66 episodes

Wayne Dyer so wisely said, "You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside. You are not stuck where you are unless you decide to be." I couldn't agree more! Since everything is energy and emanates a mood, it is vital that empaths and highly sensitive people learn how to mitigate the energy around them by managing their energy mindfully and purposely. The difference between someone who minds their energy and one who doesn't can be determined by their health and wellbeing. Once you embrace and cultivate your empathic self, you become an Enchanted Empath who uses her sensitivity as her healing superpower!

Join me every Thursday at noon, pacific time, to learn powerful practices that will help you raise your vibe and manage your energy to radically improve the quality of your life in every area! Feel free to visit my website to get a glimpse into my work: https://charlenemurphy.com/

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Empaths are here to heal the world but first, we must heal ourselves.

Enchanted Empath Charlene Murphy

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 5.0 • 4 Ratings

Wayne Dyer so wisely said, "You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside. You are not stuck where you are unless you decide to be." I couldn't agree more! Since everything is energy and emanates a mood, it is vital that empaths and highly sensitive people learn how to mitigate the energy around them by managing their energy mindfully and purposely. The difference between someone who minds their energy and one who doesn't can be determined by their health and wellbeing. Once you embrace and cultivate your empathic self, you become an Enchanted Empath who uses her sensitivity as her healing superpower!

Join me every Thursday at noon, pacific time, to learn powerful practices that will help you raise your vibe and manage your energy to radically improve the quality of your life in every area! Feel free to visit my website to get a glimpse into my work: https://charlenemurphy.com/

This is a great time to "chat in" and get live coaching.

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Empaths are here to heal the world but first, we must heal ourselves.

    Day 22: Celebrate Yourself!

    Day 22: Celebrate Yourself!

    Hey there, fellow seekers of inner peace and spiritual growth! We've reached the final day of our 22-day psychic cleanse journey! It's time to pop the metaphorical champagne, throw some confetti, and most importantly, celebrate YOU.

    The World

    Today, we're channeling the energy of The World card in the Tarot. If you're not familiar, let me give you a quick rundown. The World represents completion, fulfillment, and unity. It's like reaching the finish line of a marathon and realizing the journey was as beautiful as the destination.

    So, how does this relate to our psychic cleanse journey? Well, think of all the moments over the past three weeks where you've delved deep into your soul, confronted your fears, and embraced your strengths. Each day was a step closer to aligning with your true self, shedding layers of doubt and negativity along the way.

    Today is about reflecting on how far you've come. Take a moment to honor your achievements, big and small. Maybe you finally let go of a toxic relationship or discovered a new meditation practice that resonates with you. Perhaps you found the courage to pursue a passion project or simply learned to be kinder to yourself. Whatever it is, give yourself a pat on the back. You've earned it.

    But it's not just about celebrating the victories; it's also about acknowledging the lessons learned. Throughout this journey, you've likely encountered challenges and setbacks. Maybe you stumbled upon some uncomfortable truths or faced resistance from within. These moments were not setbacks; they were opportunities for growth. Embrace them as part of your journey, knowing that they've helped shape you into the resilient, wise individual you are today.

    As we bask in the joy of wrapping up this cleanse, let's also look ahead with gratitude and optimism. The completion of one chapter marks the beginning of another. The World reminds us that life is a cycle of endings and beginnings, each connected in a beautiful dance of cosmic energy.

    "The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams."

    oprah winfrey

    So, fellow travelers, as we bid farewell to our 22-day psychic cleanse, let's carry the wisdom gained and the love cultivated into the next phase of our journeys. Remember, you hold the power to create the life you desire. Trust in yourself, trust in the universe, and continue to walk your path with courage and grace.

    Thank you for embarking on this transformative journey with me. Here's to new beginnings, endless possibilities, and the boundless magic of the human spirit. Cheers to you, my friends. The world is yours to conquer.

