45 episodes

Join Medical Intuitive and Feminine Mystic Sarah Weiss in sacred conversation and ceremony to birth the new human. You are invited to a unique experience of mutual awakening. It's time for a new alignment between body and soul, earth and cosmos, and heart and mind. Facing the current expansion together, we can generate sacred space through our virtual and spiritual Oneness. Each episode will be energetically alive, light-filled, and aligned with the new paradigm consciousness. If you are sensing the new vibes rising from Mother Earth and radiating from Father Sun; if you are empaths, energy sensitives, vibrationally alive, heart-centered, multi-dimensional, and spiritually aware, let’s meet in the infinite field of wisdom and download our higher being into our everyday being.

Earth Love Spirit with Sarah Weiss Sarah Weiss

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 5.0 • 61 Ratings

Join Medical Intuitive and Feminine Mystic Sarah Weiss in sacred conversation and ceremony to birth the new human. You are invited to a unique experience of mutual awakening. It's time for a new alignment between body and soul, earth and cosmos, and heart and mind. Facing the current expansion together, we can generate sacred space through our virtual and spiritual Oneness. Each episode will be energetically alive, light-filled, and aligned with the new paradigm consciousness. If you are sensing the new vibes rising from Mother Earth and radiating from Father Sun; if you are empaths, energy sensitives, vibrationally alive, heart-centered, multi-dimensional, and spiritually aware, let’s meet in the infinite field of wisdom and download our higher being into our everyday being.

    Flow and Clarity, The Gifts of the June 2021 Solstice with Sarah Weiss

    Flow and Clarity, The Gifts of the June 2021 Solstice with Sarah Weiss

    The June 2021 Solstice brings new flow and clarity during this time of great changes. It also brings more change!
    The new paradigm is here, and our mind, body, and identity are processing and adapting to it even if we do not realize it.
    Ease is replacing force; allowing is replacing striving.
    The mind is coming home to rest; it is exhausted from the last 2000 years of getting to know itself.
    Wholeness gives rise to a new style of intelligence: it is cosmically aligned, centered in Oneness, and embraces the facets of individuality.
    Shifting from the linear paradigm to the spherical.
    As a geometric shape, the sphere includes all shapes.
    We seek clarity for the peace it provides.
    When we are clear we are not invisible, we become more visible.
    The physical state is becoming more fluid and responsive to higher frequency galactic energies: even our cells are responding to the new frequencies.
    The restorative, progressive, and evolutionary nature of dynamic relaxation.
    You are a heavenly body with an axis that spins and aligns with the cosmos.
    Delight in your lightness.
    Our consciousness is a prism, at the same time clear and radiant with the rainbow colors of individuality.
    Final blessings.
    Join me on Monday evenings starting June 21st for our next Awakening Together Class:
    Awakening Together 4:  High-Frequency Wholeness: Grounded, Aligned, Centered, Loving, Glowing & Flowing
    Learn more and register at: https://www.spirithealonline.com/classes/2021-awakening-together-series/
    What students are saying about the 2021 Awakening Together Series:
    Thank you, Sarah, for sharing your time and gifts. I absolutely loved this class. Each journey was so energetically expansive and powerful for me personally. I’m grateful the energies have stayed with me each and every day. In full bliss, in full love. –TP
    Two teaching stood out for me this week. The first was the awareness that the Energy will do what I try to do with my mind. Relaxing, easing in and trusting in the Energy as a guide.
    The second was that the Circle never ends and that it is carried in the Light of my Heart. When I felt off center this week, this practice helped me to relax into my Heart instead of attaching to the gymnastics of my mind. –MT
    Learn more at https://www.spirithealonline.com/classes/2021-awakening-together-series/

