36 min

How to Really Feel Better in Your Body Featuring Amy Carlson, RD Compared to Who? Body Image for Christian Women

    • Christianity

"But I feel better on a plan!" This is a sentiment Heather's heard many times and even said herself. But, today, she talks with a dietitian and eating disorder expert, Amy Carlson about what's underneath that feeling of needing a food plan to feel like we're doing "okay" in our bodies. Amy and Heather unpack why we feel guilty or like we're doing something "wrong" when we aren't following a plan.
They talk about who and how we decide to follow certain diets or adopt certain food rules. They also talk about how many women hold tightly to the belief that they will feel better, more loved, less rejected, and more once they are in a smaller body. Yet, how many women who have found food freedom can say with certainty that being thinner never gave them those feelings of security they thought it would.
There's so much good stuff in today's episode. If you're the type of person who has always felt better when following a plan or if you're just longing to feel better in your body and aren't even sure if it's possible, today's episode will inspire and encourage you!
Connect with Amy Carlsonthrough https://www.hellowpeacewithfood.com or check out the Peace With Food App 
Connect with Compared to Who?, take the body image 5-Day Email Challenge, and get on our friends' list here: https://www.comparedtowho.me
Start reading Heather's latest book, The Burden of Better, by downloading the first two chapters free here: Burden of Better Book for Christian Women on Comparison or at https://comparedtowho.me/burden-of-better-book-for-christian-women-on-comparison/
Interested in coaching: visit the coaching tab at www.comparedtowho.me to find out more or to schedule a free, 10-minute call to see if coaching is right for you!
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

"But I feel better on a plan!" This is a sentiment Heather's heard many times and even said herself. But, today, she talks with a dietitian and eating disorder expert, Amy Carlson about what's underneath that feeling of needing a food plan to feel like we're doing "okay" in our bodies. Amy and Heather unpack why we feel guilty or like we're doing something "wrong" when we aren't following a plan.
They talk about who and how we decide to follow certain diets or adopt certain food rules. They also talk about how many women hold tightly to the belief that they will feel better, more loved, less rejected, and more once they are in a smaller body. Yet, how many women who have found food freedom can say with certainty that being thinner never gave them those feelings of security they thought it would.
There's so much good stuff in today's episode. If you're the type of person who has always felt better when following a plan or if you're just longing to feel better in your body and aren't even sure if it's possible, today's episode will inspire and encourage you!
Connect with Amy Carlsonthrough https://www.hellowpeacewithfood.com or check out the Peace With Food App 
Connect with Compared to Who?, take the body image 5-Day Email Challenge, and get on our friends' list here: https://www.comparedtowho.me
Start reading Heather's latest book, The Burden of Better, by downloading the first two chapters free here: Burden of Better Book for Christian Women on Comparison or at https://comparedtowho.me/burden-of-better-book-for-christian-women-on-comparison/
Interested in coaching: visit the coaching tab at www.comparedtowho.me to find out more or to schedule a free, 10-minute call to see if coaching is right for you!
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

36 min