67 episodes

Conversations on congregational life in the 21st Century.

Distinct People Distinct Time Pastor Jeff Long

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 5.0 • 10 Ratings

Conversations on congregational life in the 21st Century.

    Put Sin to Death

    Put Sin to Death

    Episode Summary:

    In an episode that deeply probes the Christian challenge of confronting and overcoming sin, Pastor Jeff Long offers a perspective that resonates with believers striving to navigate the complexities of their faith. He initiates a thoughtful exploration into the Apostle Paul's writing in Romans and Colossians, revealing the inner conflict between the flesh and the spirit. The episode’s discussion captures the listener’s attention with its relatable exposition of the perplexity that arises from doing what one hates, a universal experience for Christians grappling with indwelling sin.

    Pastor Long urges the importance of understanding who we are in Christ as the foundation for overcoming sinful behaviors. He delineates the nuances of ‘consent’ to sin, distinguishing between the deliberate indulgence in sin seen in unbelievers and the reluctant, often passive, consent that believers might give despite their new nature. By employing metaphoric illustrations, the pastor eloquently emphasizes the high stakes of passive consent and the necessity of actively combating the flesh. The episode underscores a strategic approach to spiritual warfare, championing the value of community and accountability in the process of sanctification.

    Key Takeaways:

    The continual struggle between flesh and spirit is a central theme of Christian life, as depicted by the Apostle Paul in Romans and Colossians.

    Understanding one's identity in Christ is paramount to effectively "put to death what is earthly" within us.
    The consent to sin takes two primary forms: the deliberate 'sins of the high hand' and the reluctant, often passive, 'sins of the willy-nilly.'

    Passive consent to sin can be just as dangerous as active consent, and it often manifests in the neglect of God-given means to combat sin.

    Engaging in communal study, confession, and accountability is presented as an effective strategy for winning the fight against sin.

    Notable Quotes:

    "For I do not understand my own actions, for I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate."

    "Each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire."

    "The spirit in us is grieved by our sin and cannot delight in it."

    "The folly of the believer is to ignore this voice repeatedly until you become deaf."

    "All you have to do to give consent to sin is willingly neglect the means that God has given you to put an end to what is earthly in you."


    Book Recommendation: "The Enemy Within" by Chris Lundgard

    Pastor Jeff Long’s Sermon Series on Colossians (specific URLs or podcast platforms not provided)

    Previous relevant podcasts by Pastor Jeff Long (specific URLs or podcast platforms not provided)

    Join us for this thought-provoking discussion with Pastor Jeff Long and glean wisdom from his interpretation of biblical texts as they relate to our daily lives and inner battles. Gain fresh insights into understanding and fighting indwelling sin, and consider the community's role in personal spiritual growth. To listen to the Pastor's sermon series or discover similar life-changing messages, be sure to check out his work. Stay tuned for more enlightening content that challenges and nurtures your faith journey.

    • 9 min
    Seeking & Setting

    Seeking & Setting

    Episode Summary:

    In an era where our attention is fragmented by the relentless influx of information, Pastor Jeff Long illuminates a path back to focus through faith. In this thought-provoking episode, he speaks to those who feel overwhelmed by the modern world's distractions and offers guidance on how to redirect attention to the things that truly matter—spiritual development and connection with the divine.

    Diving into Colossians 3:1-4, Pastor Long brings forth a compelling narrative on the importance of setting one’s mind on higher, more divine purposes. He underscores the distinction between those who genuinely experience attention disorders and the societal tendency to claim overstimulation as a universal condition. The pastor carefully outlines a dual approach, consisting of both congregational and individual practices, to help believers seek and attune their minds to the spiritual realm. These insights are SEO-optimized by integrating keywords such as "attention deficit disorder," "overload," "mindfulness," "Christian worship," and "personal devotion" to resonate with those seeking solace in spirituality.

    Key Takeaways:

    Attention disorders contrast with the common societal experience of information overload and distraction.
    Engaging in God-centered worship and Bible-saturated teaching within a congregation can help orient one's life towards spiritual pursuits.
    Personal time set aside for devotion is crucial for focusing on divine matters, suggesting morning or evening routines based on individual preference.
    Structured, systematic approaches to reading the Bible and prayer are recommended, with personal journaling as a beneficial practice.
    Pastor Long advocates for disciplined patterns in spiritual activities to resist the pull of worldly distractions and maintain godliness.

    Notable Quotes:

    "To seek the things that are above means to find your waypoint, to find that place, the destination, the goal, the orientation of your life."
    "The songs and the prayers should set our hearts affection and our minds attention on God."
    "You're never going to seek and set your mind on things above in a hurry."
    "Thoughts must be disciplined. Otherwise, like water, they tend to flow downhill or stand stagnant."
    "If we do not discipline our use of time for the purpose of godliness in these evil days, these evil days will keep us from becoming godly."


    Spiritual Disciplines of a Godly Life by Donald Whitney.

