29 min

The Hopecast-Episode 28-Could you survive this? Marriage after betrayal-Part 1 The Hopecast with Rachael Flick

    • Christianity

30 years into a marriage that Kirsten thought was "ideal," her husband Dave revealed he was addicted to pornography. Kirsten was devastated and felt the walls of their life crumbling around her. As an employee of Christian ministry, Dave's job was in jeopardy, in addition to to their reputation and Kirsten's dreams of sailing into the sunset as empty nesters. Listen to Kirsten's journey walking through the restoration of her marriage and her discovery of her own hidden struggle with...

30 years into a marriage that Kirsten thought was "ideal," her husband Dave revealed he was addicted to pornography. Kirsten was devastated and felt the walls of their life crumbling around her. As an employee of Christian ministry, Dave's job was in jeopardy, in addition to to their reputation and Kirsten's dreams of sailing into the sunset as empty nesters. Listen to Kirsten's journey walking through the restoration of her marriage and her discovery of her own hidden struggle with...

29 min