4 min

Hungry / angry Spot the Difference – Angličtina Youradio Talk

    • Language Learning

At a restaurant: Hosté čekají dvacet minut na objednávku. Když konečně číšník přijde, plete si dvě slova: What two words does he confuse? MAN: Oh waiter -.waiter!! WOMAN: (FUMING) Oh, the service here is terrible. We have been sitting here for 20 minutes. Where is the waiter?!! MAN: Waiter! Oh, here he comes. WAITER: Hello! Are you ready to order? WOMAN: (FED UP) Oh!!! WAITER: What's the matter Madam? MAN: She's angry. WAITER: LAUGH Well, she's come to the right place. Most people who come to this restaurant are hungry. MAN: No, that's not what I said. WAITER: (STILL ENJOYING HIS JOKE - HOOTS) MAN: Oh never mind. Host vrchnímu oznamuje, že jeho společnice je rozčilená: she's angry. Vrchní místo toho slyší: she's hungry a zažertuje, že ho to nepřekvapuje, protože jinak by asi nebyla v restauraci. WAITER: What would you like madam WOMAN: Mmmm, I'd like something quite filling. I'm hungry. WAITER: I'm sorry madam. What did I say? Don't be angry. WOMAN: What? I didn't say I was angry. I said I was - oh never mind.

At a restaurant: Hosté čekají dvacet minut na objednávku. Když konečně číšník přijde, plete si dvě slova: What two words does he confuse? MAN: Oh waiter -.waiter!! WOMAN: (FUMING) Oh, the service here is terrible. We have been sitting here for 20 minutes. Where is the waiter?!! MAN: Waiter! Oh, here he comes. WAITER: Hello! Are you ready to order? WOMAN: (FED UP) Oh!!! WAITER: What's the matter Madam? MAN: She's angry. WAITER: LAUGH Well, she's come to the right place. Most people who come to this restaurant are hungry. MAN: No, that's not what I said. WAITER: (STILL ENJOYING HIS JOKE - HOOTS) MAN: Oh never mind. Host vrchnímu oznamuje, že jeho společnice je rozčilená: she's angry. Vrchní místo toho slyší: she's hungry a zažertuje, že ho to nepřekvapuje, protože jinak by asi nebyla v restauraci. WAITER: What would you like madam WOMAN: Mmmm, I'd like something quite filling. I'm hungry. WAITER: I'm sorry madam. What did I say? Don't be angry. WOMAN: What? I didn't say I was angry. I said I was - oh never mind.

4 min