53 episodes

A collection of podcasts for people just like you, who are on the journey towards finding truth and fulfillment.

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A collection of podcasts for people just like you, who are on the journey towards finding truth and fulfillment.

    Making Our Parents Proud

    Making Our Parents Proud

    Brother Bob Pellien: What makes a good son or daughter? All of us, young and old, are children—sons and daughters—to our respective parents. It is but proper that each of us strives to give joy to our parents while they are still around to savor it. 

    You’re listening to the podcast version of God’s Message magazine, and today’s topic is “Making Our Parents Proud.”

    For every achievement, good deed, or adorable trait that a parent sees in his child, he cannot help but exclaim with all pride, “That’s my son!” or “That’s my daughter!” Joy is written all over the faces of proud fathers and mothers, as they behold the wonder that is their child.

    It’s such a great feeling to be in the shoes of a proud parent. And even greater is the feeling of a child who sees that sparkle of joy and pride in the eyes of his parents. 

    Not all children may become parents someday. But all of us, young and old, are children—sons and daughters—to our respective parents. It is but proper that each of us strives to give joy to our parents, while they are still around to savor it. 

    So, what makes a good son or daughter? Let us take into account these biblical instructions:


    Be respectful


    ‘Respect your father and mother’ is the first commandment that has a promise added: ‘so that all may go well with you, and you may live a long time in the land.’

    [Ephesians 6:2-3 Good News Bible]


    Brother Bob: One’s respect for his parents, or the lack of it, is often manifested in the way he speaks to them. It goes without saying that a man who bad mouths his father or mother and talks back boorishly at them is a disrespectful child. 

    More than speaking politely to our parents, however, let us honor them by valuing their teachings and advice , respecting their decisions, and not doing things that will cause them shame or even displease them. Being a grownup is never a valid reason for one to cut off his ties with his parents and have nothing to do with them anymore. Others may think it is old-fashioned for an adult to seek parental consent when getting married, but doing so is undeniably being polite, to say the least.  

    On the other hand, one who despises his parents is worthy of nothing but condemnation (Matthew 15:4; Revelation 21:8).


    Be obedient


    Children, it is your Christian duty to obey your parents always, for that is what pleases God.

    [Colossians 3:20 Good News Bible]

    Brother Bob: When a Christian youth obeys the good things that his father and mother tell him to do, he pleases not only his parents but also, and more importantly, the Lord God. 

    Young members of the Church Of Christ should understand that being a true Christian involves more than just being active in going to worship services regularly. It is part of their duty as Christians to obey their “parents in the Lord” (Ephesians 6:1 New King James Version) or parents who teach them God’s will. 

    So, let us not take our parents’ counsel and corrections the wrong way. Instead, let us keep in our hearts and minds God’s commandments that they pass on to us and be guided by them (Proverbs 3:3,1). In whatever you do, may it concern your studies, or dealings with other people, always make sure that you break none of God’s righteous laws and statutes. After all, to serve God and to obey His commandments is the whole duty of every human being, sons and daughters alike (Ecclesiastes 12:13). 


    • 12 min
    Facing Life’s Woes

    Facing Life’s Woes

    Brother Bob Pellien: Why is life so challenging? Why are there heartbreak, depression, and disappointments? Please know, you're not alone during these dark moments in life. God wants to help you. But, do you ask for His help? You're listening, the podcast version of God's Message magazine. And today's topic is “Facing Life's Woes.” 

    Brother Bob: Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) members or not, people experience problems in life. This fact has led some into the erroneous thinking that since members of the Church Of Christ also encounter problems, then there really is no point in joining or remaining in the Church. While it is true that even Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) members are not immune to the problems that plague this present life, it doesn't mean that there is no benefit in joining the Church. The truth is, membership in the Church Of Christ is the key to correctly deal with life's woes. And above all, end them. Through the apostles, God reminds us that we should not consider it strange if we suffer painful trials. Thus, 

    Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. 

    [1 Peter 4:12 Good News Translation]

    Brother Bob: We're reminded as such because man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward (Job 5:7). Thus, troubles in all their myriad forms are a part of life. Hence, we should not be puzzled when they come our way. Instead, the best that we can do is to brace and prepare ourselves for the troubles that we will surely experience. In preparing ourselves for the troubles in life, it is vital that we do not forget God's warning that the world will collapse and never rise again, as cited in Isaiah 24:20. 

    Brother Bob: Thus, we should consider in our preparation, the truth, that no matter what man does, this world is irreversibly headed to its destruction. This will take place on the great day of the Lord when neither their silver nor their gold will be able to save them because he will make a sudden end of all who live on the earth (Zephaniah 1:14-15, 18). 

