32 episodes

Welcome to ELEVATE 360 Podcast with Brandy Noel Reed, a resource hub for business owners and executives in pursuit of growth through data-driven solutions and the discovery of core elements for their exploration.

Are you thriving in your professional life, yet still feel stuck?

You have accomplished a lot on paper, but something is missing.

Struggling with a disconnect between titles, accolades, financial success, and personal satisfaction.

You've read countless books, attended numerous conferences, and even undergone personality and style tests, all without achieving tangible results.

You’re tired of your current business culture and want out but are not sure where to start.

You’re at a phase of your career life where you want to build something of your own, on your own terms.

If any or several of these scenarios have struck a chord with you, you can be confident that tuning in twice a week will leave you with both the data and the practical execution needed to elevate you to necessary change.

In the pursuit of growth, it's crucial to let go of limiting beliefs and wholeheartedly embrace a fresh perspective, as these transformative actions pave the way for profound results.

Elevate 360 brings to you a distinctive approach—one that centers around providing actionable steps and implementing data-driven changes.

You will hear stories of those who successfully navigated change, with examples that showcase the journey from feeling stuck to becoming highly skilled and aligned with a core vision.

You will acquire essential foundational knowledge and actionable steps that you can tailor to your specific situation and desired results.

Reflect on this essential question: How would you feel if you were in the same place 6 months from now?

For over 80% of you listening, that answer will be some version of a negative response.

Dive deep into determining and creating your next phase of life on your terms and your timeframe.

I look forward to sharing with you twice a week how to breakdown the BS and reframe your mindset.

It's time, Let's GO!

Elevate 360 with Brandy Noel Reed: Envision | Execute | Succeed Brandy Noel Reed

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Welcome to ELEVATE 360 Podcast with Brandy Noel Reed, a resource hub for business owners and executives in pursuit of growth through data-driven solutions and the discovery of core elements for their exploration.

Are you thriving in your professional life, yet still feel stuck?

You have accomplished a lot on paper, but something is missing.

Struggling with a disconnect between titles, accolades, financial success, and personal satisfaction.

You've read countless books, attended numerous conferences, and even undergone personality and style tests, all without achieving tangible results.

You’re tired of your current business culture and want out but are not sure where to start.

You’re at a phase of your career life where you want to build something of your own, on your own terms.

If any or several of these scenarios have struck a chord with you, you can be confident that tuning in twice a week will leave you with both the data and the practical execution needed to elevate you to necessary change.

In the pursuit of growth, it's crucial to let go of limiting beliefs and wholeheartedly embrace a fresh perspective, as these transformative actions pave the way for profound results.

Elevate 360 brings to you a distinctive approach—one that centers around providing actionable steps and implementing data-driven changes.

You will hear stories of those who successfully navigated change, with examples that showcase the journey from feeling stuck to becoming highly skilled and aligned with a core vision.

You will acquire essential foundational knowledge and actionable steps that you can tailor to your specific situation and desired results.

Reflect on this essential question: How would you feel if you were in the same place 6 months from now?

For over 80% of you listening, that answer will be some version of a negative response.

Dive deep into determining and creating your next phase of life on your terms and your timeframe.

I look forward to sharing with you twice a week how to breakdown the BS and reframe your mindset.

It's time, Let's GO!

    Transforming Your Career with the Right Perception to Create Your Desired Reality EP31

    Transforming Your Career with the Right Perception to Create Your Desired Reality EP31

    Get your exclusive discount on Elevate Your Career, Discover Your Direction here: https://www.brandynoelreed.com/workwithme
    Sometimes, you don't have to go through it. You can go around it. I’m diving into perspective and how it can significantly influence your career and business success. Even if you're familiar with this topic, I believe this discussion will prompt new thoughts and insights, especially on how perspective applies to your professional life.
    Let's start with the basics: perception is reality. This common saying holds profound truth. Your thoughts, feelings, and opinions shape your reality based on what you see and feel. Your perception, whether influenced by emotion or data, forms the foundation of your reality. For instance, some fear heights while others don’t, showcasing how two people can have different, yet valid, perceptions.
    I rarely watch live TV, preferring to avoid news that might skew my perception negatively. Some might argue that staying informed is essential, and neither viewpoint is wrong. It's all about perception and what we feel is right for us.
    Your personality comprises your thoughts, actions, and feelings. When these differ from others, it can lead to opposition. However, the goal isn't to debate who's right or wrong but to validate your perspective internally. When you focus on internal validation, you can engage in productive conversations without feeling the need to change others' minds.
    Understanding your core control desire, what you can control, plays a crucial role in managing perception. You can't control others, but you can control your internal motivations, leading to accurate self assessment and better decision making.
    Doing internal work and identifying your core components leads to self actualization, benefiting your perception and communication. This positive domino effect can improve every aspect of your life. It's not about agreeing to disagree but about not being adversely affected by differing views.
    Consistent behavior over time, starting small, can lead to significant changes. Reflecting honestly on your perception helps uncover new insights. Implementing small adjustments can set you up for greater success.
    So, take stock of your perception. Focus on what resonates with you and be open to change. Small, consistent changes can lead to profound personal and professional growth.
    It's time, Let's go.

