428 episodes

**The Go-to Podcast for Christian women who want to improve their body image and stop comparing themselves to others!**
Are you a Christian woman who is tired of the same old answers to your body image and comparison struggles? 
Have you "tried everything," yet still feel like your body isn't enough or should be better? 
Do you know that "God looks at the heart" or "You're fearfully and wonderfully made" yet STILL feel like maybe God should have made your body better?
Bonus: Have you ever prayed for God to zap you skinny? ;) (Your secret is safe here.)

If you answered yes to any of the above, then Compared to Who? A Biblical Approach to Body Image Issues is the show for you!

Twice a week, we tackle tough topics like feeling out of control with food, body shame, disordered eating, weight loss, aging, dieting, body dysmorphia, body hatred, and more from a practical, grace-filled, biblical, and gospel-centered perspective.

I'm Heather Creekmore, author of several books (including a forthcoming body image workbook), speaker, and Christian body image coach. Our approach to body image issues is relatable, authentic, and truth-driven. We hope every episode is filled with grace and hope for your personal struggle. I spent decades battling the scale and the mirror. But, now I help women get free from body image issues so they can stop comparing and start living. Listen to laugh about all the common ways we struggle and find encouragement for our journey.

Find out more about Heather Creekmore and the ministry of Compared to Who? or to get Christian body image coaching, visit: https://www.comparedtowho.me

Want to join our podcast community on Facebook? Visit the group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/764271297116024

Compared to Who? Body Image for Christian Women LifeAudio

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 4.8 • 227 Ratings

**The Go-to Podcast for Christian women who want to improve their body image and stop comparing themselves to others!**
Are you a Christian woman who is tired of the same old answers to your body image and comparison struggles? 
Have you "tried everything," yet still feel like your body isn't enough or should be better? 
Do you know that "God looks at the heart" or "You're fearfully and wonderfully made" yet STILL feel like maybe God should have made your body better?
Bonus: Have you ever prayed for God to zap you skinny? ;) (Your secret is safe here.)

If you answered yes to any of the above, then Compared to Who? A Biblical Approach to Body Image Issues is the show for you!

Twice a week, we tackle tough topics like feeling out of control with food, body shame, disordered eating, weight loss, aging, dieting, body dysmorphia, body hatred, and more from a practical, grace-filled, biblical, and gospel-centered perspective.

I'm Heather Creekmore, author of several books (including a forthcoming body image workbook), speaker, and Christian body image coach. Our approach to body image issues is relatable, authentic, and truth-driven. We hope every episode is filled with grace and hope for your personal struggle. I spent decades battling the scale and the mirror. But, now I help women get free from body image issues so they can stop comparing and start living. Listen to laugh about all the common ways we struggle and find encouragement for our journey.

Find out more about Heather Creekmore and the ministry of Compared to Who? or to get Christian body image coaching, visit: https://www.comparedtowho.me

Want to join our podcast community on Facebook? Visit the group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/764271297116024

    3 Ways to Find Rest in Your Body Image or Eating Disorder Recovery Journey

    3 Ways to Find Rest in Your Body Image or Eating Disorder Recovery Journey

    In Matthew 11:28 Jesus promises us rest. But, how many of the ways that we seek rest are tied to striving, religious rituals, or promises made to us by marketers selling us something that promises to change our bodies. Heather hopes this episode will help you internalize the truth of the Gospel and how this can give you rest that far surpasses reaching a goal weight or having an ideal body. Heather digs into all the reasons why we have a hard time finding rest in these issues or in our recovery journey and how we can preach the Gospel to ourselves to find the rest the Bible promises.
    There are three things we need to "get" before we can find the rest the Bible promises:
    1) We need to get grace. Most of us don't understand how grace touches us every single day and is so much more than just our assurance of salvation for eternity. But, grace can help us defeat comparison, envy, and find rest in our body image and food issues.
    2) We need to get to know God. There are two big components to getting to know God: worshipping him and understanding our identity is completely formed by knowing our relationship with Him and who he is.
    3) We need to get a long view. We're reminded to think about our future--take care of your body so that you will be able to care for your grandchildren or be mobile in your senior years. There's nothing wrong with this advice, but what we really need to do is think in light of eternity. If we're only making decisions in light of what we'll be like when we're 80 or 100, we've missed out on the purpose of our lives and what God created us to do that will last for eternity. 
    Heather uses the illustration of life as a sort of maze where there are lots of corners and path options that look like they'll lead to rest, but really they are dead ends. We see light coming from their corridors and think "Yay, that's my way to freedom." But, instead we just find ourselves trapped. Instead of making Jesus our co-pilot on our journey through life, we need to actually follow and trust him through the maze. This is our only way to true rest.
    Today Heather explores each of these concepts and how they can encourage and inform you as you deal with body image or eating disorder recovery and issues. Heather uses scriptures from Matthew and the parable of the talents to help you better understand God's desire to grant you rest.
    Learn more about Compared to Who? and Heather's Christian books on body image and comparison, Christian body image coaching, other recommended podcast episodes, and more, go to: https://www.improvebodyimage.com
    Are you connected with us by email yet? Be a part of Heather's email list and you'll get messages weekly that encourage you and recommend top podcast episodes so you can stay encouraged while this show is on a two month hiatus. Learn more here: https://www.improvebodyimage.com
    Have you read the 40-Day Body Image Workbook? A new session of the 40 Day workbook journey will begin in August. Learn more here: https://www.improvebodyimage.com/40-day-challenge
    Follow Compared to Who? on Pinterest, Facebook, or Instagram and join our private Facebook community here.
    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

