21 min

Ep. 77: Pumpkin Plan Your Way to Finding Your Business Sweet Spot Profit First Nation

    • Entrepreneurship

In this episode, we are joined by Donna Leyens as we discuss how to find your business's "sweet spot" through the Pumpkin Plan strategy.
Our guest shares how combining the Pumpkin Plan with the Profit First method can help scale and increase profitability in your business while distancing yourself from competitors. We also explore the importance of understanding your top clients' needs and wants to hone in on your business's fantastic and wildly profitable and scalable sweet spot.
Tune in for valuable insights on how to operate your business in your sweet spot and achieve long-term success.

In this episode, we are joined by Donna Leyens as we discuss how to find your business's "sweet spot" through the Pumpkin Plan strategy.
Our guest shares how combining the Pumpkin Plan with the Profit First method can help scale and increase profitability in your business while distancing yourself from competitors. We also explore the importance of understanding your top clients' needs and wants to hone in on your business's fantastic and wildly profitable and scalable sweet spot.
Tune in for valuable insights on how to operate your business in your sweet spot and achieve long-term success.

21 min