    • 35 min
    Permission to Heal, Expand, Ascend and Be Present with Sarah Weiss

    Permission to Heal, Expand, Ascend and Be Present with Sarah Weiss

    In this episode I discuss:
    • New direction for the Earth Love Spirit podcast.
    • Sharing one class from the six-week Awakening Together Series. This is the fourth out of six sessions in The Permission to Heal, Expand, Ascend and Be Present class.
    • Explanation of last week's class and simultaneous events leading Sarah to close the circle:• ~~Our group had reached its concentration limit. Pushing past this point can strain the nervous system.• ~~One class member entered late and was not attuned to the group.
    • Instructions if we need to enter class late: Do some grounding first so there will be some harmony with where the group is. The catch is that you won't know whether the group is in meditation or discussion.
    • The class title describes a progression of consciousness.• ~~Healing is aligning and coming back to self.• ~~Then we're able to expand to embrace multi-dimensional consciousness.• ~~Then we can slip into ascended consciousness where we are in contact with the consciousness of illuminated souls.• ~~Then we can come into a new relationship with our self, be present to our self as our personality re-collects into a new identity.
    • Each person needs to claim their identity with the divine within. This feels like being held by Mother Earth and Father Sun, your identity being immersed in something greater than itself until it becomes that greatness.
    • Enlightenment is an expanding horizon, going on even after we pass on from the earth plane.
    • We each need to find the easiest way to slip into a deeper, more illuminated state.
    • We were led through a natural progression, similar to the way we ground, to show us the cycle of healing, expanding, ascending, being present.
    • On the spiritual path we want freedom to trust and follow the guidance coming through us, to carry our own teacher with us.
    • We begin by bringing our energy back and inviting and allowing areas of the body to relax.
    • Greeting Mother Earth, the elements, nature spirits, all sentient beings, the directions. We turn over the healing process to the greater consciousness, to be purified in order to meet higher frequencies.
    • Illumination is always there, like the sun. Be patient, it may take time to clear the clouds.
    • Our higher being, higher consciousness is in touch with the greater intelligence and knows exactly how to help us balance and fill with light.
    • The ascension feeling is a feeling of light, of your higher being interfacing with you, of your sphere expanding. Then you can slip into the presence state, oneness, stillness, being immersed.
    • In the same way that our higher consciousness becomes involved, when the group reaches a level of expansion/ascension then the illuminated beings become engaged with the group. Each person has a unique frequency to contribute, as we are each in our true divine personality.
    • Comparison to a ceremony in the Andean tradition: In our circle when the light is holding us, we are benefiting from everyone’s collective gifts, helping to awaken all illuminated qualities within our being.
    • We each receive the frequencies to fulfill our being in this incarnation and others, this dimension and others.
    Join me on Monday evenings starting June 21st for our next Awakening Together Class:
    Awakening Together 4:  High-Frequency Wholeness: Grounded, Aligned, Centered, Loving, Glowing & Flowing
    Learn more and register at: https://www.spirithealonline.com/classes/2021-awakening-together-series/
    What students are saying about the 2021 Awakening Together Series:
    Sarah’s deep teachings calm my sensitive nervous system and remind me of the divine within all human beings. Like many others, I carry the burden of concern for the world – Sarah’s teachings have shown me a wiser way to care for the world by caring for myself. –DW
    Through this class, I have finally come to understand the deep and compelling force I have subtly felt throughout my life that has carried me thr

    • 1 hr 9 min
    Women: Messy, Magical and Magnificent

    Women: Messy, Magical and Magnificent

    Self Love as a Tool for Transformation
    Bringing an infectious warmth and playful levity wherever she goes, Monica Rodgers is an un-fatiguable advocate for the full actualization of womxn, inspiring womxn everwhere to say YES to the MESS. Monica believes that womxn can take action towards realizing our true potential only when we stop proving and striving and trying to be who everyone wants us to be. When we become true to our self and return to our “original design” with love and compassion, we become aligned, opening the portal into our divine purpose where peace, joy, and prosperity dwells. There has never been a more important time for womxn to reveal the truth of who we are as a catalyst for positive change in the world.
    We covered a lot of ground in our conversation. Monica is ardent about disrupting the trance of unworthiness in women and in everyone. We covered:
    Say yes to the mess of transformation and change. You can’t avoid it if you want to be truly liberated.
    The divine feminine, Sophia, is rising once again to balance out the masculine, not to take over.
    The 21st century as The Sophia Century
    The divine feminine has been buried for years and as a result our world is distorted and out of balance.
    Women are gathering to support women. Wise women are showing up and groups are forming to help women through their transformation process.
    The course is uncharted and unlimited.
    Helping our children create a world of balance and respect for the healthy masculine and feminine.
    Women’s bodies carry the message of embodiment, passion, strength, and love. Once we are embodied, this is all available to us.
    Envisioning a world where the feminine and masculine are balanced and in dynamic harmony.
    Radical self-approval as a tool for transformation.
    Stop fixing and making everything look good, you’re contributing to the patriarchy by continually striving to keep everything going as it is.

