29 min

Episode 216: How to Overcome Rejection in your Mediumship & Business The Lindsay & Tony Podcast

    • Self-Improvement

Your body & inner wiring will even REJECT new ideas outside of your current comfort zone.
And you expect other people to fully support your business and believe in it all of the time?!
That can be draining! Rejection is part of growth and life.
Most of the time when you feel rejected from other people, it’s not personal, it just is part of the process.
Look at it like the seasons; winter, spring, summer, fall, and they continue to repeat. It just is.
The way the universe is wired, we must feel and go through rejection to CReATe. But it doesn’t need to feel so heavy, like the word. It’s all how you process it.
If you process it in a way that says “Ooops, this means I’m on the wrong path or people are against me on purpose.” You’ll be in the same place next year.
Or you can choose to see it for what it actually is.
In this episode, we dive deep into this subject and share stories on how we and our clients use this potent energy. #TheLindsayAndTonyPodcast
To contact Lindsay Marino go to: www.LindsayMarino.com
To contact Tony Mitchell go to: www.TonyCMitchell.com

Your body & inner wiring will even REJECT new ideas outside of your current comfort zone.
And you expect other people to fully support your business and believe in it all of the time?!
That can be draining! Rejection is part of growth and life.
Most of the time when you feel rejected from other people, it’s not personal, it just is part of the process.
Look at it like the seasons; winter, spring, summer, fall, and they continue to repeat. It just is.
The way the universe is wired, we must feel and go through rejection to CReATe. But it doesn’t need to feel so heavy, like the word. It’s all how you process it.
If you process it in a way that says “Ooops, this means I’m on the wrong path or people are against me on purpose.” You’ll be in the same place next year.
Or you can choose to see it for what it actually is.
In this episode, we dive deep into this subject and share stories on how we and our clients use this potent energy. #TheLindsayAndTonyPodcast
To contact Lindsay Marino go to: www.LindsayMarino.com
To contact Tony Mitchell go to: www.TonyCMitchell.com

29 min