Fourthstream - Finding Hope

Dave Nadler
Fourthstream - Finding Hope Podcast weekly podcasts are focused on non-religious, kingdom spirituality. Kingdom spirituality: a state of experiencing an authentic connection with God resulting in a satisfied mind. Insights into authentic spirituality: King first - then Kingdom - then church.

  1. S7E1 - Hope: Finding Forgiveness

    2 DAYS AGO

    S7E1 - Hope: Finding Forgiveness

    Through the years God has led us deeper into the door of forgiveness. Today we want to challenge you to your own clarity for your forgiveness home-base. It is a chance for you to give attention to meditation on what has and is and will occur in your own heart regarding a topic Jesus revisited time and time again. Consider it a systematic forgiveness A-Z course you can use to help others overcome in this very important aspect of our personal faith. Remember, Jesus said "if you do not forgive those who hurt you, neither will I forgive you." WOW. God often associates the experience of forgiveness with freedom. Have you ever held an offense for a period of time and finally been brought to a place of forgiveness? Or perhaps you have carried the impact of your own failure(s) on your shoulders and you have found Jesus' forgiveness over it. What a relief. It is a freedom within the soul where there once was a great weight, and now it has been taken away in Jesus. The hard thing here is that when we are wronged or discounted we take it VERY personally. It is tied into our identity and our pride. It is why it is so hard to let go! One of our earliest engagements on this topic is reflected in our podcast entitled CJ015: Forgiveness from Curious Journey. Curious Journey is the first of our six books and considers the forgiveness schematic found within the teachings of Jesus. Listen and meditate to what our Master says about a topic that was near and dear to His heart. We then go deeper into finding freedom through forgiveness. Jesus wants this for all of His children. Listen as Need to Breathe explains what happens to us when we forgive: I couldn't see I was the only hostage To the bitterness I can't let go Maybe now it's time to cut my losses Move on, move on, move on Oh, I can't believe how long it's lasted I can feel it coming up these bones There's a part of me that can't get past it I know, I know, I know 'Cause when you forgive someone You set yourself free Oh, when you forgive someone You set yourself free We find deep freedom for sure! Have you felt this in a personal way? Have you experienced the ravages of unforgiveness. Several years ago we visited the realities of living free through forgiveness: 012 Forgiveness: Deep Freedom We find ourselves born into a spiritual war of epic proportions, where we are given spiritual armor to protect us and serve us as we fight. Here are some conversations and teaching to help you deep dive for sure! The book review is one of the best we have read about forgiveness. Enjoy your freedom.    - Dave and Burnadette Forgiveness As A Weapon Reaching Through Forgiveness Book Review: Forgiveness

    11 min
  2. S6E13 - Book Review: Living Fearless

    SEP 10

    S6E13 - Book Review: Living Fearless

    Several months ago we encountered some podcasts by teacher and author Jamie Winship. Before we knew it tons of others from our community of friends were tuning in as well. We continued to listen and investigate and weigh his teaching (which we do with all things) and recently ended up ordering a copy of this book. It is entitled Living Fearless. We are encouraged by Jamie's view of the Kingdom, where he agrees with both Jesus and John the Baptist indicating the Kingdom was "at hand." This, of course, is because the King had shown up per the promise of the Hebrew scriptures. Do you know that the gospels only mention the word church three times but the Kingdom is spoken of over a hundred times? Jamie speaks of hearing God's voice which has become a divisive issue in the American church ever since "charismatics" and "nons" were successfully alienated from one another within the "evangelical" church group (another smooth move, evil one). While God "has spoken" through nature, the Word of God, and His Son Jesus - He has also placed His Spirit within His children so we can have Jesus disclosed to us. This appears progressive rather than one and done.  Jamie also addresses our identities, both as humans made in His image, and then as Jesus' sheep for whom He died. He and his and his wife Donna's mission appears to be teaching people to reject fear (and all things associated with it) and entrust ourselves into the hands of our King. He thinks that if we live in our God identity that we are better equipped to reject the schemes of the evil one. This book amplifies the radical nature of living free when we reject fear. Lies are often not far behind fear, and this gives way to establishing strongholds meant to subvert our obedience, hope, and effectiveness in Jesus. By defining a clear process to reclaim and hold to our true identities, we find freedom of mind and heart. Usually I highlight main quotes from a book when I review, but Living Fearless deserves to be read and weighed carefully as an asset to your spiritual life. I found it encouraging and helpful. His story contexts are very helpful for contextualizing identity conversations.  Jamie says: "How are we walking? Like victims who blame everyone, including God, and everything else for our difficulties and failures? Let's stand up in the true identity given to us by God and let the redeemed of the Lord say so! God talks to us only in our true identity and says, "rise up as my leaders in a dark and fragmented world." (page 73) Burnadette and I are thoroughly enjoying the conversations. Although I must admit that I did procure her book copy for my purposes. What does that tell you about my identity? Dave and Burnadette

    12 min
  3. S6E12 - Book Review: God's Man / God's Woman - Let's Make It Count!

