43 min

Columbia Professor Emeritus, Robert Carter, The Lies Leaders Tell Themselves Imperfect Leaders

    • Careers

Ever wonder why an astounding 95% of CEOs in Corporate America are white males? 

Why do so few black people - and other minorities - make it to the corner office? Most companies talk a good game about building a robust and diverse leadership pipeline. Organizations claim to create cultures that inspire and enable people to reach their full potential. The best ideas win. Everyone has equal opportunity. Executives gain power through hard work and intellect. The best people will rise to the top. 

But these are just the lies we tell ourselves, according to Dr. Robert Carter, the country’s most renowned expert on these topics - an acclaimed author and distinguished professor emeritus of psychology at Columbia University

It makes us feel good. It makes us feel worthy. But there are deeper, psychological forces and invisible barriers at play. And even though we can’t see these barriers with the naked eye, they exist, and they are causing real harm and economic pain. 

Agree or not, Professor Carter shines an interesting perspective on this complex topic, and helps us understand the root, psychological causes and structural barriers to achieving progress. 

Perhaps we should take his advice seriously. Until we do the hard work necessary to become more self aware and empathic, we won’t be able to capitalize on the economic benefits of diversity and inclusion.

Click on www.imperfectleaders.com for free weekly episodes delivered to your inbox and the opportunity to join live discussions with top leaders.

Ever wonder why an astounding 95% of CEOs in Corporate America are white males? 

Why do so few black people - and other minorities - make it to the corner office? Most companies talk a good game about building a robust and diverse leadership pipeline. Organizations claim to create cultures that inspire and enable people to reach their full potential. The best ideas win. Everyone has equal opportunity. Executives gain power through hard work and intellect. The best people will rise to the top. 

But these are just the lies we tell ourselves, according to Dr. Robert Carter, the country’s most renowned expert on these topics - an acclaimed author and distinguished professor emeritus of psychology at Columbia University

It makes us feel good. It makes us feel worthy. But there are deeper, psychological forces and invisible barriers at play. And even though we can’t see these barriers with the naked eye, they exist, and they are causing real harm and economic pain. 

Agree or not, Professor Carter shines an interesting perspective on this complex topic, and helps us understand the root, psychological causes and structural barriers to achieving progress. 

Perhaps we should take his advice seriously. Until we do the hard work necessary to become more self aware and empathic, we won’t be able to capitalize on the economic benefits of diversity and inclusion.

Click on www.imperfectleaders.com for free weekly episodes delivered to your inbox and the opportunity to join live discussions with top leaders.

43 min