31 min

Greg Miller - Socially Responsible Automation: Implementing a People First Strategy for Social Equity HR Data Labs podcast

    • Management

Summary:Greg Miller’s career has been focused on one of his greatest passions—tackling significant socioeconomic challenges like the digital skills gap. After starting his career at Oracle, Greg worked in senior leadership roles at leading tech companies such as PeopleSoft and, most recently, SAP where he was Chief Operating Officer. After his tenure at SAP, he raised social venture capital to enable youth STEM innovation and grow the next generation of digital skills in Australia. In 20...

Summary:Greg Miller’s career has been focused on one of his greatest passions—tackling significant socioeconomic challenges like the digital skills gap. After starting his career at Oracle, Greg worked in senior leadership roles at leading tech companies such as PeopleSoft and, most recently, SAP where he was Chief Operating Officer. After his tenure at SAP, he raised social venture capital to enable youth STEM innovation and grow the next generation of digital skills in Australia. In 20...

31 min