1 hr 9 min

From Burnout to Alignment: A Journey Back to Purpose with Amanda Bucci | Ep 29 It's Not What You Think

    • Spirituality

What happens when you reach every goal ever set for yourself, yet still feel empty inside? When you “have it all” on paper, but lose connection to your true self along the way?

My soul sister Amanda Bucci shares her powerful story of success turned burnout, and how she found her way back home. After following every “should” and checking every box, she faced the difficult truth that she had lost touch with her core gifts and purpose.

The perfectionistic drive that initially brought her validation led to depletion. Her outwardly “ideal” life cloaked an inner turmoil. 

In this vulnerable conversation, Amanda walks us through her journey of reconnecting to her soul’s calling and learning to listen from the inside out, and how you can carve out your own path from burnout to alignment.


Reaching burnout and losing your connection to purpose

Facing the shadow of perfectionism and people-pleasing

Learning to heal core wounds causing self-abandonment

Finding the courage to follow your soul's desires

Tips for tuning into your intuition and inner wisdom

Owning your sensitivity as a gift instead of a flaw

Redefining success on your own terms

Remembering you have nothing to prove to anyone


I had followed every ‘should’ and checked every box but at the expense of hearing what my soul was actually here to do.
Amanda Bucci

Your sensitivity is your secret superpower.
Celinne Da Costa

Redefine what success means for you, independent of everyone else’s standards.
Amanda Bucci

Comparison is the death of joy.
Amanda Bucci

Give yourself permission to be unconditionally loved by your own soul.
Celinne Da Costa

Amanda’s courage to walk away from the “picture perfect” life in order to rediscover her purpose delivers a powerful reminder: no matter how far we  stray from our soul’s calling, we can always find our way back home through courage and faith.

May this conversation open your heart and inspire you to reconnect to your unique gifts!


Do you feel the call to build a business centered around your soul's purpose while also generating abundant income? If so, my new program Business by Soul is for you. 

Business by Soul is designed for high-achieving, purpose-driven entrepreneurs who are done with compromising meaning for money or are struggling to blend purpose and profit.

Inside, you'll learn to release limiting beliefs, connect to your essence, craft irresistible messaging for your offers, and take aligned action to create a thriving business doing what you love.

Through Business by Soul, you'll develop emotional intelligence and learn practical strategies to turn challenges into growth and create abundance from an energized place. 

My clients consistently achieve extraordinary outcomes like:

💰 Growing to multiple 6 or 7-figures  

🔝 Becoming the top leader in their niche

💸 Launching offers generating hundreds of thousands of dollars

If you're ready to fully express your potential through an impact-driven business overflowing with purpose, prosperity, and joy, secure your spot in Business by Soul today. Let's ignite change together!

> Join Business by Soul


Amanda is a business coach, conscious leadership coach, creative entrepreneur, and influencer. She helps digital entrepreneurs and creators start, grow, and scale their businesses using strategies rooted in authenticity, alignment, and transformational healing.

She's the host of the Bucci Radio Podcast [7 million+ downloads] and the founder of the Entrepreneurial Archetype Quiz™; a personality quiz for entrepreneurs to create faster, more effortless success by operating from who they are at their core.

After running 14 rounds of business and leadership group coaching programs that have collectively served over 280+ clients, she’s developed a method t

What happens when you reach every goal ever set for yourself, yet still feel empty inside? When you “have it all” on paper, but lose connection to your true self along the way?

My soul sister Amanda Bucci shares her powerful story of success turned burnout, and how she found her way back home. After following every “should” and checking every box, she faced the difficult truth that she had lost touch with her core gifts and purpose.

The perfectionistic drive that initially brought her validation led to depletion. Her outwardly “ideal” life cloaked an inner turmoil. 

In this vulnerable conversation, Amanda walks us through her journey of reconnecting to her soul’s calling and learning to listen from the inside out, and how you can carve out your own path from burnout to alignment.


Reaching burnout and losing your connection to purpose

Facing the shadow of perfectionism and people-pleasing

Learning to heal core wounds causing self-abandonment

Finding the courage to follow your soul's desires

Tips for tuning into your intuition and inner wisdom

Owning your sensitivity as a gift instead of a flaw

Redefining success on your own terms

Remembering you have nothing to prove to anyone


I had followed every ‘should’ and checked every box but at the expense of hearing what my soul was actually here to do.
Amanda Bucci

Your sensitivity is your secret superpower.
Celinne Da Costa

Redefine what success means for you, independent of everyone else’s standards.
Amanda Bucci

Comparison is the death of joy.
Amanda Bucci

Give yourself permission to be unconditionally loved by your own soul.
Celinne Da Costa

Amanda’s courage to walk away from the “picture perfect” life in order to rediscover her purpose delivers a powerful reminder: no matter how far we  stray from our soul’s calling, we can always find our way back home through courage and faith.

May this conversation open your heart and inspire you to reconnect to your unique gifts!


Do you feel the call to build a business centered around your soul's purpose while also generating abundant income? If so, my new program Business by Soul is for you. 

Business by Soul is designed for high-achieving, purpose-driven entrepreneurs who are done with compromising meaning for money or are struggling to blend purpose and profit.

Inside, you'll learn to release limiting beliefs, connect to your essence, craft irresistible messaging for your offers, and take aligned action to create a thriving business doing what you love.

Through Business by Soul, you'll develop emotional intelligence and learn practical strategies to turn challenges into growth and create abundance from an energized place. 

My clients consistently achieve extraordinary outcomes like:

💰 Growing to multiple 6 or 7-figures  

🔝 Becoming the top leader in their niche

💸 Launching offers generating hundreds of thousands of dollars

If you're ready to fully express your potential through an impact-driven business overflowing with purpose, prosperity, and joy, secure your spot in Business by Soul today. Let's ignite change together!

> Join Business by Soul


Amanda is a business coach, conscious leadership coach, creative entrepreneur, and influencer. She helps digital entrepreneurs and creators start, grow, and scale their businesses using strategies rooted in authenticity, alignment, and transformational healing.

She's the host of the Bucci Radio Podcast [7 million+ downloads] and the founder of the Entrepreneurial Archetype Quiz™; a personality quiz for entrepreneurs to create faster, more effortless success by operating from who they are at their core.

After running 14 rounds of business and leadership group coaching programs that have collectively served over 280+ clients, she’s developed a method t

1 hr 9 min