28 min

Dr. Matthew Nagra helps bust 4 huge myths about soy The Plant Centered and Thriving Podcast

    • Nutrition

"Soy is just a bean." Soy is one of the most controversial topics in the plant-based community and one I get questions about on a daily basis. I really wanted to provide my followers with education and lay to rest their concerns about soy. I knew I needed backup. Today, I welcome Dr. Matthew Nagra, a Naturopathic Doctor, devoted to bringing the most up-to-date evidence-based nutrition information. He’s certified in plant-based nutrition through eCornell and the T Colin Campbell’s Center for N...

"Soy is just a bean." Soy is one of the most controversial topics in the plant-based community and one I get questions about on a daily basis. I really wanted to provide my followers with education and lay to rest their concerns about soy. I knew I needed backup. Today, I welcome Dr. Matthew Nagra, a Naturopathic Doctor, devoted to bringing the most up-to-date evidence-based nutrition information. He’s certified in plant-based nutrition through eCornell and the T Colin Campbell’s Center for N...

28 min