23 min

Embracing Change and Finding Strength through Proverbs: Changes Coming to the Hey Hey Emmy Show The Imperfect Christian

    • Entrepreneurship

VIP INSTAGRAM INSIDER SCOOP INVITE!The book of Proverbs in the Bible has a lot of wisdom on embracing change, among other things. This book doesn't specifically say "Embrace change," but it offers insights and principles that encourage adaptability, wisdom, and a positive attitude.I'm glad you're here with me as we go through life's biggest transitions. As a mom, you never get chunks of time to do what you want, but you keep moving forward.Just like me, this podcast is evolving. It started ou...

VIP INSTAGRAM INSIDER SCOOP INVITE!The book of Proverbs in the Bible has a lot of wisdom on embracing change, among other things. This book doesn't specifically say "Embrace change," but it offers insights and principles that encourage adaptability, wisdom, and a positive attitude.I'm glad you're here with me as we go through life's biggest transitions. As a mom, you never get chunks of time to do what you want, but you keep moving forward.Just like me, this podcast is evolving. It started ou...

23 min