    SEP 3

    S6E12 - Book Review: God's Man / God's Woman - Let's Make It Count!

    When God completed His creation of all things He said it was good. But He then added - and we quote - "it is not good for the man to be alone." And so began the male/female saga in the Word of God and in the human world. Then there was trouble. What happened in the Garden was a cosmic disaster. Now adversity would permeate every part of the human experience, and there would need to be a pathway to return to God.  Our book opens with a conversation about "Lady Wisdom" from the book of Proverbs. Check it out for yourself and decide whether or not you agree with our take on the male-female picture given in this big picture view (Proverbs 8 et al). From there we outline ten of the most expansive topics which can make for the kind of depth we are meant to experience together as men and women. What are the good questions? Leveraging the mind, heart, soul, and conscience Personal Vision: What is it that I want? Finding, cultivating, and growing solid relationships Establishing, nurturing, and guiding my home Reviewing my personal strengths and weaknesses Combatting timidity, fear, and identity issues Connecting with my spirituality Light and Darkness Putting it all together and making my life count These help make God's Man/God's Woman helpful for deeper conversation, personal meditation, Jesus discipleship, and helping others. You can purchase God's Man/God's Woman in print, kindle, or audio book at where you can find other helpful video content as well. Enjoy! Dave Nadler and Brent Harris

    12 min
  4. S6E11 - Book Review: The Turbulence of Imperfection

    AUG 27

    S6E11 - Book Review: The Turbulence of Imperfection

    Why do bad things happen to good people? What is the reason for such widespread oppression? Where does evil originate - and what is the source of good? We are born into a world filled with turbulence, and really, to a world at war. In The Turbulence of Imperfection we discuss what God explains to us about "every day having enough trouble of its own" and the revealed context for what we all too clearly face each day. Jesus was clear on this: “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) There are bigger things going on than just the story of humanity. Everything takes place in the context of the glory of our Creator. This is hard for us to swallow. We like to think everything revolves around us. It doesn't. Not that we are not significant. We are made in the image of God, after all. In all of this we "find ourselves by losing ourselves" (comparatively). Humans are very driven toward assigning blame. When things go well we want the credit. When they don't we often look for someone to blame. Including God. In Turbulence we break down the reality of imperfection and how we can face it in ways that are good for our souls. We love this Jesus quote: "He who sits on the throne said, 'Behold, I am making all things new.' And He said, 'Write, for these words are faithful and true.' ” (Revelation 21:5) Our worlds are very one dimensional. We struggle to see the unseen, which is totally understandable. This is why we have been placed in the arena of faith. Those who navigate adversity based upon how God defines Himself and our lives will always find hope. When we know God there is truly nothing or real value that can be taken from of us. Here is God's mind on turbulence: "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God. And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us." (Romans 5:1-5) These are hopeful words for turbulent times and tested souls. Dave and Burnadette Find the Turbulence Book here A good turbulence song

    15 min
  5. S6E10 - Book Review: Mentored By God

    AUG 20

    S6E10 - Book Review: Mentored By God

    Our world grows darker. Yet the true Light is shining even now. Jesus has called us friends. In John 15:14 He says "you are my friends if you do what I command you." This friendship with Jesus opens the door (I Am The DOOR) to a reconnection with our Creator Father who gives His Spirit without limit (John 3). Such connectivity is the greatest gift that can be given to any man or woman. As my understanding and insight into my own story solidified (Curious Journey) and I began to sink my roots in Jesus' Kingdom (Kingdom book), my connectivity included a rediscovery of my path to being with God. The Father of the so-called "old" testament was powerful, just, loving, yet could be very severe in His judgement (we deserve it, by the way). Jesus did not come to judge the world for we had already fallen short by our own choices (John 12:47). He came this first time to save the world and to restore our connective friendship with God (Genesis 3:8). To once again become a friend of God required only one thing from any human. "And Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness, and he was called the friend of God." (James 2:23) This is the story of the book Mentored by God. How do we find our way in a darkening world? We follow Jesus. What was Jesus' one focus when He appeared this first time? To reveal the Father to us. So the One who cannot tolerate even a speck of sin reaches out to lost us through the blood-covering of His Son. Wow. "God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world. And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become as much better than the angels, as He has inherited a more excellent name than they." (Hebrews 1:1-4) He is everything. We hope you enjoy the conversations in the book. Dave and Burnadette More on the Mentored by God conversation (post and audio or video) The book Mentored by God link