    Therefore, man ought to prepare himself not just for the present woes, but above all the sure punishment on the Day of Judgment. No amount of money, no degree of earthly influence, and no bunch of worldly achievements can make one immune from the troubles in this life, and more so from the destruction that awaits this world. 

    Brother Bob: Clearly then, it is unwise to just prepare for the troubles in this life brought about by calamities, poverty and violence. For example, neglecting to find a way to be spared from destruction come the end of the world. Through the Bible, God tells us that there is hope. Thus,

    The time is coming when they will say to Jerusalem, “Do not be afraid, city of Zion! Do not let your hands hang limp! The LORD your God is with you; his power gives you victory. The LORD will take delight in you, and in his love he will give you new life. He will sing and be joyful over you, as joyful as people at a festival.” The LORD says, “I have ended the threat of doom and taken away your disgrace. 

    [Zephaniah 3:16-18 Good News Translation]

    Brother Bob: Zion is the last hope for mankind because it is to Zion that God promised victory and a new life. Hence, man must seek and enter Zion. Outside of Zion, there is no hope. Zion symbolically refers to the Church composed of all those registered in heaven and of the redeemed as recorded in Hebrews 12:23, Living Bible.

    • 11 min
    The Biblical Teachings About Mary

    The Biblical Teachings About Mary

    The Biblical Teachings About Mary


    Brother Felmar Serreno: There’s no arguing that Mary, the mother of the Lord Jesus, was a special woman. The Bible records her being called “blessed among women.” But does the Bible also call Mary ‘sinless,’ a ‘mediatrix’ or ‘the mother of God?’ Hello listener, and welcome back to this podcast version of God’s Message magazine. Our topic today is, “The Biblical Teachings About Mary.”


    Mary, the mother of Jesus, holds a special place in the hearts of most Catholics. Over the course of the Catholic Church’s history, she has gotten increasing attention. Mary’s role in the faith of her devotees is evident. For them, prayers to her are said especially before statues that are supposed representations of Mary, which are common in their cathedrals and chapels, and even in their homes. The teachings of the Marian devotion, long been preached and practiced by Catholics, is considered by them as “authentic doctrinal teaching.”


    But are they biblical? What does Catholic tradition teach about the Mary whom they worship? Are those beliefs in accordance with the teachings of the Bible about Mary, the mother of Jesus? 


    Before we continue, we reiterate that in conducting these discussions, it’s never the intention of the Church Of Christ to hurt anyone’s feelings or to attack anybody. Rather, these studies are motivated by our interest for the truth. And in the interest of truth, on this episode we will be comparing teachings from several Catholic books to what is written in the Bible. Here on the podcast, I’ll be mentioning the title and author of each Catholic book. For further details on each book’s publication date, imprimatur, nihil obstat and other details, we have provided that information at the end of the transcript of this episode on our website incmedia.org.


    Sinless, mediatrix, co-redeemer?


    Brother Felmar: Catholic authorities teach that Mary did not sin in her lifetime. Here’s a quote from “Glories and Virtues of Mary,” a book by a priest named James Alberione:


    “The Virgin Mary was immune from every sin. It is a dogma of faith that she was free from original sin. During her life she never fell into either mortal or venial sin. As for actual sin, the Council of Trent says that without special privileges, no one can avoid all venial sins during a lifetime; notwithstanding this, the [Catholic] Church maintains that the Blessed Virgin was exempt from any such sins.”2


    This teaching contradicts what the Bible says that all people committed sin (Romans 3:23, 5:12) and that the only One Who did not is our Lord Jesus Christ (I Peter 2:21-22). There is no biblical basis to the Catholic dogma that Mary was free and immune from sin. 


    This is also the case with Catholic authorities’ calling Mary the “mediatrix”. From this book entitled “What The Church Teaches” which was written by J.D. Conway, a Monsignor in the Catholic Church, he wrote: “We do call Mary the Mediatrix of all Graces. It is a title which stresses the intimacy of her association with her Son in that work which she brought Him into the world to accomplish: the redemption and sanctification of our souls. Some Pope someday may declare it a doctrine of the church that Mary is mediatrix, in this sense.”3


    While this may be the teaching in the Catholic Church, however, nowhere in the Bible is Mary given such a title or responsibility. Catholics also believe that devotion to Mary is necessary for salvation. Here’s another quote from “Glories and Virtues of Mary”: “The intercession of saints is most helpful; devotion to t...