    Cleansing Exercise 

    Celebrate yourself today. Treat yourself with kindness, compassion, and love. You are worthy of celebration simply for being you. So, raise a toast to your existence, and let your light shine bright for all the world to see.

    Journal Prompt 

    Write down at least three things you're proud of accomplishing during this time. These could be big milestones or small victories—every achievement counts!

    Creative Meditation  

    Visualize yourself surrounded by light and love, basking in the joy of having completed this Psychic Cleanse. Feel the sense of completion and fulfillment wash over you.


    "I celebrate my accomplishments and honor my journey with gratitude."

    **SHOW NOTES**

    • 6 min
    Day 21: Spiritual Liberation

    Day 21: Spiritual Liberation

    Hello and welcome back! We've arrived at day 21 of our 22-day psychic cleanse journey, and what a journey it's been! As we pause to reflect on our path so far, it's clear that we've undergone a profound transformation.

    Imagine this: you've navigated through the twists and turns of your own hero's journey, facing challenges head-on, and emerging stronger and wiser on the other side. You've embraced the call to adventure, crossed the threshold into the unknown, and now, you stand on the brink of a new chapter in your life.


    Today, we're embodying the energy of the Judgement card in the Tarot. It's a symbol of awakening, renewal, and forgiveness—a reminder that you've done the work, and now, you're ready for the next iteration of your life, new and improved.

    But let's talk about where you've come from. Remember when ignoring the call of spiritual awakening felt like the easier path? You've moved past that now. You've answered the call, and you've embraced the journey with courage and conviction. And as a result, you've undergone a spiritual rebirth—a shedding of the old to make way for the new.

    Forgiveness has been a cornerstone of this journey. You've let go of old wounds, released resentments, and forgiven both others and yourself. And in doing so, you've liberated yourself from the chains of the past and opened yourself up to a world of endless possibilities.

    Now, as you stand on the threshold of this new chapter, take a moment to acknowledge how far you've come. You are the hero of your own story, and you've emerged from this journey stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever before.

    So, as we approach the end of our 22-day psychic cleanse, let's celebrate this moment of transformation. Let's embrace the new and improved version of ourselves with open hearts and open minds. Because the future is bright, and you are ready to step boldly into it.

    "The universe is conspiring on your behalf to unfold your highest good and greatest potential. This is your moment to liberate yourself from the past, re-envision the future, and step boldly into the next phase of your soul's evolution."

    Michael bernard beckwith

    Cleansing Exercise 

    Let's take a final sweep... Are there any lingering resentments or burdens that you're ready to release? Are there any phone calls you need to make? Apologies or amends to make to yourself or anyone else? Make it a priority.

    Journal Prompt 

    Looking back on your journey of spiritual growth and reinvention, what moments stand out to you as pivotal in your personal transformation? How have you embraced the call to spiritual awakening in your life? Reflect on the challenges you've faced and the growth you've experienced along the way.

    Creative Meditation  

    As you approach the next phase of your journey, what aspects of yourself are you most excited to nurture and cultivate? What new possibilities do you envision for your life? Imagine that!


    "I forgive myself and others, freeing myself from the past and opening up to a brighter future."

    **SHOW NOTES**

    Take my Intuition Quiz to discover your intuitive gifts: https://charlenemurphy.com/intuition-test/

    Did you download your free 22-Day Spring Psychic Cleanse Journal? Do that here: a href="https://rb.

    • 4 min
    Day 20: Walking on Sunshine

    Day 20: Walking on Sunshine

    Welcome back to the 22 Day Psychic Cleanse! Can you believe we're already on day 20 of our mystical journey through the realms of the psyche? Today, we're diving deep into the radiant energy of The Sun Tarot card, basking in its warmth, and exploring the power of the solar plexus chakra.

    The Sun

    As we emerge from the introspective shadows of the Moon card, we're greeted by the effervescent glow of The Sun. This card symbolizes clarity, enthusiasm, and unbridled optimism. It's like stepping into a sunlit meadow after a long night; everything is illuminated, and possibilities seem endless.

