1 hr 15 min

Ep 45 with Julie Bloom: Artist Metralla Rosa

    • Visual Arts

You can also watch this episode on Youtube where English, Italian and Spanish subtitles are available or visit the Metralla Rosa website for more details.Born in Nairobi, the London based artist Julie Bloom grew up between Africa, Asia and Europe – or more specifically between Kenya, Hong Kong, Germany and the United Kingdom – and it is this concealed cultural diversity that can be found in both her work and personality, shaping her decidedly eclectic and modern visual language. Being the dau...

You can also watch this episode on Youtube where English, Italian and Spanish subtitles are available or visit the Metralla Rosa website for more details.Born in Nairobi, the London based artist Julie Bloom grew up between Africa, Asia and Europe – or more specifically between Kenya, Hong Kong, Germany and the United Kingdom – and it is this concealed cultural diversity that can be found in both her work and personality, shaping her decidedly eclectic and modern visual language. Being the dau...

1 hr 15 min