16 min

185. Most Listened Episode Series: Finding and Maintaining Motivation for Difficult Things Health Bite

    • Nutrition

Leave Health Bite a Feedback.Click This Link.Have you ever thought that despite knowing all the things, why is it that you don't actually do all the things? Why does knowing not necessarily translate into doing? If you've had that experience, you are not alone, but it sure can be frustrating. But don't be, because on today's episode, I'm going to discuss the barriers to taking action. and provide you with six actionable steps on how to overcome these all-too-common barriers, including re...

Leave Health Bite a Feedback.Click This Link.Have you ever thought that despite knowing all the things, why is it that you don't actually do all the things? Why does knowing not necessarily translate into doing? If you've had that experience, you are not alone, but it sure can be frustrating. But don't be, because on today's episode, I'm going to discuss the barriers to taking action. and provide you with six actionable steps on how to overcome these all-too-common barriers, including re...

16 min