    Solar Plexus Chakra

    At the core of The Sun's energy lies the solar plexus chakra, our center of personal power and self-confidence. When this chakra is balanced and activated, we radiate a sense of inner strength and vitality. We trust in our abilities, embrace our authenticity, and navigate life with courage and resilience.

    However, in our journey through adulthood, it's easy to get caught up in the responsibilities and pressures of everyday life. We become so focused on "adulting" that we forget to infuse our days with joy, playfulness, and spontaneity. We lose touch with the vibrant energy of The Sun, and our personal power wanes as a result.

    The Sun card reminds us to reconnect with our inner child, to rediscover the simple joys that fuel our spirits. Whether it's dancing in the rain, indulging in creative pursuits, or spending time with loved ones, embracing fun and play is essential for nurturing our souls.

    "Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you."

    walt whitman

    So, how can we tap into the solar energy of The Sun and reclaim our personal power?

    First, let go of the need to control every aspect of your life. Embrace the spontaneity of the present moment and trust in your evolutionary process. Remember, it's all working FOR you.

    Second, prioritize self-care and nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Engage in activities that bring you joy and replenish your energy reserves.

    Last, cultivate gratitude for the abundance in your life. Focus on the blessings rather than the challenges, and watch as positivity and abundance flow effortlessly into your world.

    As we bask in the golden glow of The Sun, let's remember to harness its energy to illuminate our path forward. Let's reclaim our personal power, embrace the joy of living, and shine brightly as we journey towards our highest potential.

    Cleansing Exercise 

    Today's cleansing exercise is all about embracing the practice of self-care, but let's dive a little deeper into what that truly means. Throughout this journey, you've been on a path of authentic self-care, which goes beyond surface-level treatments. Real self-care, as beautifully explained by Dr. Pooja in her book of the same name, involves internal decision-making that influences major life choices. It's about taking personal responsibility, agency, and ownership over how we allocate our time and energy.

    So, in the radiant spirit of The Sun, let's shift our focus to what I like to call "light" self-care – good ol' pampering! Take some time today to do something that relaxes and nurtures your soul. Whether it's indulging in a bubble bath, going for a leisurely walk in nature, or simply curling up with a good book, prioritize activities that bring you joy and replenish your spirit. You deserve it!

    Journal Prompt 

    Take a moment to reflect on the abundance in your life...

    • 7 min
    Day 19: Calming a Divided Mind

    Day 19: Calming a Divided Mind

    Welcome back to Day 19 of our 22 Day Psychic Cleanse journey! Yesterday felt like a sweet little break, didn’t it? We tapped into the energy of The Star card, soaking up that feeling of triumph over challenges. But, you know us humans, right? We're a bit like the night sky—sometimes sparkling with stars, other times shrouded in deep darkness. We can’t linger in celebration mode forever. Our wonderfully complex nature just loves to keep us on our toes, tossing doubts, fears, and shadows into the mix for us to face head-on. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and see what cosmic adventures await us today!

    Today, our focus is on something that many of us grapple with from time to time: the tug-of-war between our conscious mind and our subconscious, or what I like to call the division between the head and the heart. It’s all about observing that constant contention and learning to lean into our intuition, that quiet, knowing voice within that often gets drowned out by the noise of everyday life and our own monkey minds.

    The Moon

    Let’s talk about The Moon card in the Tarot. It’s a card that speaks volumes about illusion, uncertainty, and the unseen forces at play in our lives. Sound familiar? It should, because isn’t that just like the dance between our conscious and subconscious minds?

    See, the contentious Moon reminds us that sometimes what we perceive isn’t the whole truth. Our subconscious is a vast ocean of memories, emotions, and experiences, and sometimes it likes to play tricks on us, projecting negative past experiences into the present moment. And boy, does fear love to jump on that bandwagon and take the wheel, steering us away from our true path.