    • 16 min
    Enjoying God’s Gifts

    Enjoying God’s Gifts

    Enjoying God’s Gifts


    Brother Bob Pellien: Even though stress and disappointments are part of life, there are several ways to find peace and happiness. The Bible tells us all the things that God created just for us to be happy. You’re listening to the podcast version of God’s Message Magazine. Today’s topic is “Enjoying God’s Gifts”.


    Brother Bob Pellien: Being cheerful keeps you healthy. It is a slow death to be gloomy all the time (Proverbs 17:22 Good News Bible).


    This biblical passage must serve as a reminder for the problematic and the burdened soul. It surely will not help if we bury ourselves in sorrow. In fact, doing so will only make things worse as it can harm our health and shorten our life.


    Scientific studies prove that “stress can indeed cause heart disease, certain ulcers” (Stress and Health Magazine, p. 152-155) “and cerebral stroke”, all of which can eventually lead to death. 


    So, instead of having a pessimistic view of life because of so many problems, let us cheer up and be happy. It would be helpful to recount the wonderful deeds intended for all of us by the Almighty One Who gave us this life. 


    God’s gifts to mankind


    Brother Bob: From the very beginning, God had manifested His desire to bring joy and happiness to the human beings He created. The Bible enumerates the things God created for the enjoyment of all mankind: 


    #1 Food. God created earth as man’s home and filled it with all of natures’ bounty. He designed our environment in such a way that we can find food to satisfy our hunger and thus be happy.


    #2 Work. God’s desire for man’s happiness did not end when He sent the first human couple out of paradise. He commanded man to work for his needs, thus giving him the opportunity to savor the joy of harnessing the fruits of his labor.


    Your work will provide for your needs; you will be happy and prosperous.

    [Psalm 128:2 Good News Bible]


    Brother Bob: #3 Friendship. Another way by which man can afford happiness is through the company of friends whom he can rely on to listen to him and give sound advice when needed. The Bible acknowledges that the pleasure we gain from such friendship is also in accordance with God’s plan:


    Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of one’s friend springs from his earnest counsel.

    [Proverbs 27:9 New International Version]


    Brother Bob: #4 Knowledge. God made us different from the rest of the living creatures in that we possess the ability to think rationally. When this uniqueness is served through the pursuit of knowledge, pleasure can be attained:


    You will become wise, and your knowledge will give you pleasure.

    [Proverbs 2:10 Good News Bible]


    Brother Bob: #5 Marriage. Still for happiness of the human being whom God created, He established the sacred institution called marriage:


    So be happy with your wife and find your joy with the girl you married.

    [Proverbs 5:18 Good News Bible]


    Brother Bob: God willed that a man and a woman find pleasure in each other’s company through marriage. Together they can build their own family and have children to stand by them as they grow old. So, more than just sexual satisfaction, marriage offers emotional, social, psychological, and spiritual assurance of having a family and a caring partner for life. 


    From these wonderful graces of God, we should understand that He truly longs for our happ...

    • 15 min
    More Important Than Wealth And Wisdom

    More Important Than Wealth And Wisdom

    More Important Than Wealth and Wisdom Brother Bob Pellien: Money and intelligence can take you far, but even that has limitations. If you want to unlock amazing opportunities, the Bible tells us to look to God. You’re listening to the podcast version of God’s Message Magazine, and today’s topic is: More Important Than Wealth and Wisdom. [Music ends] Brother Bob: It is true that the basic necessities of life such as food, clothing and shelter are essential to man’s survival in this world. As such, a person must devote a good amount of his time trying to earn enough money to provide these things for himself and for his family, if he has any. What is unfortunate, however, many people have come to depend only on themselves or on their loved ones for their life’s essentials. This dependence has oftentimes led to disappointments. Who, then, can man depend and count on to always be there for him to provide his every need? Who must man seek for his life and survival? The prophet Jeremiah wrote:  The Lord says, wise men should not boast of their wisdom, nor strong men of their strength, nor rich men of their wealth. If anyone wants to boast, he should boast that he knows and understands me, because my love is constant, and I do what is just and right. These are the things that please me. I, the LORD, have spoken.[Jeremiah 9:23-24 Today’s English Version] Brother Bob: Man should primarily depend on the Lord God, rather than on his own wisdom, wealth or abilities, which are all impermanent and limited. As God himself pointed out, only His love is constant, and only He can do what is right for us, which includes giving us the solutions to whatever problems we have. What further proves that man's own efforts are not enough to solve all these problems? The wise King Solomon pointed this out,  You work for something with all your wisdom, knowledge, and skill, and then you have to leave it all to someone who hasn't had to work for it. It is useless, and it isn't right! You work and worry your way through life, and what do you have to show for it? As long as you live, everything you do brings nothing but worry and heartache. Even at night your mind can't rest. It is all useless. [Ecclesiastes 2:21-23 Good News Translation]Brother Bob: Many people in this world have experienced this to be true. Many wealthy individuals, for instance, have invested a great deal of their time in acquiring education and training in order to become affluent and successful only to die and leave their riches behind to heirs, who may have had little or nothing at all to do with what they had achieved.  Moreover, a good number of rich people live very stressful lives and experience financial worries which in turn have caused not a few restless nights. Furthermore, man's knowledge has failed to discover solutions to the biggest problems facing society. For instance, in spite of the tremendous increase of man's understanding in various fields, the problems of widespread poverty, unemployment, and a general lack of peace still prevail in many places in the world. Man's wisdom has not even found a cure for the common cold, much less a way to prevent a person from eventually succumbing to death.  Why is this life filled with so many uncertainties in the first place? Why has this world become such an imperfect one, and beset with troubles and confusions? God Himself proclaimed: Listen, earth! As punishment for all their schemes I am bringing ruin on these people, because they have rejected my teaching and have not obeyed my words.[Jeremiah 6:19 Good News Translation] Brother Bob: People have only themselves to blame for the misfortunes that have befallen this world....