    Be Thou My Vision, a 31-day liturgy guide by Jonathon Gibson.

    The church website for growth group guides and additional resources: Parkwood Reading List

    Join us in this journey to realign our lives with the divine and learn to navigate the chaos of the modern world through focused devotion. By setting our minds on the things above, we can find peace and purpose amidst the noise. Tune in to the full episode for a deeper exploration of this spiritual practice and stay tuned for more enlightening content that delves into the heart of faith and worship.

    • 12 min
    Dreams & Visions

    Dreams & Visions

    Episode Summary:

    In this insightful episode of the podcast, Pastor Scott Hand embarks on a thought-provoking journey through the complex and often disputed topic of dreams and visions within the Christian faith. The introduction sets the scene for a deep dive into the mysticism seen in the Church at Colossae and the concerns regarding spiritual pride within those who claim to have received secret knowledge through such experiences.

    Pastor Scott Hand engages his audience by discussing the delicate balance between the biblical instances of dreams and visions and the potential pitfalls of pride and adding to scripture. Through the examination of Apostle Paul's experiences in 2 Corinthians, he emphasizes the sufficiency of Christ and the Bible, steering clear of self-aggrandizement and fresh revelation claims. Hand wisely weaves together scriptural references, providing clarity and an enriching perspective on this sensitive topic.

    Key Takeaways:

    Dreams and visions in the biblical context need to be approached with humility, not as a means to elevate oneself due to supposed special knowledge or divine favor.

    Apostle Paul's modesty about his own experiences in 2 Corinthians serves as a guide for how Christians should view personal spiritual encounters.

    Any claimed revelation or vision that contradicts or adds to the Bible should be disregarded.

    On the mission field, God may use dreams and visions to connect people to believers who can share the gospel with them, as illustrated in the story of Cornelius.

    The ultimate focus should rest on the sufficiency of Christ and the scripture as the final source of God's revelation.

    Notable Quotes:

    "The heart behind [mysticism] is really pride, because you're saying, in a sense, that you have gained some secret, hidden knowledge that no one else has." "Paul's concern here was precisely that others would not think him special." "If you hear someone making a claim to have seen a vision or a dream... that makes the individual the focus... we should disregard it." "Paul explained his experience in such a way to take the focus off of him and to not be accused of adding anything to the Bible." "The sufficiency of Christ. He is enough. He alone is enough for salvation. And remember the sufficiency of scripture."


    Join us for the full episode to delve deeper into the profound teachings of Pastor Scott Hand on dreams and visions in the Christian context. Stay tuned for more episode

    • 9 min
    For Our Good and His Glory

    For Our Good and His Glory

    ###Episode Summary:

    In this thought-provoking episode, Pastor Jeff Long delves into the fundamental question of 'why'—a query we encounter from the earliest stages of our lives. The episode opens doors to a reflective journey where listeners are invited to reconsider the divine instructions laid out in the Bible, not as arbitrary directives but as pathways for their benefit and God's glory. Using the book of Colossians as a foundational text, Pastor Long eloquently unveils the Apostle Paul's method of teaching, bringing to life the essence of being a Christian.

    The key to understanding Paul's messages to the Colossians lies in the concept of the indicative imperative structure—what is true of a Christian, followed by what is expected because of that truth. This theological dynamic furnishes believers with a framework that harmonizes their identity in Christ with their actions. Pastor Long masterfully navigates through specific verses, explaining how God's instructions are responsive to and reflective of our transformation through faith.

    For those seeking a deeper understanding of their spiritual journey, this episode promises to shed light on the biblical perspective that righteousness and divine commands are intimately connected to identity and purpose.

    ###Key Takeaways:

    God's commands come with reasons that encompass our well-being and His glory.
    The indicative imperative framework in Paul's letters helps Christians align actions with their identity in Christ.
    Colossians is explored as a rich source that demonstrates living in Christ to resist worldly judgments and philosophies.

    God's commands are not in a vacuum—they relate directly to our transformation and status as chosen ones.
    Living according to biblical truth is emphasized as not solely for personal good but for communal benefit and divine glorification.

    ###Notable Quotes:

    "If there's any person that has the right to say 'because I told you,' it's God almighty."
    "Indicative means what is true of you… Then the imperative, what is expected of you in light of what is true."
    "So walk in him. This is a big generalized command that he's going to fully explain through the rest of the letter."
    "Don't let people pass judgment on you. Be true to who you are."
    "If you are in Christ. Here's the appeal of the Bible, then be who you are. Live for his glory and it will be for your good."


    There are no specific resources or URLs mentioned in the transcript. Listeners seeking additional insights may wish to explore the book of Colossians from the Bible further, as it is the centerpiece of the episode's discussion.

    Dive into the full episode to resonate with Pastor Jeff Long's compelling exploration of biblical truths and their profound implications for your life. Join us as we continue to deliver impactful and enlightening content that bridges the timeless wisdom of scripture with the realities of modern faith.