    But don't worry! The key here is awareness. By acknowledging the division between our head and our heart, between our conscious and subconscious minds, we can start to unravel the knots of illusion and step into the light of our intuition.

    So, how do we do it? How do we lean into our intuition and quiet the noise of fear and past negativity? Well, it’s all about practice. Take a moment each day to sit in stillness, to listen to the whispers of your intuition. Trust those gut feelings, those little nudges from the universe guiding you along your path.

    When those familiar fears creep in, remember they’re just like shadows in the moonlight—temporary illusions cast by the brilliance of your real essence. Just as the moon waxes and wanes, so do these feelings. They’ll ebb away, making room for the sun to shine once more.

    "Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream?"

    Edgar allan poe

    So instead of howling at the moon in a futile attempt to control contentious energies, let them pass. Whenever I see The Moon in a reading for my clients, I always tell them to take a time out and trust that brighter days and mental clarity are just around the corner.

    So, as we continue on our psychic cleanse journey, let’s embrace the wisdom of the Moon and the lessons it teaches us about navigating the murky waters of our subconscious. Let’s lean into our intuition, trusting that it will always lead us home.

    Cleansing Exercise 

    The Moon energy calls for a heart coherence exercise. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Then, gently place one hand on your forehead, and the other over your heart. Feel the connection between these two points, allowing your breath to flow smoothly between them. Stay in this position for a few moments, focusing on aligning your thoughts with your emotions.

    Journal Prompt 

    • 7 min
    Day 18: The Dawn of a New Day

    Day 18: The Dawn of a New Day

    Welcome to day 18 of the 22 day Psychic Cleanse. Today feels like a warm embrace after a wild storm, a gentle reminder that hope follows despair. If you've been weathering storms lately, take solace, for today brings a much-needed reprieve.

    Picture yourself as a phoenix rising from the ashes. You've faced challenges head-on, shed layers of limiting beliefs, and emerged stronger and more radiant than ever. Through it all, you've discovered the core of who you truly are, beyond the illusions.

    The Star

    Today, let's tap into the energy of The Star card in the Tarot. Imagine a serene figure kneeling by a pool of water, pouring two vessels. One vessel pours into the pool, nourishing the earth, while the other pours onto the ground, symbolizing renewal and replenishment. This card is like a beacon of hope, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, there's always a guiding light.

    Much like The Star, you are a conduit of divine energy. You're connected to the universe in profound ways, even if you don't fully grasp it yet. Through the ups and downs, you've clung to that connection, anchoring yourself in pure, loving energy.

    But here's the beautiful twist: in discovering your true essence, you've also uncovered your power. You realize that regardless of what life throws your way, you possess the strength and resilience to overcome it. You've peeled away the layers of doubt and insecurity, standing tall in your authenticity.

    So, as you soak in the glow of today's respite, take a moment to honor the journey you've traversed. Celebrate the bravery it took to confront your shadows and the insights you've gathered along the path. Understand that you're a radiant star amidst the cosmos, spreading love and light wherever you tread. It's truly your time to shine!

    And remember, amidst the vast expanse of the night sky, the stars offer us guidance. They twinkle with wisdom and spiritual insight, ready to illuminate our path if we only pause to listen.

    "Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all."

    emily dickinson

    Cleansing Exercise

    Today is a perfect opportunity to reach out to your spirit guides. Say a warm hello and express your gratitude with a note or a small gift. It could be anything from flowers to a candle, or even your favorite fruit. Show them your appreciation for their guidance and collaboration on your journey.

    Journal Prompt 

    Reflect on a time when you felt a strong connection to your inner guidance or spiritual intuition. What signs or messages did you receive? How did you honor and nurture this connection? Write about any insights or revelations that arose from this experience, and consider how you can continue to cultivate and deepen your spiritual connection moving forward.

