55 min

Episode 4-440 – Jason has an Epiphany RunRunLive 5.0 - Running Podcast

    • Running

The RunRunLive 4.0 Podcast Episode 4-440 – Jason has an Epiphany  (Audio: link) audio:http://www.RunRunLive.com/PodcastEpisodes/epi4440.mp3] Link MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks - Intro: Hello and welcome to episode 4-440 of the RunRunLive podcast.  Yes, welcome my friends.  I know I’m a week late.  It pains me to not meet my commitments.  It’s a sign of a life lived out of control.  I’m not a control freak but I do like to engender habits.  And habits are very strong things.  Habits are the fibrous tissue of day to day life.  They are hard to tear, but once rent they are hard to put back in place.  So, apologies.  For being a week late.  My work got very time intensive and emotionally taxing for a couple weeks.  That combined with the necessary house work and everything else pushed me past, irrevocably past, the deadline.  I have taken some corrective action on this front and will talk about that more later. Today we talk with Jason.  Jason had one of those death experiences.  Not ‘near death’, no, for Jason he died, and then came back.  It’s always interesting for me to talk to people who have had these life altering events. It underscores the ability and power we all have inside of us to change, to radically change, to begin to live life before it is too late, but for some reason we don’t.  Why is that?  What is the glue of normalcy that causes us to submit our dreams of adventure to a the daily grind?  Until, one day, we shuffle off the mortal coil leaving dreams unfulfilled scattered here and there like unopened Christmas presents. In section one I’ll talk about how you can build your own ad hoc core workout routines.  In section two we’ll catch up with the old man and Bill the dog in the apocalypse.  I listen to mostly history podcasts these days.  I’ll start a history podcast and listen through until I’m caught up.  It’s usually a couple hundred episodes.  I like the continuity of it. Of being able to listen through an arc of the historical narrative.  Maybe while painting or gardening for a few hours at a time. It’s always a mixture of the bittersweet and the accomplishment when I get caught up.  Then it gets me to thinking that there might be someone out there listening to this who has just listened through the athletic arc of a dozen years of my life.  That’s odd.  If it’s you, send me an email or reach out to me on social I’d love to talk to you.  Cyktrussell at gmail dot com.  I don’t spend much time on social media anymore.  I’ve entirely given up on Twitter.  I dip into Facebook to see if anyone is looking for me maybe once a day.  I do post pictures on Instagram. That doesn’t seem to be much of a sewer yet, but it’s only a matter of time.   Since we last talked, which was after my virtual Boston marathon, I’ve been taking it pretty easy.  The leg seems to have gotten better.  No more swelling or lumps or lymph node swelling.  Kind of makes me feel like a fake.  I skipped my race and it turned out to be nothing.  But, that is life. I’ve been running with Ollie 3 days a week for 20ish miles, Maybe mid 20’s.  Just easy stuff.  Mostly trails.  I’m easing into core work and yoga on the other days.  On Sundays I meet my buddies and we do a long, easy bike ride.  Usually around 30 miles.  We hit someplace to eat halfway.  It’s a nice change.  I’ve got my old race bike, Fuji-san, the classic steel frame road bike that I bought to commute with 20 years ago.  It’s a real bike.  A bit heavy, but good Shimano components, clip on aero bars and enough working gears to get me where I’m going.  Usually if I’m training I might average 18 miles an hour.  On these pancake and bagel rides we tend to average 11-12 miles per hour, so that should give you a sense of the effort level! I’m going to stick with this routine until the end of the year.  There are no events, so there’s no

The RunRunLive 4.0 Podcast Episode 4-440 – Jason has an Epiphany  (Audio: link) audio:http://www.RunRunLive.com/PodcastEpisodes/epi4440.mp3] Link MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks - Intro: Hello and welcome to episode 4-440 of the RunRunLive podcast.  Yes, welcome my friends.  I know I’m a week late.  It pains me to not meet my commitments.  It’s a sign of a life lived out of control.  I’m not a control freak but I do like to engender habits.  And habits are very strong things.  Habits are the fibrous tissue of day to day life.  They are hard to tear, but once rent they are hard to put back in place.  So, apologies.  For being a week late.  My work got very time intensive and emotionally taxing for a couple weeks.  That combined with the necessary house work and everything else pushed me past, irrevocably past, the deadline.  I have taken some corrective action on this front and will talk about that more later. Today we talk with Jason.  Jason had one of those death experiences.  Not ‘near death’, no, for Jason he died, and then came back.  It’s always interesting for me to talk to people who have had these life altering events. It underscores the ability and power we all have inside of us to change, to radically change, to begin to live life before it is too late, but for some reason we don’t.  Why is that?  What is the glue of normalcy that causes us to submit our dreams of adventure to a the daily grind?  Until, one day, we shuffle off the mortal coil leaving dreams unfulfilled scattered here and there like unopened Christmas presents. In section one I’ll talk about how you can build your own ad hoc core workout routines.  In section two we’ll catch up with the old man and Bill the dog in the apocalypse.  I listen to mostly history podcasts these days.  I’ll start a history podcast and listen through until I’m caught up.  It’s usually a couple hundred episodes.  I like the continuity of it. Of being able to listen through an arc of the historical narrative.  Maybe while painting or gardening for a few hours at a time. It’s always a mixture of the bittersweet and the accomplishment when I get caught up.  Then it gets me to thinking that there might be someone out there listening to this who has just listened through the athletic arc of a dozen years of my life.  That’s odd.  If it’s you, send me an email or reach out to me on social I’d love to talk to you.  Cyktrussell at gmail dot com.  I don’t spend much time on social media anymore.  I’ve entirely given up on Twitter.  I dip into Facebook to see if anyone is looking for me maybe once a day.  I do post pictures on Instagram. That doesn’t seem to be much of a sewer yet, but it’s only a matter of time.   Since we last talked, which was after my virtual Boston marathon, I’ve been taking it pretty easy.  The leg seems to have gotten better.  No more swelling or lumps or lymph node swelling.  Kind of makes me feel like a fake.  I skipped my race and it turned out to be nothing.  But, that is life. I’ve been running with Ollie 3 days a week for 20ish miles, Maybe mid 20’s.  Just easy stuff.  Mostly trails.  I’m easing into core work and yoga on the other days.  On Sundays I meet my buddies and we do a long, easy bike ride.  Usually around 30 miles.  We hit someplace to eat halfway.  It’s a nice change.  I’ve got my old race bike, Fuji-san, the classic steel frame road bike that I bought to commute with 20 years ago.  It’s a real bike.  A bit heavy, but good Shimano components, clip on aero bars and enough working gears to get me where I’m going.  Usually if I’m training I might average 18 miles an hour.  On these pancake and bagel rides we tend to average 11-12 miles per hour, so that should give you a sense of the effort level! I’m going to stick with this routine until the end of the year.  There are no events, so there’s no

55 min