    • 11 min
    Numbers Don’t Make A Religion True

    Numbers Don’t Make A Religion True

    Numbers Don’t Make A Religion True Brother Felmar Serreno: A common appeal in advertising and politics, the fallacy called argumentum ad populum (argument to the people) argues that something must be true and acceptable because many or most people believe or like it. But does a religion’s being composed of the majority translate to its being true and of God? If many believe so, is it necessarily so? You’re listening to the podcast version of God’s Message magazine, where our topic today is “Numbers Don’t Make A Religion True.” Even in choosing a religion, this “appeal to popularity” seems to deceptively work as many feel guilty if they go against the majority, but feel confident and secured by joining forces with large numbers of other so-called “believers.” This is precisely the reason some refuse to join the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) knowing that it is not the religion of the majority. “If indeed there is only one true religion,” they say, “it could not be the Iglesia Ni Cristo because its members are comparatively few.” Fallacious indeed Brother Felmar Serreno: The truth of a belief does not depend on the preponderance in number of people who hold it. No rule of thought grants infallibility to the majority. In fact, numerous people have been wrong about many things: that our planet is flat and motionless, that the Earth is the center of the universe, and that the Sun and other planets revolve around it, to name a few.  Even in Ethics, the fact that the majority of people support a certain act, say divorce, does not prove that it is morally right. Correct reasoning clearly states that a belief’s widespread acceptance is not counted as its binding justification.  Biblical proofs Brother Felmar Serreno: The Bible disproves the assumption that the religion where a great number of people belong is necessarily of God. The Holy Book recorded that during the time of Noah, the whole of mankind, except just for eight persons, was annihilated by the great deluge (II Peter 2:5). Noah’s ark, which was purposely designed by God for man’s salvation, was ignored nonetheless by the huge majority of Noah’s time. Relatedly, Sodom and Gomorrah were leveled to the ground by fire and brimstone and only Lot and his two daughters were saved (Genesis 19:16, 29; II Peter 2:6-7).  Also refuting the belief that predominance in terms of membership makes a particular religion true is the universality of Satan’s deception (Revelation 12:9). Those who will be condemned to eternal punishment, according to the Bible, are “as numerous as the sands of the sea” (Revelation 20:8 New Revised Standard Version).  The determinant Brother Felmar Serreno: The true Church—God’s chosen people in the Christian era—does not need to be composed of the majority for it to be saved on the last day. Of ancient Israel, which was the first nation of God, the Bible says:  The LORD did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any other people, for you were the least of all peoples. [Deuteronomy 7:7 New King James Version] Brother Felmar Serreno: There were millions of people who lived during biblical times, but only a few were chosen or elected according to God’s will. The right to serve God and to attain salvation, therefore, is not determined by the size of a religious organization, but by election or the setting apart by our Lord God (Psalm 4:3). About those elected by God in the Christian era, the Bible pronounces: But God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us. Therefore, since we are now justified (acquitted, made righteous, and brought into right relationship with God) by Christ’s blood, how much more [certain is it that] we shall be saved by ...

    • 6 min

Customer Reviews

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Chanamo ,


I felt so much comfort listening to the voice of Brother Bob in these podcasts, but even more so in the humbling content it provides! I miss worshipping in a chapel and it’s easy to lose track of what’s important being cooped up at home all the time. Here, I’m able to have that familiar sense of closeness to God as I go about my day, anywhere I go.

CuriousArr ,

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