    Creative Meditation  

    Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Imagine yourself standing in a lush, serene garden surrounded by vibrant flowers and tall, swaying trees. Feel the gentle warmth of the sun on your skin and the soft breeze brushing against your face.

    As you walk through the garden, you notice a sparkling pool of water ahead. Approach it with curiosity and ease. Gazing into the clear, reflective surface, you see your own reflection shimmering back at you, filled with light and radiance.

    Now, imagine reaching out your hand and dipping it into the water. As you do, you feel a gentle tingling sensation, a connection to the energy of the universe.

    • 7 min
    Day 17: Shaking the Tree with The Tower

    Day 17: Shaking the Tree with The Tower

    Welcome back to the 22 Day Psychic Cleanse. Today, we're diving deep into the turbulent waters of universal wake-up calls, where chaos reigns supreme, and change is the only constant. Buckle up, because Day 17 is all about confronting The Tower card in the Tarot and understanding the importance of stable foundations in our lives.

    As the Hero's Journey continues, we inevitably find ourselves in the thick of turbulent forces that bring us to our knees, especially if we ignore the budding issues brought forth in The Devil card. Today's lesson is not to frighten you, but to acknowledge that our human condition is a tapestry of light and shadow, growth and challenge. It's through facing these challenges head-on that we discover our true strength and resilience.

    Just like the hero of a grand adventure, (think Luke Skywalker or Dorothy of Oz) we must confront our inner demons and navigate the treacherous terrain of change. It's in these moments of chaos and destruction that we have the opportunity to rise, to shed our old skin, and emerge stronger and wiser than before.

    The Tower

    First things first, let's talk about The Tower card. For those unfamiliar, it's depicted as a tall tower struck by lightning, with people falling from its heights. It's a powerful symbol of sudden upheaval, destruction of old structures, and the need to rebuild from the ground up. Sounds intense, right? But fear not, because The Tower brings with it the promise of renewal and growth, albeit through turbulent means.

    Now, let's zoom out and look at the bigger picture. Universal wake-up calls are like cosmic alarms reminding us that change is not only inevitable but necessary for our personal and collective evolution. These wake-up calls can manifest in various forms – from major life events like loss, upheaval, or unexpected challenges to global crises that shake the very foundations of society.

    Just when you think you’re safe and comfortable, a Tower moment hits and throws you for a loop. A lightning bolt of clarity and insight cuts through the lies and illusions you have been telling yourself, and now the truth comes to light. It may be a divorce, death of a loved one, financial failure, health problems, natural disaster, job loss, or any event that shakes you to your core, affecting you spiritually, mentally, and physically. There’s no escaping it. Change is here to break things up and rearrange them (but trust me, it’s for your Highest Good).

    Shaking the Tree

    I often remind my clients that when The Tower shows up in their readings, it's like the universe is shaking their tree, clearing out all the nuts that are in the way and blocking growth and progress. It's a necessary upheaval, a cosmic wake-up call that propels us forward on our journey of self-discovery and evolution.

    Sure, it can be unsettling to watch everything we've built come crashing down around us. But trust me, it has to happen. Just like a gardener prunes a plant to encourage new growth, the universe shakes things up to remove what no longer serves us, making room for fresh opportunities and experiences that need to happen to fulfill your inner most dreams and desires. See, the universe is responding to the deeper part of you and knows the best path to get you where you really want to be.

    Here's the thing: when we build our lives on unstable or ambiguous foundations, we're setting ourselves up for a Tower moment. Just like a poorly constructed tower, our lives can come crashing down when faced with the storms of life. Whether it's neglecting our mental and emotional well-being, ignoring warning signs in relationships, taking shortcuts,

    • 11 min

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I love this podcast! I originally found this podcast on YouTube and had to look it up so I can download and listen during work. You have been extremely helpful and I feel I can relate and I’m so happy I have came across this podcast. Thank you ^_^

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