57 min

Episode #24: Gina Pongetti: "Heart Before Medals" Preparing Olympic and World Champion Gymnasts Tumbling Along With Betsy

    • Nutrition

In this episode I interview world renown physical therapist Gina Pongetti, who has traveled the world aiding and training Olympic, World Champion and competitive gymnasts at every age and ability. We discuss everything from her recent stint at the Olympics and the “twisties," to more topics such as athlete awareness, wellness, and more controversial topics such as the history of abuse in our sport, nutrition, eating disorders, injuries, advocating for athlet...

In this episode I interview world renown physical therapist Gina Pongetti, who has traveled the world aiding and training Olympic, World Champion and competitive gymnasts at every age and ability. We discuss everything from her recent stint at the Olympics and the “twisties," to more topics such as athlete awareness, wellness, and more controversial topics such as the history of abuse in our sport, nutrition, eating disorders, injuries, advocating for athlet...

57 min