    • 13 min
    Identify and Leverage Your Core Motivators for Lasting Success EP30

    Identify and Leverage Your Core Motivators for Lasting Success EP30

    Get your exclusive discount on Elevate Your Career, Discover Your Direction here: https://www.brandynoelreed.com/workwithme
    You need to understand the critical importance of doing things authentically. When actions are not taken truly and fully authentically, they will only last so long or go so far. Genuine intent often exists, making things seem authentic, but without true customization to you, the longevity is limited.
    Identifying and accurately securing your core components, which serve as tools for making proper decisions, is vital.
    A great example is people wanting to start working out or prioritizing their morning routines. The desire is there, but if the underlying reason is not genuinely customized to them, it won't last.
    Understanding where your primary motivators lie is critical. For lasting commitment, you need to be emotionally connected beyond the surface level. When this emotional connection is accurate and true to you, it ensures long-term success.
    Our motivations have varying depths, and surface-level connections aren't necessarily less meaningful. It's about accurately identifying and adequately securing core components.
    This ensures that your decisions are based on accurate data with the appropriate emotional connection, which is crucial for the success and longevity of your goals.
    Related to work, having a balance in your day ensures you are in the right place. Whether it's a job or business, having the right information helps you understand if you need to adjust, pivot, or delegate. This internal work lays the foundation for better decision-making.
    Despite high intelligence and emotional awareness, many people still need help pivoting or finding missing pieces. Leveraging self-awareness and emotional intelligence into actionable steps that produce tangible results is where many get stuck. It's about knowing how to implement what you’ve learned about yourself.
    This approach applies universally across industries and positions. When your internal work is done, you can get more out of tools like personality tests or emotional intelligence assessments. This comprehensive understanding enables better leadership, customer service, and overall business success.
    If any of this resonates, reach out. Resources are available to help you start this journey. Visit my website or check the show notes for more information.
    It’s time, Let’s go.

    • 12 min
    Identifying Core Strengths for Personal and Professional Development EP29

    Identifying Core Strengths for Personal and Professional Development EP29

    Get your exclusive discount on Elevate Your Career, Discover Your Direction here: https://www.brandynoelreed.com/workwithme
    Dive into one of the core components of achieving self-actualization is identifying what you are good at and enjoy doing. This principle isn’t just a career guide, it also sets you up in life. Whether you’re planning your next career move or striving for personal balance, understanding this core component is crucial.
    I’m sharing insights from helping thousands navigate their career paths, demonstrating how these revelations also apply to personal life. If you find yourself drastically different at work than at home, it's a clear signal for adjustment. True harmony means aligning your core self across all areas of life.
    Let’s break down the process step-by-step, starting with listing your daily roles and responsibilities. We focus on identifying tasks that take up 80% of your time, narrowing it down to what you excel at and genuinely enjoy. This isn't about creating an exhaustive task list—it’s about finding those key elements that bring you energy and satisfaction.
    This is part of the DIT process es (Data, Investigate, Tune, and Tailor) offering a framework to analyze and refine your list, ensuring you stay aligned with your core components. This method isn't just theoretical; it’s a practical tool you can start implementing today.
    Remember, self-actualization isn’t a one-time event but a continuous journey. As you fine-tune your core components, you’ll create guardrails that guide you back on track, even when life throws you off course. This equips you with the tools to identify and embrace your strengths, paving the way for a more fulfilled and balanced life.
    Start the journey towards self-discovery and alignment. Visit my website for free resources and detailed guides on mastering the DIT process.
    It’s Time, Let’s Go!

