22 min

122. #HealthBiteintheNews: Erythritol, How Diet Can Save Your Heart and Tips on When to Shop Organic Health Bite

    • Nutrition

Leave Health Bite a Feedback.Click This Link.How do we effectively take care of our heart and our health so we can reduce our risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, or worse—death?As we end this month’s podcast lineup, we’re back with yet another series of Health Bite in the News. And in this week’s episode, we’re going to be talking about news that concerns our heart’s health.Heart disease is so preventable, if and only if we’ll take better care of ourselves. So join me today as we disc...

Leave Health Bite a Feedback.Click This Link.How do we effectively take care of our heart and our health so we can reduce our risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, or worse—death?As we end this month’s podcast lineup, we’re back with yet another series of Health Bite in the News. And in this week’s episode, we’re going to be talking about news that concerns our heart’s health.Heart disease is so preventable, if and only if we’ll take better care of ourselves. So join me today as we disc...

22 min