    12 min
  6. S6E9 - Book Review: Kingdom - Finding Our True Selves

    AUG 13

    S6E9 - Book Review: Kingdom - Finding Our True Selves

    As I began to sort out religion, christianity, and faith the message of the Kingdom emerged as of key interest in the teachings and examples of Jesus. He and John the Baptist both said the same thing right from the beginning: "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." Jesus mentions the church only a few times in all four Gospels but refers to the Kingdom over 100 times. As I noted this Kingdom thread I began to rethink my views on religion and church. It became apparent that Jesus was at odds with arguably the greatest religionists of world history: the Jews. So religion wasn't the answer to my spiritual quest. So I dove in to more deeply understand the reality and nature of Jesus' Kingdom: the Kingdom of Heaven. It makes sense that Matthew (the Gospel for the Jews first) would take the time to explain the Kingdom in Jesus' words and actions. This book is a step by step look at how the Kingdom unfolds in Matthew, and sets the tone for the other Gospels and letters from the apostles. It is not a complicated book but may prove to be revolutionary in how you personally sort out first King, then Kingdom, then church.  I am certainly not anti-church (I served as a pastor for over 45 years) but have come to be more "pro-Bride of Christ" rather than "pro-visible church." The visible church has and continues to do much good in the world. It has also often twisted God's words and misrepresented Jesus' Kingdom, something the God Story calls "false teaching." Consider a few points: √   The historic church (like all religions of antiquity) has twisted the words of Jesus for institutional and personal gain. √   Jesus' greatest conflict was not with Rome but with the Jewish religious leaders. They led the charge to condemn and crucify Jesus and to discredit His resurrection. √   Many of Jesus' teachings were given in Kingdom parables, all for the purpose of both veiling and explaining the Kingdom to His disciples.  √  A thorough consideration of the Kingdom contextualizes teaching about the Church, both in history and in the Word of God. Kings first - then Kingdom - then Church. This is the order of the teachings of Jesus and the apostles. As you read Kingdom: Finding Your True Self you will investigate what Jesus taught about connecting with His Father through His Kingdom. It may correct some of your church views or perspectives, and at the same time give you a greater freedom of connection. After all, "if we continue in His words we are truly disciples of His, and we shall know the truth, and the truth shall set us free." Enjoy your deeper launch into the Kingdom. And Jesus said to them, “Therefore every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a head of a household, who brings out of his treasure things new and old.” (Matthew 13:52) This is what Jesus wishes for us to become! Dave and Burnadette Here is the link to the Kingdom book - enjoy!

    10 min
  7. S6E8 - Book Review: Curious Journey

    AUG 6

    S6E8 - Book Review: Curious Journey

    I began my writing part of my story with a series of essays on my life experiences leading up to and into adulthood. This included my formative experiences, and then as I was beginning to realize the depths of being made in the image of God and what this had to do with my identity. So began a revolution that has carried me through decades, successes, and failures - both the encouraging highs as well as heart-breaking lows. By reviewing my life experiences and summarizing what I had learned to date, it occurred to me that it is important to encourage others to reflect and integrate the unique nature of each of our stories. There will only ever be one of you. While we all share in-common humanities and generally connected stories, each of us is unique - one of a kind. The amazing thing is that our Great God is connected with every soul - every story. For better and for worse we are being woven into the incredibly meaningful tapestry of time, where we ALL share opportunity to project upon the glory of our Creator. For some this will result in eternal separation. For others eternal life surrounded in the glory of God. Check this out! To date I have "written" six books, which I prefer to describe as collections of essays. These reflect on where I have come from, what I have learned and am learning, and ultimately where I am headed. Looking back I can see a fluid connection related to my spiritual journey. First I needed to begin to understand who God is in Jesus. Next it was key for me to learn about the nature of the Kingdom and its connection between my soul over and above the religious pursuits of history. As this unfolded I began to experience Jesus, know my Father better, and understand the ways of the Holy Spirit sealed within me. I needed to integrate the great question "why do bad things happen to good people?" which I investigate in the book Turbulence. Recently I have joined with a good friend to write God's Man/God's Woman - which ponders the ways we are able to make our lives count. I will cap this writing journey off next year with A Story About A King - something different than I have attempted before this. Each of these books are available in print, Kindle, and form at The order they are read is not significant - do so based upon your interest! Curious Journey: Your Story Matters Kingdom: Finding Our True Selves Mentored by God: Finding Our Way In A Darkening World Turbulence In Imperfection: Essays About Real Life God's Man/God's Woman: Making it Count A Story About A King: His Story is Our Story (2025) Each book is a great tool for you to use to engage conversation with yourself, your kids and grands, and your neighbors. Curious Journey can help you unlock and reflect upon the things you learned, and with me we can integrate our stories into the greater Story! Dave writes and Burnadette lives it with him (and proofs his writing to make him look good), Dave and Burnadette Nadler Here is a series of podcasts on each chapter of Curious Journey.

