13 min

Focusing on your present skills The Networker Zone

    • Entrepreneurship

Don’t have your lack of skills hold us backOn shoe case studyCrowded marketplaceNot the topNot the cheapestLook at what’s in front of usFocus on what your good atBeing uniqueWhat sets us apartWhat is uniqueBuilding your personal brandTake advice from the topBig goals, focus on the 6 month goalIncremental goalsBe constantly curiousRapport is over 80%Start or practice nowFind a leader for other tasksBe the Top 1% in Network Marketing Not everyone is prospectThe Happy Networker book Ho...

Don’t have your lack of skills hold us backOn shoe case studyCrowded marketplaceNot the topNot the cheapestLook at what’s in front of usFocus on what your good atBeing uniqueWhat sets us apartWhat is uniqueBuilding your personal brandTake advice from the topBig goals, focus on the 6 month goalIncremental goalsBe constantly curiousRapport is over 80%Start or practice nowFind a leader for other tasksBe the Top 1% in Network Marketing Not everyone is prospectThe Happy Networker book Ho...

13 min