1 hr 6 min

Ep 34 with Carl Randall: Artist Metralla Rosa

    • Visual Arts

ArtistYou can also watch this episode on Youtube where English, Italian and Spanish subtitles are available or visit the Metralla Rosa website for more details.Carl Randall is an artist who dedicated an important part of his adult life to the practical and theoretical study of the arts, graduating from temples of academia such as the Slade School of Fine Arts and Tokyo University of the Arts, to name but a few and, in doing so, succeeded in developing an exceptionally personal voice which com...

ArtistYou can also watch this episode on Youtube where English, Italian and Spanish subtitles are available or visit the Metralla Rosa website for more details.Carl Randall is an artist who dedicated an important part of his adult life to the practical and theoretical study of the arts, graduating from temples of academia such as the Slade School of Fine Arts and Tokyo University of the Arts, to name but a few and, in doing so, succeeded in developing an exceptionally personal voice which com...

1 hr 6 min