    13 min
  8. S6E7 - Book Review: The Unseen Realm

    JUL 30

    S6E7 - Book Review: The Unseen Realm

    We have processed several books over the last several years which take on different aspects of the battle in which we find ourselves. Each is included in the recommended reading list at the end of this. We have an extensive series of Warfare podcasts here. These are some interesting insights to ponder, for sure. YAHWEH & ELOHIM (Who was the Us?) Michael Heiser postulates that this plural name for God (elohim) includes more than just the Trinity when talking about "us." He ties it to principalities and powers per Paul's conversation in Ephesians 6:12 etc. YAHWEH X 2 (On Earth as it is in Heaven) Because the Father is Yahweh (I Am Who I Am) and Jesus is Yahweh (before Abraham was born I Am) he believes that Jesus was Yahweh on earth, emulating the picture found in the "copies" spoken of in Hebrews. Two persons - one God. YAHWEH’S COUNSEL OF THE GODS He presents a series of woven thread passages on page 19, and returns to these (adding many others), to establish his belief that these principalities and powers are God's divine counsel. He thinks they include multiple "gods" (supernatural beings) who were beside Yahweh when He created the earth (Job 38:7). This, of course, would have also included presumably Gabriel, Satan, and Michael, together with myriads of angels (10k x 10k is a myriad), the four living creatures, and the twenty-four elders - all making up God's "counsel." ADAM & EVE/DIVINE IMAGERS Our parents were placed in the garden of Eden to be fruitful, multiply, and subdue the earth. We were meant to bear the image of God throughout His creation, and through the second Adam (Jesus) we are being returned to Eden, which of course, will be on a new heavens and new earth, and center around the New Jerusalem. Exciting! TURBULENCE OF IMPERFECTION/HEAVENLY REBELLION Like many things we interpret, our perspective on the rebellion of the angels (sons of God), is often limited. Heiser investigates Deuteronomy, numerous Psalms, words of the prophets, and ties many passages into the story of Jesus in order to contextualize the rebellion of the evil ones (Genesis 6:1-8). His consideration of the sons of god/daughters of men, the Tower, giants in the land, and the confrontation of Jesus/Moses/Elijah with the "gods" of Mt. Hermon (Assyria and Babylon) is cosmic. ISRAEL/GOD’S PORTION God rejects all the nations (at Babel) and proceeds to choose Abraham to be the father of the Jews, His people for His own possession. In Abraham all the nations will be blessed and redeemed, for the Lord Himself will provide a sacrifice (Jesus got this). Paul gives us clarity on what constitutes a true Jew (Romans 2:28,29). WHAT THE PROPHETS SAY Heiser gives truly remarkable explanations of the original language's view of many of the topics of his book. He makes sense and amplifies many statements of the prophets, and helps bring clarity, culminating in his consideration of the prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation of Jesus.  For the person who wants to take the time to process some deeper things about the bigger picture, this book is worth a few weeks (or even months) of your reading, processing, and personal study followthrough. Dave and Burnadette Recommendations for your interest on this topic: The Unseen Realm by Michael S. Heiser  Return of the Gods by Jonathan Cahn The Adversary by Mark Bubeck Behind Enemy Lines by Charles Kraft Warfare Song "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm."  - Ephesians 6

    14 min

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9 Ratings

About weekly podcasts are focused on non-religious, kingdom spirituality. Kingdom spirituality: a state of experiencing an authentic connection with God resulting in a satisfied mind. Insights into authentic spirituality: King first - then Kingdom - then church.

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