21 min

Feel Your Feelings The Optimized Mom

    • Self-Improvement

In this episode of The Optimized Mom Podcast, I chat about my own tendency to:

try to suppress my feelings (especially any "negative" ones)
to apologize for showing emotion around others
to ruminate on certain emotion-provoking situations (which makes feelings last longer than they need to)
to try to squash emotional outbursts in my kids

I'll discuss some strategies I'm using to try to handle my emotions (and those of my kids) a little more effectively.

If you'd like to read a transcript of this podcast, click here.

Click here to see Brené Brown's list of 87 Emotions.

In this episode of The Optimized Mom Podcast, I chat about my own tendency to:

try to suppress my feelings (especially any "negative" ones)
to apologize for showing emotion around others
to ruminate on certain emotion-provoking situations (which makes feelings last longer than they need to)
to try to squash emotional outbursts in my kids

I'll discuss some strategies I'm using to try to handle my emotions (and those of my kids) a little more effectively.

If you'd like to read a transcript of this podcast, click here.

Click here to see Brené Brown's list of 87 Emotions.

21 min