23 min

How to Get Work This Hail Season The Independent Adjuster Podcast (IA Path)

    • Careers

We are quickly approaching hail season so today I’m going to talk to you about the independent adjusting companies you should be onboarding with, so you have a shot at getting work this hail season.While hailstorms don’t grab the mainstream headlines like a major hurricane, independent adjusters and auto damage appraisers often get more work opportunities from hailstorms, more consistently, than hurricanes.To get that work you’ve got to be on the right rosters. Not all rosters are create...

We are quickly approaching hail season so today I’m going to talk to you about the independent adjusting companies you should be onboarding with, so you have a shot at getting work this hail season.While hailstorms don’t grab the mainstream headlines like a major hurricane, independent adjusters and auto damage appraisers often get more work opportunities from hailstorms, more consistently, than hurricanes.To get that work you’ve got to be on the right rosters. Not all rosters are create...

23 min