    • 53 min
    What Does the Bible Speak to Aging and Body Image?

    What Does the Bible Speak to Aging and Body Image?

    Today Heather talks with author Stacy Reaoch about body image, aging, and what the Bible really says about these topics. They talk about aging and how scripture gives us an "upside down" perspective on aging. Heather and Stacy also talk about how priorities and the realities of life change as we age. They confess the concern they've both felt over changing bodies and wondering how to navigate the challenges of aging.
    How do we rest in the pursuit of inner beauty instead of being obsessed with pursuing outer beauty? They discuss how our ultimate mission is so much more than changing how we look but in cultivating the fruits of the spirit and trying to look more like Jesus. Are we working to look good in your coffin? Or are we investing in the attributes that last? 
    Learn more about Stacy's book, "Beautiful Freedom: How the Bible Shapes Your View of Appearance, Food, and Fitness." (Amazon affiliate link)
    Learn more about Heather's books, coaching, and resources here: https://www.improvebodyimage.com
    Check out Heather's 40-Day Body Image Workbook -- Read it like a regular book on body image issues or work through it and process your issues in a whole new way: https://amzn.to/4bEOq6b
    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

    • 30 min
    I've Messed Up My Body: How Do I Move Forward?

    I've Messed Up My Body: How Do I Move Forward?

    Today Heather talks to her friend, neuropsychologist and author, Dr. Michelle Bengtson about how we can move forward after we feel like we've done things (or had things done to us) that have caused hurt or damage to our bodies. With grace and compassion, Heather and Michelle talk about how God wants to use our scars for our good and His glory. Dr. Michelle offers tangible and practical ways to move forward in grace and healing, including the recommendation that you find someone to walk with you who has had a similar journey and can understand both your wounds and scars. They talk about the realities that some things we have done to our bodies -- via eating disorders or an unhealthy relationship with food -- may have left a visible mark, but God is not upset by or afraid to use that.
    Heather and Michelle explore how to get past the shame, how to get past the condemnation, and how to let God turn those scars into something beautiful. 
    Learn more about Dr. Michelle Bengtson's brand new book, Sacred Scars: Resting in God's Promise That Your Past is Not Wasted. (Amazon affiliate link)
    Learn more about Heather's book, the 40-Day Body Image Workbook.
    Learn more about Dr. Michelle Bengtson and all of her books here: https://www.drmichelleb.com
    Heather's other episodes featuring Dr. Michelle Bengtson include:
    Finding Hope in Pain and Suffering: https://omny.fm/shows/compared-to-who/finding-hope-in-suffering-pain-featuring-dr-michel
    Identity, Depression, and Anxiety: https://omny.fm/shows/compared-to-who/identity-depression-anxiety-how-to-find-freedom-wi
    OCD, Narcissism, Eating Disorders, and Body Image: https://omny.fm/shows/compared-to-who/ocd-narcissism-eating-disorders-body-image
    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

    • 44 min
    I Ruined My Body: How Do I Believe My Body is Good When I Messed It Up?

    I Ruined My Body: How Do I Believe My Body is Good When I Messed It Up?

    What do I do if I feel bad about having ruined my body? How do I believe my body is good even though I feel responsible for having messed it up? Isn't God mad at me because He gave me a good body and then I messed it up by the way I ate (or didn't eat) and exercised (or didn't exercise)? Today, Heather explores the reality that our bodies are made differently and some bodies are more susceptible to issues and disease than others. But, the real answer for this struggle is a theological answer. What do we believe about sin and the consequences of sin? What do we believe about repentance and forgiveness? What do we believe about making bad choices and how God handles that? 
    The questions under the question is: Has my sin ruined my life? Have my choices changed my life in such a way that I'm no longer able to live the life God planned for me? Can God still use me even though I feel like I've made bad decisions?
    Heather explains how often the sins that we believe we are guilty of around our bodies are not what we think they are. And, how the real sins of pride, envy, lust of the flesh, greed, idolatry are what was under and driving those decisions to eat or exercise in a certain way. So-called food "sins" are often not about the food at all.
    Heather also digs into the concept of guilt, worldly remorse, and true repentance. Taking inspiration from Tim Keller's sermon, The Problem With Guilt , Heather explains how these concepts can help us get out of that place where we feel stuck feeling guilty for the ways we've inappropriately cared for (or neglected) our bodies.
    This topic is nuanced and tricky, but hopefully the truth of scripture about how God is still good and still has a good plan for your life, no matter how you feel you've "messed things up," will encourage you.
    Learn more about Compared to Who? at https://www.improvebodyimage.com
    Learn more about the 40-Day Body Image Workbook: https://www.improvebodyimage.com/40-Day-Body-Image-Workbook-Christian
    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