    www.jointherevelation.comFacebook: TRPwomanInstagram @revelationwomanTwitter @trpwoman
    Find me at www.spirithealonline.com

    • 56 min
    The Tao of Influence with Karen McGregor

    The Tao of Influence with Karen McGregor

    Karen McGregor is a thought leader, global speaker, and catalyst for influencers who have a passion for creating positive change in the world. Her latest book, The Tao of Influence: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Leaders and Entrepreneurs, is a Wall Street Journal Bestseller and a thought leader’s best asset in navigating positive, much-needed change.
    My conversation with Karen McGregor animated my cell and soul, and I’m still bubbling with excitement.
    Karen has walked her path to authenticity step by step. She has risen from the ashes of her personal challenges and tragedies to emerge as a voice for the middle way.  Her message reaches into the corporate world to invite a shift from a me-first to a win-win approach so that we all benefit from the creativity of brilliant minds.
    Teacher, professional intuitive, trainer, and author, Karen’s path to her current role teaching how to have a positively impact the world.
    What is an influencer? An influencer is someone who makes a positive impact through their presence and skillful conversations.
    Karen’s call to Assissi, Italy, spending many hours in simple churches and being infused with a deep silence that animated her spirit and inspired her book.
    Taking the leap: answering the call of inspiration.
    What is the Tao? The teachings of Lao Tzu in the Tao Te Ching describe the middle way, the way between leaning backward or forward, the way of balance and wisdom, and allowing spirit to infuse life.
    Karen brings to life in everyday language the “middle way” and the path to arrive there.
    Our relationship to power and our evolving relationship to it.
    Reviewing the stories we tell ourselves so we can move beyond them.
    Karen invites you to a journey of self-inquiry and self-love. Self-love is the essential ingredient for finding joy in life.
    How the corporate world willingly receives the wisdom in her book and the slow rise of spiritual conversations in the workplace.
    Showing up with presence as your gift to the world.

    She can be found on:
    Facebook Group for people interested in Ancient Wisdom as a source of leadership and spiritual principles: https://www.facebook.com/groups/InfluenceAncientWisdomInspiredLeaders/
    TEDx Talk: 1,000,000+ views  https://youtu.be/3CH8JX1eLCE
    LINKED IN:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/karen-mcgregor-aa1627116/ 
    You Tube:  http://www.youtube.com/c/KarenMcGregor1
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karenannemcgregor 

    • 52 min
    Anisha Durve: The Spirit of Healing

    Anisha Durve: The Spirit of Healing

    Anisha Durve is an Acupuncturist, Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner, and meditation instructor for 20+ years. She is an author, activist, mystic, & spiritual warrior dedicated to empowering women who are trauma survivors. Her specialty is marma or ayurvedic energy points!
    Anisha’s approach to prana healing: energy is the light of our being.
    Activating her healing energy at age 17 with Reiki Training.
    Her first acupuncture appointment opened her inner vision and connected her with her inner self. That’s when she knew her path was to be an acupuncturist.
    Meeting and studying with the Ayurvedic teacher Dr. Vasant Lad changed her life. He pioneered Ayurvedic medicine in the US. His ability to integrate spirituality and science was inspiring.
    Every healing modality has its gifts and limitations. The art of integrative medicine is knowing how to initiate a healing journey with the right modality and right timing.
    The three levels of healing in Chinese medicine: the physical, mental, and the highest form, spiritual.
    Acupuncture induces a meditative state.
    Marma therapy: Marma points are similar to acupuncture points. They are gateways or portals to healing and higher consciousness.
    Marma therapy is similar to acupressure. You can use touch to activate the points, along with visualization and intention.
    Anisha’s approach to healing, her school, and how she works with her clients.
    Every symptom, every emotion, every diagnosis is an opportunity for healing; they are our teachers.

