40 min

Ideas, Events, and Behaviors | Ruud Janssen | 390 Leveraging Thought Leadership

    • Marketing

How can you tell — in an instant — whether an in-person event will be a success or failure? Are there key items that can predict an event's outcome?
In-person events are returning, and with them, questions of their utility and ability to really change the behaviors of those who attend. How can a thought leadership practitioner speak about their insights on stage in a way that brings about lasting and sustainable change?
In order to better understand the challenges and pitfalls of organizing an event, we’ve invited Ruud Janssen, the Managing Director and Co-Founder of The Event Design Collective to join us. The Event Design Collective is a group of event designers who train and consult with event owners to elevate events using the Event Canvas model. As the co-creator of The Design Canvas, Ruud shares how they altered Alexander Osterwalder's Business Model Canvas to suit the event space, creating a model that any event owner could use under the creative commons license.
Taking an idea and making it shine on stage isn’t as simple as it sounds. Ruud helps us grasp the key elements that events need to create value through behavior change. While many concentrate heavily on the look or feel of an event, smart show-runners know that the real selling point is an event's outcome — and how it shapes ideas and habits for those who attend.
The most successful events begin by taking notice of the event stakeholders; who they are, what they want from the event, and how they hope it will unfold. Ruud explains why we need to keep in mind those critical elements, and how to both manage expectations and surpass them. He also shares his thoughts on articulating thought leadership on stage, and what we can do to create behavior change from entry to exit.
In addition, we learn how his business grew from offering a better understanding of The Design Canvas, to the creation of the Event Design Certificate program, and the creation of the  Event Design Handbook — all to help empower event organizers to create amazing, impactful gatherings.
If you want to learn more about The Event Canvas, you can get it free along with the first 100 pages of the Event Design Handbook HERE.
Three Key Takeaways:
Thought Leadership isn’t just about insights. It needs to shape those insights and focus them in ways that deliver behavior change. Thought Leaders should spend at least 1% of their total attendance time thinking about the event they are hosting, and how to best reach attending stakeholders. You don’t have to have a Hollywood budget for a Thought Leadership event! The production quality simply needs to elevate the conversation taking place.

How can you tell — in an instant — whether an in-person event will be a success or failure? Are there key items that can predict an event's outcome?
In-person events are returning, and with them, questions of their utility and ability to really change the behaviors of those who attend. How can a thought leadership practitioner speak about their insights on stage in a way that brings about lasting and sustainable change?
In order to better understand the challenges and pitfalls of organizing an event, we’ve invited Ruud Janssen, the Managing Director and Co-Founder of The Event Design Collective to join us. The Event Design Collective is a group of event designers who train and consult with event owners to elevate events using the Event Canvas model. As the co-creator of The Design Canvas, Ruud shares how they altered Alexander Osterwalder's Business Model Canvas to suit the event space, creating a model that any event owner could use under the creative commons license.
Taking an idea and making it shine on stage isn’t as simple as it sounds. Ruud helps us grasp the key elements that events need to create value through behavior change. While many concentrate heavily on the look or feel of an event, smart show-runners know that the real selling point is an event's outcome — and how it shapes ideas and habits for those who attend.
The most successful events begin by taking notice of the event stakeholders; who they are, what they want from the event, and how they hope it will unfold. Ruud explains why we need to keep in mind those critical elements, and how to both manage expectations and surpass them. He also shares his thoughts on articulating thought leadership on stage, and what we can do to create behavior change from entry to exit.
In addition, we learn how his business grew from offering a better understanding of The Design Canvas, to the creation of the Event Design Certificate program, and the creation of the  Event Design Handbook — all to help empower event organizers to create amazing, impactful gatherings.
If you want to learn more about The Event Canvas, you can get it free along with the first 100 pages of the Event Design Handbook HERE.
Three Key Takeaways:
Thought Leadership isn’t just about insights. It needs to shape those insights and focus them in ways that deliver behavior change. Thought Leaders should spend at least 1% of their total attendance time thinking about the event they are hosting, and how to best reach attending stakeholders. You don’t have to have a Hollywood budget for a Thought Leadership event! The production quality simply needs to elevate the conversation taking place.

40 min