acknowledging and transcending them that we step into the fullne...

Welcome back to day 16 of the 22-Day Psychic Cleanse! As we venture deeper into the Hero's Journey, today we’re delving into the realm of dependencies and addictions, shining a light on these often shadowy corners of our lives before they cast a long shadow over our spiritual growth.

Picture this: you're navigating life's winding roads, and suddenly you find yourself at a crossroads. You notice that little voice inside your head urging you to indulge in that one habit, that one substance, or perhaps even that one person who seems to offer solace from life's challenges. But wait, before you take that detour, let’s hit the brakes and take a closer look at what’s really going on.

The Devil

Enter the Devil card in the Tarot. Now, before you panic, let’s demystify this infamous card. In Tarot, the Devil doesn’t represent some external evil force out to get you. Instead, it symbolizes the chains we willingly bind ourselves with – those habits, dependencies, materialism, and addictions that keep us shackled, preventing us from reaching our fullest potential.

One common manifestation of these chains is found in codependent relationships. You know the type – where you lose yourself in trying to fix, rescue, or please someone else, often at the expense of your own well-being. It’s like being tangled in a web of toxic energy, where boundaries blur, and self-care takes a backseat.

But here’s the thing: awareness is our greatest ally in breaking free from these chains. By shining a light on our dependencies and addictions, we reclaim our power to choose differently. It’s about acknowledging that while these habits may offer temporary relief, they ultimately hinder our spiritual growth and block our path to true fulfillment.

Observing The Devil card, the couple in chains can simply (maybe not easily) remove the loose chains that are around their necks and start to reverse their animalistic tendencies and raw instincts before completely crossing over to the dark side. Notice their budding horns and beastly tails. They can continue feeding their shadow selves by over-indulging in worldly pleasures, or they can break free.

When The Devil shows up in a reading for a client, my first question is, "How is your spiritual life?" Because I know that it's out of balance and can use some attention.

"Addiction begins with the hope that something 'out there' can instantly fill up the emptiness inside."

Eckhart tolle

Think about it like this: every time we succumb to our addictions, we’re feeding the beast within. We’re perpetuating a cycle of spiritual erosion, where our inner light dims a little more with each indulgence. But fear not, for every chain that binds us also holds the key to our liberation.

Slaying Dragons

So, how do we break free? It starts with a willingness to face our shadows head-on, to confront the underlying fears and insecurities that drive our addictive behaviors. It’s about seeking support, whether through therapy, support groups, or trusted friends who can walk alongside us on this journey of self-discovery.

And as we gradually loosen the grip of our dependencies, we create space for something greater to emerge – a newfound sense of inner strength, resilience, and self-love. We reclaim our sovereignty, standing tall as the architects of our own destiny.

So, as we continue our journey through the 22-Day Psychic Cleanse, let’s embrace the wisdom of The Devil card. Let’s honor the shadows as integral parts of ourselves, knowing that it’s through acknowledging and transcending them that we step into the fullne...

9 min