    • 7 min
    What God Has Joined Together

    What God Has Joined Together

    ###Episode Summary:

    In this thought-provoking episode, Pastor Jeff Long delves into the depths of Christian love, discussing its foundational importance and transformative power in marriages. Addressing a gathering of young adults, he presents a compelling argument on the indispensability of shared faith for a truly sacrificial and selfless love in marriage, as outlined in Biblical scriptures. The episode serves as a critical exploration of spiritual companionship and offers guidance for both struggling and prospective couples.

    Pastor Jeff dissects the intricacies of love as derived from the Christian faith, drawing from scripture like one John and Colossians, highlighting the complete embodiment of God's love within believers. By referencing the Atlantic Ocean analogy, he underscores the endless and all-encompassing nature of divine love that enriches Christian marriage. The episode promises an enlightened perspective on the unique relationship dynamics between two Christians united in matrimony, backed by the enduring wisdom from 1 Corinthians 13.
    As the conversation unfolds, Pastor Jeff acknowledges the challenges faced by couples, emphasizing the strength and resilience that faith can offer in weathering life's storms together. With a tone of empathetic guidance, the transcript is rich with spiritual insights and testimonies to the transformative power of love rooted in faith.

    ###Key Takeaways:

    True love in marriage, according to Christian beliefs, requires an ongoing, selfless commitment that is closely tied to one's relationship with God.
    Being "in Christ" as a believer transforms all relationships, especially marriage, providing a depth of love that goes beyond mere attraction and companionship.
    The tenets from 1 Corinthians 13 provide a template for Christian love, emphasizing patience, kindness, and a rejoicing in truth that is essential for a marriage to thrive.
    Pastor Jeff addresses those in a relationship with non-believers, encouraging the Christian spouse to lead by example with patience, kindness, and prayer.
    In the face of marital challenges, hope, and endurance rooted in Christ can help couples navigate and transcend hardships, reinforcing the notion that love "never ends."

    ###Notable Quotes:

    "If you marry a person who is not a Christian, that person will be incapable of truly loving you."
    "For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him who is the head and rule of all authority."
    "If you are in Christ and the other person is in Christ, you share something that is way beyond attraction and companionship."
    "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends."
    "What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate."


    No specific resources or references were mentioned in the transcript. For further guidance or support, listeners are encouraged to reach out to Pastor Jeff Long or their local church for assistance.
    Dive into the full episode to explore the transcendent nature of love within Christian marriage as Pastor Jeff Long marries scripture with the reality of marital relationships. Join us in uncovering the spiritual depth that faith brings to the covenant of matrimony, and keep an eye out for more enriching content from this series.

    • 7 min
    Walk in Him

    Walk in Him

    Episode Summary:

    In this thought-provoking episode, Pastor Jeff Long invites listeners to embark on a reflective journey about the true essence of Christianity and its transformative impact on believers' lives. Through an earnest examination of scriptural passages, Pastor Long opens a gateway to understanding the intertwining of faith and daily existence for those who follow Christ.
    Diving deep into the heart of Christian living, Pastor Long utilizes Colossians 2:6 as a foundational verse, prompting listeners to examine whether their Christianity is a mere association with Jesus Christ or something more profound. SEO keywords such as "Christian Living," "Salvation," "Faith," and "Inseparable Union with Christ" are weaved into the narrative, elucidating the critical difference between approaching Jesus for personal gain and being in a committed, ongoing relationship with Him. The dialogue transcends transactional faith, touching on the inherent nature of a Christian's walk in Christ—a life not just influenced by Jesus but one that is inseparably united with Him.

    Key Takeaways:
    Being a Christian has a significant influence on daily living, as believers are called to 'walk in Christ' – a metaphor for embodying Christian principles in every aspect of life.
    Christianity is not merely associating with Jesus for benefits such as answered prayers or the promise of heaven, but it is about an inseparable union with Him.
    The image of the vine and branches in John 15 emphasizes the essential nature of abiding in Christ to bear fruit and lead a fruitful Christian life.
    Jesus initiates reconciliation through His sacrifice, eliminating the need for individuals to work for salvation—highlighting the grace-based nature of Christianity.
    The transformation into a new creation in Christ, as stated in 2 Corinthians, represents the profound internal change that defines Christian existence.

    Notable Quotes:
    "Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him."
    "We walk in him that is in an inseparable union with him."
    "I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit."
    "Colossians 1:19 says, for in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell…"
    "So trusting Christ alone, for all you need for salvation, directly connects to the fact that you trust in Christ alone for every step, every day."

    No additional resources or references were mentioned in the transcript beyond the scripture verses from the Bible:
    Colossians 2:6
    John 15:5
    Colossians 1:19
    2 Corinthians 5:17

    We encourage our audience to delve into these passages for further reflection and to understand the depth of Pastor Jeff Long's message.
    Join us for the full episode to explore the profound relationship between our faith and daily living as Christians, and stay tuned for more enriching conversations that illuminate the path of spiritual growth and understanding.

    • 5 min

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