8 min

Episode 13: Inauthenticity in Creating Creating Geneius Podcast

    • Alternative Health


In this episode, Jacob Appleton discusses the creative process and the importance of surrendering to it. He shares his experience with meditation and how he initially struggled with it but eventually found his own way. Jacob emphasizes the value of throwing oneself into new experiences and not getting married to a specific idea or vision. He talks about the importance of recognizing inauthenticity and being willing to let go of ideas that don't feel right. Overall, the episode explores the growth and learning that comes from trying new things and being open to change.


The creative process requires surrendering to whatever comes to mind and allowing oneself to create freely.

Trying new things and throwing oneself into new experiences can be valuable for personal growth.

Recognizing inauthenticity and being willing to let go of ideas that don't feel right is important for creative expression.

Progress and magic happen when we learn and grow from each experience.

The value of catching oneself earlier in the creative process and making adjustments.

Not getting married to a specific idea or vision and being open to change.

Authenticity is more important than trying to fit an idea into a preconceived box.

The creative process is not a reflection of one's identity as a creator.

Being open to change and trying different approaches can lead to better outcomes.

The importance of recognizing the lessons and messages that come from challenges and problems.


In this episode, Jacob Appleton discusses the creative process and the importance of surrendering to it. He shares his experience with meditation and how he initially struggled with it but eventually found his own way. Jacob emphasizes the value of throwing oneself into new experiences and not getting married to a specific idea or vision. He talks about the importance of recognizing inauthenticity and being willing to let go of ideas that don't feel right. Overall, the episode explores the growth and learning that comes from trying new things and being open to change.


The creative process requires surrendering to whatever comes to mind and allowing oneself to create freely.

Trying new things and throwing oneself into new experiences can be valuable for personal growth.

Recognizing inauthenticity and being willing to let go of ideas that don't feel right is important for creative expression.

Progress and magic happen when we learn and grow from each experience.

The value of catching oneself earlier in the creative process and making adjustments.

Not getting married to a specific idea or vision and being open to change.

Authenticity is more important than trying to fit an idea into a preconceived box.

The creative process is not a reflection of one's identity as a creator.

Being open to change and trying different approaches can lead to better outcomes.

The importance of recognizing the lessons and messages that come from challenges and problems.

8 min