    • 40 min
    Stop Comparing Yourself to Others (For Teens and Women of All Ages)

    Stop Comparing Yourself to Others (For Teens and Women of All Ages)

    Today Heather talks with Shannon Popkin and Lee Neinhuis, authors of a new book about comparison for teen girls, about how women of all ages are tempted to compare themselves to others. The trio discusses the challenge of finding identity in Christ. The struggle to figure out how God made you and what he made unique about you while wanting to fit in and not be "different" from everyone else. Lee and Shannon offer beautiful stories and illustrations that will encourage you and equip you to encourage a teen in your life who may struggle with comparison. 
    Do you struggle with comparison? Does a teen in your life seem to always be comparing herself to others? Do you wonder how to effectively encourage teens not to compare themselves to others and to learn confidence in Christ? Then this episode is for you!
    Learn more about Shannon and Lee and their brand new book, Comparison-Girl for Teens here: https://leenienhuis.com/comparison-girl-for-teens/
    Buy a copy of the book here (amazon affiliate link) https://amzn.to/4bTXyDN
    Connect with Compared to Who? or learn more about the 40-Day Body Image Workbook here: https://www.improvebodyimage.com
    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

    • 37 min
    How to Stop Feeling Shame About Your Body: Does Oprah's Solution Work?

    How to Stop Feeling Shame About Your Body: Does Oprah's Solution Work?

    Body shame is real. We've all experienced it, but what do we do about it? Earlier in May, Oprah Winfrey hosted a three-hour-long forum with body love experts, actresses, and influencers to start a conversation about bodies, weight, and how we can start changing the narrative. Titled, "Making the Shift" and hosted by WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers), the conversation had several meaningful moments where women from all over the country shared the hurt, shame, and confusion they'd felt about their body image. In today's episode, Heather digs into what happened in the Oprah conversation. She explores how the one piece missing from these eloquent conversations is the key unlocking body shame. If you've been struggling with your body size or shape, and are looking for a fresh answer that's meatier than telling yourself positive affirmations in the mirror, this conversation will be a great encouragement to you. 
    There are real answers out there for your body image struggles -- and the good news is they don't require Jedi mind tricks or "naked jump roping in front of the mirror" (yes, that was from the Oprah special!!!).
    Learn more about Heather Creekmore, Compared to Who? and how to improve your body image and find freedom from body shame here: https://www.improvebodyimage.com
    Want to join Heather and a group of amazing women in reading Heather's new 40-Day Body Image Workbook? The groups started this Tuesday but it's not too late to join! Learn more here: https://www.improvebodyimage.com/40-day-challenge
    Listen to Tim Keller preach on identity here. 
    Watch Oprah's "Making the Shift" special on YouTube. 
    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

    • 45 min

Customer Reviews

4.8 out of 5
227 Ratings

227 Ratings


This Podcast Saved my Life!

I found Heathers Podcast one night as I was in despair over a 42 year long eating disorder. Compared to Who was my first step into body image freedom and recovery. This is a must podcast for anyone struggling with body image issues. I praise God that He is using Heather as His servant to spread the truth surrounding body image! Heathers 40-day Body Image Workbook is a great tool too along with her 40-Day Challenge.

Smiles always 1235 ,

Authentic, Real and Life Saving!

Heather and her guests speak from the heart and are truly authentic and real! Biblically based and completely life applicable. I am so grateful I came across this show, I back listened to every episode Atleast once in the past 3 months. Many episodes I have listened to several times. This show has given me hope for the first time that I can truly break free and recover completely from body image issues and a 40+ year eating disorder. I am so grateful for Heather and guests for speaking the truth of God over the lies of Satan. Thank you Heather and all your podcast guests. I will be forever grateful!

Luvs2sing ,

Love these podcasts!

I can’t say enough about how Heather has helped me move forward in my journey to Body Image freedom. She does a fantastic job supporting her messages with scripture and God’s perspective with regard to our bodies. Every podcast is packed with great information and her guests are so helpful with many topics like intuitive eating and sharing their expertise with the listeners. So go listen! You can stop comparing and start living now!

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