    Watch a free replay of my marma ayurvedic energy points masterclass webinar here! 
    You can watch the free replay of my marma masterclass webinar here!
    Anisha on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anishanirvani
    Anisha on Instagram: @anishanirvani
    Learn more about SpiritHeal Institute at www.spirithealonline.com.

    • 46 min
    Alyse Bacine: Activating Your Ascension and Mission

    Alyse Bacine: Activating Your Ascension and Mission

    My mission is to hold the space for you to activate your ascension and step into higher states of consciousness. Utilizing the power of Breathwork to raise your frequency, and my connection to spirit, I download light code activations for you to fully embody your soul’s mission on this planet and effortlessly carry it out.
    I have a free guided breathwork session to release fear and uncover your divine gifts and a free ascension tool kit available when you sign up for my email list.
    Alyse Bacine is a Philadelphia based leader in breathwork, energy work, creator of The Metamorphosis Ascension Journey and The Awakening- An Activation of your Psychic Abilities. Alyse uses her powerful connection to spirit to tap into your energy to see exactly what is holding you back and then guides you to release old blocks and stuck energy through a simple breathing technique and powerful energy work. 
    Alyse is extremely passionate about guiding people to radical healing and ascension. It is Alyse's mission on this planet to guide people to activate their ascension, live their soul’s mission and step into the 5D timeline.
    Alyse has been teaching and practicing breathwork for 20 years, she studied with Sondra Ray, Leonard Orr, Tony Lo Mastro, Maureen Malone and Rhonda Levand. Additionally, Alyse has a Masters Degree in School Counseling, a certification in Social Emotional Learning and has developed a Meditation Program and Curriculum for Middle School Students. Alyse is also a certified Yoga Teacher, wife, and mom of two.
    Alyse leads us through a grounding meditation to connect our energy with the earth and stars.
    The importance of grounding to clear and stabilize your energies when you are engaged in healing.
    Grounding to feel safe and secure.
    How to help your children ground and center.
    Alyse’s superpower is helping people get unstuck.
    Description of the Akashic Records.
    Accessing the Askashic Records.
    The Akashic Records message for Earth Love Spirit listeners.
    The child mystic and feeling different.
    A healing disorder was her initiation into the path of the wounded healer.
    Perceiving subtle energies and translating frequencies into words.
    Holding a high-frequency space allows clients to feel and palpably sense the healing experience.
    The importance of support and coaching when starting your healing business.
    The promise and hope of the new age and 5D consciousness.

    IG- @alyse_breathes
    Facebook- Alyse Bacine
    Facebook Group- Breathe to Succeed https://www.facebook.com/groups/1755908347884092
    Clubhouse- @alysebacine

    • 51 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
61 Ratings

61 Ratings

Sweetonnh ,

Game changer!

This podcast has truly changed how I ground. No other techniques ever really worked for me. Since using Sarah’s method, I can ground quickly & get the benefits immediately! I’m sooo great full to have stumbled upon Sarah and her work. Looking forward to more episodes!

Ardith Page ,

Earth Love Spirit by Sarah Weiss

The presentation on Spiritual Resiliency by your guest Nuria Sabato was very helpful in deepening my understanding of developing and being able to consistently return to personal spiritual resilience. The recognition of the variety of ways persons make a return to inner balance and wholeness in the midst of struggle was so appreciated. Thank you. Ardith Pierce

Dar Dolphin ,

Earth Love Spirit

Dear Sarah .. I Just listened to your podcast .. When you said how Father Sky and Mother Earth both merged into our being and met and that we are child ... It so quickened me.. I got God Bumps.. The child within is still feeling the Peace ... and the memory of your same calming loving voice from the long ago ... Strong as steel - Soft as butter... Thank you for sharing Mountains Of Love ... Darlene

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