    • 28 min
    Achieving Success Through Self-Actualization and Internal Factors EP28

    Achieving Success Through Self-Actualization and Internal Factors EP28

    Get your exclusive discount on Elevate Your Career, Discover Your Direction here: https://www.brandynoelreed.com/workwithme
    Identifying and establishing your core components is the key to achieving your highest success. These are the building blocks for self-actualization, which goes beyond self-awareness and emotional intelligence. It ties down your internal core components without external influences. Once established, these core components serve as a stable yet firm platform on which to build your life. They allow you to navigate life effectively, providing a foundation for your highest success.
    Self-actualization is custom to you, requiring accurate data and proper alignment with your reality. It's about finding and applying the correct data to create desired changes. Mastering self-actualization is essential for success in various aspects of life, from climbing the career ladder to running a business effectively.
    Personality and style tests offer data, but it's the application and implementation of this data that matter. You need to take responsibility for your growth and be your advocate. This involves accurately identifying and securing your core components, which serve as the foundation for your success. The process requires internal motivation rather than external validation, ensuring that your primary drivers come from within.
    This leads to a platform that supports mastering emotional intelligence and self-awareness. Without this foundation, success is temporary. Your ability to maintain internal motivation and control will determine the longevity of your success.
    Life's challenges, whether minor discomforts or major events, often highlight the need for self-actualization. By recognizing and addressing these needs early, you can avoid significant disruptions. The goal is to reach a point where you're making minor adjustments rather than complete overhauls, maintaining a steady path toward your goals.
    To start, focus on small steps like identifying your core control desire. This exploration can reveal new insights and open up possibilities you hadn't considered.
    Embrace self-actualization to achieve your highest success and create a sustainable, fulfilling life.

    • 23 min
    Shifting Focus from Problem-Solving to Solution-Based Thinking to Achieve Success EP27

    Shifting Focus from Problem-Solving to Solution-Based Thinking to Achieve Success EP27

    Get your exclusive discount on Elevate Your Career, Discover Your Direction here: https://www.brandynoelreed.com/workwithme
    We're diving into a topic that resonates deeply with those who are ready to reach the next level of their professional lives, the ability to shift focus from problem-solving to solution-based thinking.
    In the hustle of our daily grind, it's easy to get caught up in the challenges that come our way. We find ourselves tirelessly dissecting each problem that arises, endlessly analyzing the intricacies of why it happened and how we can fix it. But here's the thing, fixating solely on the problem keeps us stuck in a loop of stagnation.
    So, let's flip the script.
    Instead of dwelling on the problem, imagine directing our energy towards uncovering solutions. Rather than getting lost in "whys" and "hows," we focus on creating a path towards success.
    It's about having a crystal-clear vision of our goals and laying down sturdy foundations upon which we can build our dream career. Think of it as building guardrails along the path to success, guiding us through the twists and turns of our career journey.
    These guardrails allow you the space to not have to recreate the wheel every time but instead cultivating a resilient mindset. A mindset that that allows you to adapt and thrive in the face of adversity. It's about recognizing that true success lies not in solving every problem but in embracing the journey of continuous improvement.
    And let's not forget the power of small steps. Just like a domino cascade, each tiny action we take towards finding solutions sets off a chain reaction of positive change.
    Think about this: in a world filled with problems, be the solution. Embrace the power of solution-based thinking, and watch as the doors to success open before you.

    • 13 min
    Avoiding Burnout by Finding Balance Between Intellect and Emotion EP26

    Avoiding Burnout by Finding Balance Between Intellect and Emotion EP26

    Get your exclusive discount on Elevate Your Career, Discover Your Direction here: https://www.brandynoelreed.com/workwithme
    What happens when you over-intellectualization and how it can lead to burnout. Speaking from my own journey and my experiences guiding clients through similar challenges, I've seen firsthand how relying solely on intellect can backfire.
    It may seem counterintuitive to suggest that having a wealth of knowledge could be detrimental. Yet, the danger lies in fixating solely on data and information without balancing it with emotional awareness.
    Being informed is crucial, but it's only half of the equation. Cliché as it sounds, knowing is just the beginning. The other half, the emotional aspect, is often neglected but essential for maintaining balance and avoiding burnout.
    I've coined the term "muted burnout" to describe this insidious phenomenon, where the signs aren't always obvious, making it harder to identify until it's too late. Intellectualizing, while a valuable skill, can lead to exhaustion if not complemented by emotional intelligence.
    How do we bridge this gap?
    How do we connect the dots between intellect and emotion to achieve true fulfillment and success? It starts with understanding that true self-actualization goes beyond data and requires introspection and emotional awareness.
    The key is to integrate both intellect and emotion, allowing for a more holistic approach to decision-making and problem-solving. It's not just about acquiring data; it's about knowing what to do with it.
    As I've learned through years of consulting, neglecting emotions can lead to missed opportunities and unfulfilled potential. That's why I'm passionate about helping others navigate this balance between intellect and emotion. Through my E360 formula, I help individuals to elevate themselves to new heights of success by integrating both sides of the equation.
    If you find yourself feeling stuck or unfulfilled, it may be time to reassess your approach. And start with taking one small step towards integrating it into your decision-making process.

    • 25 min

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