39 min

Positivity is a Choice with Marcia Germain Good Mood Revolution

    • Mental Health

Some people believe that positivity is an innate trait, that you are either born with or not… but this is not the case. You can cultivate a positive attitude by changing your habits and thinking. From the moment you wake up, there are small things you can do to start your day on a positive note. 

In this episode, Matt O'Neill talks with Marcia Germain about what positivity is and how they incorporate it into their daily lives. They also offer advice on how you can choose positivity and how you can share it with the world. 

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: 

Positivity is selfish, but in a good way, because it allows you to choose yourself 
Know that you are enough 
Live your passion, even if only in a few aspects of your life 
Don’t write out the negative people around you, encourage positivity instead 
Be kind to others and look for the good in their situations 
Life's adversities provide opportunities for growth 

[1:23] Let the Positivity Spread Around: 

Matt and Marcia share their recent victories in life. Marcia discusses the success of her vision dream board workshop with teens and how rewarding it is to connect with young people. 

[6:06] Start Your Day Positively: 

Getting out of bed and starting your day can be difficult at times. There are, however, small steps you can take to get back on track. Consider what you are grateful for and how you can express your gratitude to others. 

[12:35] Put Your Passion Into Your Daily Activities: 

Passion leads to happiness, but most often people do not have their dream job. Living with passion means finding it in the components of your career and other aspects of your life. It is important to understand that no career or job is perfect. 

[17:30 ] Energy is Contagious: 

Energy whether positive or negative radiates to the people around you. There is a saying that goes, “You are the same person as those closest to you”. However, not everyone we interact with will be in a positive mood all the time. Remember to choose kindness. 

[24:12] Growth Comes from Good and Bad Experiences: 

There is an assumption that optimistic people are born with optimism. You go through different experiences in life that shape the person you are today. There is a silver lining in every negative experience. It’s about how you look at the experience and what you take from it. 

Links to Resources: 

The Secret 

Guest Bio: 

Marcia Germain is an account executive at Choice Home Warranty and a personal life coach at Yours Truly Life Coaching. She helps others find and set their goals to live meaningful lives. LinkedIn Facebook

Some people believe that positivity is an innate trait, that you are either born with or not… but this is not the case. You can cultivate a positive attitude by changing your habits and thinking. From the moment you wake up, there are small things you can do to start your day on a positive note. 

In this episode, Matt O'Neill talks with Marcia Germain about what positivity is and how they incorporate it into their daily lives. They also offer advice on how you can choose positivity and how you can share it with the world. 

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: 

Positivity is selfish, but in a good way, because it allows you to choose yourself 
Know that you are enough 
Live your passion, even if only in a few aspects of your life 
Don’t write out the negative people around you, encourage positivity instead 
Be kind to others and look for the good in their situations 
Life's adversities provide opportunities for growth 

[1:23] Let the Positivity Spread Around: 

Matt and Marcia share their recent victories in life. Marcia discusses the success of her vision dream board workshop with teens and how rewarding it is to connect with young people. 

[6:06] Start Your Day Positively: 

Getting out of bed and starting your day can be difficult at times. There are, however, small steps you can take to get back on track. Consider what you are grateful for and how you can express your gratitude to others. 

[12:35] Put Your Passion Into Your Daily Activities: 

Passion leads to happiness, but most often people do not have their dream job. Living with passion means finding it in the components of your career and other aspects of your life. It is important to understand that no career or job is perfect. 

[17:30 ] Energy is Contagious: 

Energy whether positive or negative radiates to the people around you. There is a saying that goes, “You are the same person as those closest to you”. However, not everyone we interact with will be in a positive mood all the time. Remember to choose kindness. 

[24:12] Growth Comes from Good and Bad Experiences: 

There is an assumption that optimistic people are born with optimism. You go through different experiences in life that shape the person you are today. There is a silver lining in every negative experience. It’s about how you look at the experience and what you take from it. 

Links to Resources: 

The Secret 

Guest Bio: 

Marcia Germain is an account executive at Choice Home Warranty and a personal life coach at Yours Truly Life Coaching. She helps others find and set their goals to live meaningful lives. LinkedIn Facebook

39 min