34 min

Episode #26: Cindy Bickman, Gymnastics and The Special Needs Community Coming Together Tumbling Along With Betsy

    • Nutrition

Cindy Bickman has been the owner of Chattoogta School of Gymnastics and Dance since 1976.She is the coordinator of the HUGS program, the Hope Unites Gymnastics with Special Athletes as well as the Special Olympics International Ambassador.Cindy has been working with the special needs community in our sport for decades and is the “go to” for learning and understanding how our special needs community is THRIVING through our sport. For me, the podcast hit home, as I am the pare...

Cindy Bickman has been the owner of Chattoogta School of Gymnastics and Dance since 1976.She is the coordinator of the HUGS program, the Hope Unites Gymnastics with Special Athletes as well as the Special Olympics International Ambassador.Cindy has been working with the special needs community in our sport for decades and is the “go to” for learning and understanding how our special needs community is THRIVING through our sport. For me, the podcast hit home, as I am the pare...

34 min